What Career Should You Pursue Based On Your Myers–Briggs’ Personality Type?

Trying to determine what career path to follow can be a difficult ordeal. With so many career options out there, it can be hard to narrow down your choices and decide on one particular career to commit to. Luckily, there are a few resources you can turn to in order to help you out.
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) questionnaire was created by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers using theories put forth by Carl Jung in his book Psychological Types. In his work, Jung had theorized that humans experience the world around them through four principal psychological functions - sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking. In each individual, one of these four functions is dominant.

The Myers-Briggs’ personality type test is designed to identify psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.

Classification of Different Personality Types

The MBTI model sorts people into one of sixteen distinctive psychological, or personality types. Your specific personality type is indicated by an abbreviation of four letters and is determined according to your degree of preference of the following four preference dichotomies:










For example, the ESTJ personality type translates to: extraversion (E), sensing (S), thinking (T), judgment (J). The orientation of each dichotomy indicates the degree to which it is present in each personality type.

The 16 Personality Types + Suggested Career Choices for Each of Them

ISTJ – The Inspector/The Duty Fulfiller  

(I) introverted, (S) sensing, (T) thinking, (J) judgineg.
The orientation of the ISTJ type is as follows:


Introverted Sensing


Extraverted Thinking


Introverted Feeling


Extraverted Intuition

ISTJs are organized, methodical, dutiful, and reliable. In whatever task they undertake, they follow traditions, regulations, and rules in an attempt to complete the task as faithfully as possible. They put a very high importance on meeting standards and maintaining social order.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Auditor
  • Accountant
  • Stockbroker

ISFJ – The Protector

(I) introverted, (S) sensing, (F) feeling, (J) judging.
The orientation of the ISFJ type is as follows:


Introverted Sensing


Extraverted Feeling


Introverted Thinking


Extraverted Intuition

ISFJs are defined by their desire to protect and provide for others. They have a deep sense of obligation and responsibility to others, and are focused on fulfilling all of their duties. This makes them diligent, practical, compassionate, and caring.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Nurse
  • Veterinarian
  • Social Worker

INFJ – The Counselor

(I) introverted, (N) intuitive, (F) feeling, (J) judging. 
The orientation of the INFJ type is as follows:


Introverted Intuition


Extraverted Thinking


Introverted Feeling


Extraverted Sensing

INFJs have a strong sense of personal integrity and are creative and dedicated individuals. They are very concerned with helping others to realize their potential and overcome any problems that they may be facing. They are highly perceptive, complex, and understanding. However, they are very selective about who they share their innermost thoughts and desires with.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Family Physician

INTJ – The Mastermind/The Scientist

(I) introverted, (N) intuitive, (T) thinking, (J) judging.
The orientation of the INTJ type is as follows:


Introverted Intuition


Extraverted Thinking


Introverted Feeling


Extraverted Sensing

INTJs are analytical problem solvers who are naturally insightful. They are known for their ‘relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering’. They are always looking for ways to improve the existing systems and processes with their innovations and ideas. Their ability to see possibilities for improvement in anything and everything makes them very unconventional.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Scientist
  • Engineer
  • Financial Analyst

ISTP – The Craftsman

(I) introverted, (S) sensing, (T) thinking, (P) perceiving.
The orientation of the ISTP type is as follows:


Introverted Thinking


Extraverted Sensing


Introverted Intuition


Extraverted Feeling

ISTPs have an innate understanding of mechanics and are fascinated by how things work. They are not concerned with theory; rather, they enjoy practical knowledge that they can make use of right away. These personality types prefer the logic of mechanical creations over the complexity of human beings. They therefore prefer to work alone.  

Likely Career Choices:

  • Mechanic
  • Software Developer
  • Chef

ISFP – The Composer

(I) introverted, (S) sensing, (F) feeling, (P) perceiving.
The orientation of the ISFP type is as follows:


Introverted Feeling


Extraverted Sensing


Introverted Intuition


Extraverted Thinking

ISFPs are strongly in tune with aesthetics and have a natural aptitude for the arts and creative expression. These individuals are modest, unassuming, caring, practical, and observant. They are spontaneous, flexible, and enjoy going with the flow and discovering all the many possibilities of life.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Artist
  • Interior Designer
  • Landscape Architect

INFP – The Healer

(I) introverted, (N) intuitive, (F) feeling, (P) perceptive.
The orientation of the INFP type is as follows:


Introverted Feeling


Extraverted Intuition


Introverted Sensing


Extraverted Thinking

INFPs see possibilities everywhere and are ‘imaginative idealists’. They are not driven by money or material gain; instead, they seek work that aligns with their own sense of personal values. They are also very inclined to help others.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Wildlife Biologist
  • Career Counselor
  • Social Worker

INTP – The Architect/ The Thinkers  

(I) introverted, (N) intuitive, (T) thinking, (P) perceptive.
The orientation of the INTP type is as follows:


Introverted Thinking


Extraverted Intuition


Introverted Sensing


Extraverted Feeling

INTPs are analytical, logical, and always preoccupied with theory. They are the sort of individuals who want to understand why thing happen; what is the reasoning or universal law behind everything they see? They have very active minds and are often engaged in their own thoughts.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Microbiologist
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Engineer

ESTP – The Dynamo/ The Doer

(E) extroverted, (S) sensing, (T) thinking, (P) perception.
The orientation of the ESTP type is as follows:


Extraverted Sensing


Introverted Thinking


Extraverted Feeling


Introverted Intuition

ESTPs are dynamic and full of energy. They are highly observant, adaptable, and quick to solve problems with practical solutions. They make use of their environment, past experiences, and the facts presented to them to solve all problems that they are faced with. ESTPs enjoy work that is flexible, hands-on, and offers them a little bit of unpredictability and adventure. They do not work well sitting behind a desk for long hours.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Exercise Physiologist
  • General Contractor
  • Paramedic

ESFP – The Performer

(E) extroverted, (S) sensing, (F) feeling, (P) perceptive.
The orientation of the ESFP type is as follows:


Extraverted Sensing


Introverted Feeling


Extraverted Thinking


Introverted Intuition

ESFPs are spontaneous, vivacious, and always looking to entertain. These individuals have a ‘contagious enthusiasm for life’ and appreciate everything around them whole-heartedly. They are talkative, approachable, and enjoy being of service to others.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Elementary school teacher
  • Artist of any sort
  • Event planner

ENFP – The Champion/Inspirer  

(E) extroverted, (N) intuitive, (F) feeling, (P) perceptive.
The orientation of the ENFP type is as follows:


Extraverted Intuition


Introverted Feeling


Extraverted Thinking


Introverted Sensing

ENFP’s are energetic, passionate, and have ‘a contagious enthusiasm for new ideas, people and activities’. These individuals can communicate exceptionally well and are very artistically inclined. They are always looking to help others realize their potential and they prize individuality. The one thing they can’t abide is routine work; they need stimulus and a wide variety of tasks.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Actor
  • Conservation Scientist
  • Psychologist

ENTP – The Visionary

(E) extroverted, (I) intuitive, (T) thinking, (P) perceptive.
The orientation of the ENTP type is as follows:


Extraverted Intuition


Introverted Thinking


Extraverted Feeling


Introverted Sensing

ENTPs are innovators who are smart, curious, and enjoy solving intellectual problems and challenges. They are the sort of people who enjoy tackling problems that are exceptionally difficult and may seem impossible to solve. They are imaginative, enterprising, resourceful, and intellectually competitive.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Executive
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Detective

ESTJ – The Supervisor/ The Guardian  

(E) extroverted, (S) sensing, (T) thinking, (J) judging.
The orientation of the ESTJ type is as follows:


Extraverted Thinking


Introverted Sensing


Extraverted Intuition


Introverted Feeling

ESTJs are hardworking, organized, and very reliable. They thrive in conditions which are highly structured with a clear set of expectations to be met. They need to be able to work towards a tangible end product.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Real Estate Agent
  • Office Manager
  • Police Officer

ESFJ – The Provider

(E) extroverted, (S) sensing, (F) feeling, (J) judging.
The orientation of the ESFJ type is as follows:


Extraverted Feeling


Introverted Sensing


Extraverted Intuition


Introverted Thinking

ESFJs are dedicated to helping other people. They are conscientious, caring, and abide by a strict moral code. They have great interpersonal skills, and like to work with others, especially like-minded people. They are highly perceptive and are able to take on the concerns of others in order to help them out.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Counselor
  • Social Worker
  • Human Resources Manager

ENFJ – The Teacher/The Givers

(E) extroverted, (N) intuitive, (F) feeling, (J) judging.
The orientation of the ENFJ type is as follows:


Extraverted Feeling


Introverted Intuition


Extraverted Sensing


Introverted Thinking

ENFJs are energetic, driven, and idealists, concerned with the betterment of humanity. ‘They often act as catalysts for human growth because of their ability to see potential in other people and their charisma in persuading others to their ideas’. They are concerned with motivating people to realize positive change.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Teacher
  • Psychologist
  • Lawyer

ENTJ – The Commander/ The Executive  

(E) extroverted, (N) intuitive, (T) thinking, (J) judging.
The orientation of the ENTJ type is as follows:


Extraverted Thinking


Introverted Intuition


Extraverted Sensing


Introverted Feeling

ENTJs are natural leaders; logical, articulate, determined, and efficient. They are hard-working, motivated, and see their goals through to completion. These individuals are drawn to positions of leadership, and jobs which have structure.

Likely Career Choices:

  • Top Executive
  • Private Detective/Investigator
  • Lawyer


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