10 Colleges Where Your Favorite Celebrities Studied

Deciding on which college to attend is a huge decision. Often, prospective students weigh a number of different factors when making their decision. This could include school rankings, which programs are offered, notable faculty members, tuition costs, etc. Another factor that may influence some peoples’ decision is which notable alumni a particular college has.

Many people wrongly assume that celebrities don’t have a life outside of their entertainment roles. It may come as a surprise to you to learn that there are a number of celebrities who have graduated from prominent universities.

Here is a list of 10 colleges where your favorite celebrities have studied.

Harvard University:-

Some of the celebrities that have graduated from Harvard include:

Tommy Lee Jones:

Tommy Lee Jones may have made a name for himself by playing tough guy and lawman roles in movies, but he actually started off with getting an English Degree from Harvard in 1969. Here, Jones was a member of the varsity football team and was even roommates with former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore.

Natalie Portman:

The Black Swan actress and Academy Award winner may have been in the acting business since she was a child, but her devotion to her education is also clearly evident. Portman graduated from Harvard with a degree in psychology.

Conan O’Brien:

The hilarious late night talk show host is actually a smart cookie. He graduated magna cum laude with a degree in history and literature in 1985. While at Harvard, O’Brien was also a writer for the Harvard Lampoon, the university’s humor magazine of which he was also the president.

Yale University:-

Yale University is another prestigious Ivy League university based in New Haven, Connecticut. Famous celebrities who went to Yale include:

Edward Norton:

The Academy Award Winning Fight Club actor graduated from Yale with a History Degree in 1991. He also participated in theatre and was a member of the rowing team.

Lupita Nyong'o:

Before landing her breakout role in 12 Years a Slave, Nyong’o was a student in the Master of Fine Arts program at the Yale School of Drama. This highly competitive course only accepted 16 actors from a pool of 950 applicants. Nyong’o was one of the talented few to be selected.

David Duchovny:

You probably know him for his role as Fox Mulder on the popular hit show, The X-Files. This Californication and X-Files star actually earned a master’s degree in English literature from Yale after completing a bachelor’s degree in the same subject from Princeton University.

Duke University:-

Duke University has produced a wide range of prominent alumni. Included among that list is:

Ken Jeong:

The Community and Hangover star isn’t just a hilarious comedian; he also happens to be a fully qualified doctor. After doing pre-med at Duke University in 1990, he went on to the University of North Carolina in 1995 to receive the MD degree.

Melinda Gates:

Wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates and co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, this smart lady got her MBA from Duke's Fuqua School of Business in 1987.

Brown University:-

Celebrities who have graduated from Brown include:

Emma Watson:

It seems as if Watson has the same drive and passion about education as the Harry Potter character she brought to life on the big screen, Hermione Granger. After she finished with the Potter movies, Watson enrolled at Brown in a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.

John Krasinski:

You probably remember him best as the lovable Jim Halpert from NBC’s The Office. Before becoming a full-blown celebrity, Krasinski went to Brown and majored in Theatre.

Julie Bowen:

The matriarch from the popular show Modern Family, Bowen actually attended Brown University and majored in Italian Renaissance studies. She even studied abroad in Florence, Italy for a year!

Columbia University:-

Notable Columbia grads include:

James Franco:

James Franco isn’t just a highly sought after actor and comedian, he’s also very learned! Franco has demonstrated his passion for learning by collecting a wide range of degrees and certifications. Included among his collection is a Master of Fine Arts degree from Columbia.

Maggie Gyllenhaal:

Before she pursued acting, the big sister of actor Jake Gyllenhaal earned a bachelor’s degree in Literature and Eastern Religions.


Celebrities who graduated from UCLA include:

George Takei:

Known for his portrayal of Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise in the Star Trek TV show, Takei earned Bachelors and Masters of Art in Theatre from UCLA.

John Williams:

The legendary American composer is responsible for film scores such as Star Wars, Jaws, and Jurassic Park. He studied orchestration at UCLA and was privately tutored by the composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco

Vassar College:-

Graduates from Vassar College include:

Lisa Kudrow:

Best known as Phoebe from the hit show Friends, Kudrow actually started out wanting to pursue a career in biology. She earned her biology degree from Vassar College and even gave the 2010 commencement address at the college.

Meryl Streep:

Academy Award winning actress Meryl Streep graduated from Vassar in 1971 with a BA cum laude.

University of Pennsylvania:-

Celebrities who have graduated from the University of Pennsylvania include:

John Legend:

Grammy Award winning musician John Legend was offered scholarships to numerous universities including Harvard, Georgetown, and Morehouse. He ultimately decided on the University of Pennsylvania where he earned a degree in English with an emphasis on African American literature.

Elon Musk:

The prolific engineer, inventor, and business magnate earned a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from the College of Arts and Sciences at the age of 24. He also earned a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from its Wharton School of Business by extending his studies for one year.

Boston College:-

Graduates from Boston College include:

Amy Poehler:

This Saturday Night Live Alum and Parks and Recreation star earned a bachelor’s degree in media and communications in 1993 from Boston College.

University of Virginia:-

Graduates from the University of Virginia include:

Tina Fey:

Another Saturday Night Live alum, Tina Fey studied drama at the University of Virginia.