Twenty Five Reasons to Study Foreign Languages

There’s a good reason why learning a second language is often compulsory until halfway through high school. The study of different languages offers a plethora of benefits, all of which can help you in some way, shape, or form in your life.

Here are the top twenty five reasons why you should consider studying a foreign language.

1. Learning a foreign language boosts creativity

Studies have shown that individuals who are bi-lingual have more creative ideas and are bold when it comes to bringing them to life.

2. You increase your job prospects

If you know a foreign language, you can get opportunities for positions in law, government, marketing, technology, business, military, foreign services, medicine, etc.  In our increasingly globalized world, jobs require knowledge of foreign languages. If you’re an applicant that knows foreign languages, you’re likely to be chosen over a candidate who doesn’t have these skills.

3. Travelling become easier

Need to ask for directions? Do you want to know where the local markets are? Are you interested in conversing with the locals? If so, you’ll need to know the language.

4. Your analytical skills will improve

Learning another language is a challenging process which involves time and dedication. Many of the skills you acquire during this process help to boost your analytical skills and make you more sharp and vigilant.

5. Build your confidence

Once you’ve managed to speak in a foreign language, you’ll notice a sharp increase in your confidence.

6. Boost brain power

Studies show that learning a new language challenges your brain in such a way that it boosts your brain power. In fact, these individuals tend to perform better on standardized tests.

7. Become more culturally aware

Learning a language involves a lot more than memorizing rules of grammar. Languages are deeply influenced by culture and vice versa. By learning another language, you’ll become more culturally aware of the regions where that language is spoken.

8. Move abroad

Thinking of relocating to a new country? Knowing the language will definitely help and make the transition a lot smoother.

9. Build a more open mind        

Once you learn about different cultures associated with a specific language and interact with people who come from a different part of the world, you’ll start to develop a more open and tolerant mind.

10. Develop better communication skills

Learning and speaking a foreign language forces you to become a more effective communicator because you’re challenged to communicate in ways you may never have thought of before.

11. Make new friends

You can befriend people who you learn the language with and then subsequently with native speakers of that language!

12. Seek work in foreign countries

In order to work in another country you need to be able to communicate in the native language of that land. If you know the language, you can seek work abroad!

13. Earn higher salaries

Your prospective employers may be looking to hire someone with knowledge of other languages. This eliminates the need for them to hire translators. If you have the requisite skills, you can negotiate a higher salary for yourself.

14. Understand the world better

Being multi-lingual makes you worldlier; it increases your exposure, introduces you to different cultures and people, and broadens your horizons. These are all things which will help you understand the world around you better.

15. Explore different parts of your own city

Many cities have different ‘cultural’ pockets where different ethnicities congregate. Now you can check out what they have to offer and interact on a more personal level with people there.

16. Study in a foreign country

Thinking of learning a foreign language? Why not go and study it in a country where it’s widely spoken? This will give you the proper exposure you need to build your confidence with speaking the language. 

17. Listen to foreign music

Now you can start downloading all the top hits in a foreign language and actually understand the lyrics!

18. Increase your exposure to foreign literature

You can read plays, poems, novels, and other famous pieces of literature in the language that you learned. This allows you to get a proper idea of what the author is trying to convey since many times, the precise meaning gets lost in translation.

19. Build a global network of people

If you’re fluid in multiple languages, your contacts will build in places all around the world. Networking is an important tool, and being bi-lingual is a huge asset.

20. Improve your English (or native language)

Interestingly enough, learning another language actually helps you to improve your native language. All the new grammar rules you’ll be learning will force you to look at the use of your native language more critically.

21. Appreciate linguistics

Learning a language allows you to appreciate the dynamics of linguistics. This holds true for both the language you’re learning as well as the language(s) you already know.

22. Aspire to become multi-lingual

Once you’ve learned one language, learning others becomes easier. Soon, you could be fluent in multiple languages.

23. Immerse yourself in other countries

By knowing the native language of a foreign country, you’re no longer restricted to experiencing the country as just a tourist. Knowing the language of the land can open up countries for you in ways you would never have imagined possible.

24. Act as an interpreter

You can act as an interpreter in a number of different situations, especially if you chose to pursue a langue that you are exposed to relatively frequently. For instance, in the United States, Spanish is widely spoken and if you know Spanish you can act as an interpreter.

25. Become eligible for scholarships

If you’re looking to pursue any form of studies abroad, many universities offer merit based scholarships to individuals who are fluent in the language of that country. This could go a long way in reducing your university costs!


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