Photos That Shows How Miserable Is The Condition of Education in Developing Countries

Like the sign above, the promise of a quality education for all is battered and faded. The stark reality of the matter is that the standards of education available to the children of the world vary so drastically that such a promise ceases to have any real meaning. What constitutes a quality education? By opening our eyes to the reality of what passes as schooling in developing countries, we can begin to appreciate what many of us take for granted: the power of knowledge.  

In developing countries, there are no clear cut sidewalks that lead up to doors of a pristine school building. Often, children in developing countries attend classes in old, run-down buildings like the one pictured above. That’s if they’re lucky. There are also those who attend classes sitting in the mud, by the side of the road, under the shade of a tree, etc. Wherever they are able to sit down and learn will suffice.

UNESCO recognizes that the quality of education is one of the most critical factors, which affect the learning outcomes of students. Although there is no one definition for what constitutes a quality education, factors which affect quality include:

  • The number of students in a class
  • Access to learning materials such as textbooks, notebooks, and writing utensils
  • Access to basic services such as sanitation, a classroom, portable water, and electricity

Half of the world’s out of school children live in war torn, conflict ridden areas. These countries often have very little money and receive little international aid for their education systems. The result is that more obstacles are placed before children who already have to struggle to get an education.

Many young children in developing countries sit in dirt and squalor in order to learn. The unfortunate reality is that these conditions are often reflective of their living conditions as well.

Of the 61 million out of school youngsters, 31 million reside in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 55% of out of school children will never enter a school. These children will never get the chance to have an education and improve their lives.

Data from UNESCO (The United Nations Education, Science, and Cultural Organization) illustrates that as of 2012, there were 57.8 million children of a primary school age who were out of school.

For any child or individual, education is the key to improving living conditions and their future. Education equals opportunity, and these children have a thirst for it.

Data gathered by UNESCO found that as of 2012, there were 62,892,646 out of school adolescents of lower secondary age.

The United Nations recognizes education to be a universal human right. Part of this includes a responsibility to provide basic education for those who have not completed primary education.

The importance of education cannot be stressed enough. It is a tool by which an individual may lift themselves out of poverty and marginalized communities and better their future.

Let us all vow to strive towards providing a quality education for all.