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Online Bachelor Programs

It is an accepted fact that people who have at least a Bachelor degree earn better and have more secure jobs than people with just high school diplomas. Many have also noticed that people who have attended college tend to be more cultured, more liberal and more tolerant towards different groups. Also, since they specialize in their fields, graduates can start their field at a better position than is possible for a high school graduate. Because of their college-learnt skills, college graduates also move up the corporate ladder more swiftly in comparison.

While it is traditionally perceived that students have to leave home to attend university for their Bachelor degree, it is now possible to earn a Bachelor degree from the comfort of your home by enrolling in an online program. The number of people enrolling in online Bachelor degree programs has been increasing steadily for the past few years because of its convenience and flexibility.

Which Bachelor Degree Programs Can I Pursue Online?

Online Bachelor degrees are available in almost all disciplines ranging from healthcare to education to business administration. Just like regular college, you can choose from a variety of subjects that appeal to you.

The most commonly taken online bachelor degrees are in accounting, nursing/healthcare, web designing and software writing. Of course, that does not go to say that these are the only degrees worth taking.

What are the Pros and Cons of Online Bachelor Degrees?

While they may offer flexibility in time and schedule, online Bachelor degrees are by no means a piece of cake. To make an informed choice when enrolling in a degree, it is always recommended that you examine all its pros and cons.

The first thing to remember is that earning an online Bachelor degree is going to take a lot of discipline on your part. It is one thing to rush to classes scheduled at so-and-so o’clock and quite another when you have the option to choose the hours at your own leisure. If you plan to take an online degree, you need to set a routine for yourself. It could be any time like the afternoon hours or late night but you have to be consistent.

Also, online learning is very technology intensive and involves virtual classroom simulations, online discussion forums and a whole lot of other activities for which you need to be at grips with technology. If you are, you should enroll right away.

Will my Future Employees Accept My Online Degree?

How your employers react to your online degrees is how you present it to them. Unless you opt to work from home too, many employers may be concerned that a person may lack certain social skills that are considered necessary in all employees. Involve yourself in activities beyond your studies in which you can network with other people. Besides being a healthy interaction, your employees will also see from your resume that you are certainly not lacking when it comes to interacting with potential colleagues and consumers.

Also mention to your employers how earning an online degree has ingrained in you a strict working discipline because you had to create and meet your own deadlines. Since online bachelor degrees involve the use of technology a lot, many employers may see that as a positive point. A tech savvy person is always preferred by an employer, no matter which sector the person chooses to work in.

How long does it take to complete an Online Bachelors Program?

Today, a number of schools are offering a wide range of online bachelor’s degrees such as the Arizona State University, the Oregon State University and the University of Florida. They are offering online bachelor's in various subjects like Business Administration, Anthropology, Economics and Law. The self paced online bachelor’s programs usually take around 3 years to complete, but they can also be completed in a shorter time frame, depending upon the person’s schedule.

What are the requirements to complete an Online Bachelors Program?

In order to obtain an online bachelor's degree, students are generally required to complete a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students are expected to complete their coursework, submit assignments and projects, and pass all exams. Generally, courses are taught by the same on campus instructors, thus the quality of the online bachelor's programs is not different from the regular programs.

How much can I make after completing an Online Bachelors Program?

Having an online bachelor’s degree can help you move up the corporate ladder. Today, hiring managers are no longer stigmatizing online programs, so individuals can go ahead and enroll in these fast track online degrees to save time and cost. How much you make after completing an online bachelor's program depends upon your discipline, choice of online college and aptitude.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are the possible pros and cons of a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice?

A:The pros included the Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice include the comprehensive salary package. The con may be the fact that some such officials are not authorized to travel abroad or have some restrictions.

Q:How many credits are there in the Human Services Bachelors degree online?

A:The Human Services Bachelors degree online program has a total of 120 credits.

Q:Name a few schools that offer Online Bachelor Programs in business administration?

A:Online schools that offer bachelor degree programs in the area of business administration are: American Intercontinental University, California State University, Capella University, Champlain University, Kaplan University, Liberty University, Strayer University, Walden University, Washington State University, Western Governors University, University of Wyoming, Baker College, Caldwell College, Empire State College, and Fisher College.

Q:Is online bachelor degree a feasible option?

A:In recent times there are many students who pursue the option of an online degree. The reason for this is that online degrees provide much more flexibility to students in terms class timings and schedules. Students can study when they want to as there is no traditional class room pressure and they can also save up on travelling expenses.

Q:Can I complete a bachelors degree in 12 months?

A:To complete a bachelor's degree in 12 months one must go for the accelerated programs offered by different institutions and colleges. An accelerated program is a fast paced program which is structured to be completed in a short frame of time. Those who have a career or jobs find these accelerated programs very convenient.

Q:Can you name some of the most popular academic areas for bachelors degree?

A:Bachelor degree programs are undergraduate programs that are available in every academic field. Most careers require students to have at least a bachelor degree in the relevant field. A few popular pursued academic areas include business administration, law, criminal justice, nursing, arts, engineering, design, education, pharmacy, architecture, and merchandising fashion design.

Q:What degree programs can be pursued after bachelor degree programs?

A:After completing a bachelor level program, one can pursue a master's degree program. Masters programs are graduate degrees that focus on more advanced level learning. Without completion of undergraduate studies, it is not possible to enroll in this program. Usually students earn a master's degree in the same or similar academic field they have pursued at bachelor level.

Q:Can I take up an online bachelor degree for psychology?

A:Many students find doing a bachelor's online more convenient. You can find number of online bachelors degree programs in many subjects. However, there are certain programs that require practical training as well. Psychology programs may include experiments especially if you are taking up clinical psychology. The mode of learning can be checked before taking up a program.

Q:Tell me about America online BSC degree and bachelor programs?

A:America offers varied BSC degree and bachelor programs through its on campus and online colleges. A bachelors degree is a four year long degree hence it is comprehensive and covers the concerned subjects quite extensively. You can go for a bachelor's degree after completing your high school. The criteria of admission would vary according to the nature of the degree and the college you are opting for.

Q:Why are online bachelor degree programs so popular?

A:Online bachelor degree programs are popular due to the fact they are more flexible to pursue as compared to campus based programs. Students can study from any location and at any time of the day. Online education is more individualized and customized. The course work is more self-paced and is easier to complete without having to worry about deadlines and class attendance.

Q:What are some of the most popular bachelor degrees online that are out there?

A:Students that choose to pursue their studies online opt from a wide variety of majors. However, some of the most popular and frequently selected ones are bachelor in health administration, bachelor in information technology, bachelor in accounting, bachelor in digital design, bachelor in business administration with a specialization in hospitality tourism or retail management.

Q:I heard that becoming an espionage agent requires a bachelor degree at least. In what areas should I get a bachelor degree in?

A:You can earn a bachelor degree in criminal justice or business administration. These areas are relevant to the field and will give you a good understanding of what is required. In most CIA careers, having a bachelor degree at least is required. But this is not the only requirement, you will need plenty of training and further education to prepare for the profession.

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