Bachelors in Accounting

Accounting deals with summarizing and classifying financial matters. The principles of accounting are applied to business to make assessments through auditing and bookkeeping. Accounting plays an essential role in every business organization imaginable.  Nowadays, many companies need qualified accountants for monitoring finances and budgets.

The Bachelors in Accounting degree program is offered at most of the colleges and universities across the country as well as through online courses. Online programs offer certain benefits. These programs offer a convenient learning schedule to those with busy life routines. They are also much less expensive than campus-based programs due to the comparatively low cost of online education.

The degree is awarded after completion of certain credit hours and other requirements. The coursework is comprised of theory and principles of accounting. Some universities require completion of an internship before graduation.


Degree Requirements

The academic requirements for admission into Bachelors in accounting program are the same as any other undergraduate program, namely a high school diploma or GED.


In this program, students learn about the reasons behind the success and failures of businesses and the different financial aspects that drive businesses. Some of the important courses included in a Bachelors of Accounting program are management, business law, financial accounting, intermediate accounting, finance, marketing, federal taxation and cost management.

The curriculum can be divided into core courses, major courses, and elective courses.
Some of the major courses in Bachelors of Accounting include:


In this course, students learn how to review the complete accounting cycle and management of accounting information for business entities.

Managerial Accounting

In this course, students study the ways in which accounting information can be used to aid management in controlling business activities.


In this course, students examine how the laws of supply and demand are reflected in supply and quantity decisions.


This course covers the basic concepts, techniques, and principles in making corporate financial planning decisions.

Business Law

This course examines the fundamentals of the US legal system as applied to business in the contemporary global economy.
Some of the other courses include the following:

College composition

This course teaches strategies to enable students to communicate effectively in various personal, academic, and professional settings.

Professional presence

This course teaches multidisciplinary techniques and concepts applicable to lifelong professionalism and career development.

The above mentioned curriculum, though usual for many programs, may vary between schools. For exact details, get in touch with your college advisor.

What would be some of the career opportunities?

A bachelor of accounting prepares for median-level jobs with private and public organizations. Organizations usually need people for managing accounts. With a bachelor's degree you can start off as an accounts analyst or an auditor.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), auditors and accountant earn a median annual wage of $63,550 in 2012. Those with a bachelor degree may be able to earn above the 90th percentile wage level of $111,510. BLS also reports  that employment of accountants and auditors is expected to grow 13% from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all other occupations.


Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Which Universities offer the best Bachelor of Accounting programs?

A:The universities listed at our website offer some of the best Bachelor of Accounting programs, including Kaplan International, DeVry University and Colorado Christian University.

Q:How many credits are there in a Bachelor Accounting program?

A:The Bachelor Accounting program ha a total of 120 credits.

Q:Mention a few general courses studied in a bachelor in accounting finance degree program?

A:The course outline of a bachelor in accounting finance degree program comprises of general courses and concentration courses. General courses may include topics such as: principles of accounting, strategic management, financial management, taxation of corporations, auditing, accounting theory, accounting information systems, income tax accounting, cost accounting, government and institution accounting, and business ethics.

Q:What is the primary focus of the Organizational Behavior in the Bachelors in Accounting and Finance course?

A:The Bachelors in Accounting and Finance degree programs in United States have a course on Organizational Behavior. This course aims to focus on the employees in an organizational setup and how they behave to the various issues and motives. The course also examines the behavior of individual people as well as the dynamics that run a team or a small group.

Q:What is the course structure for bachelors accounting?

A:The Bachelor of Accounting degree program teaches students about the principles of accounting. An internship during the course of this degree is a must. Some of the core courses taught in this program are management, business law, financial accounting, intermediate accounting, finance, marketing, federal taxation and cost management. Students learn to define the principles of success and failure in businesses and its different financial aspects in detail.

Q:Can you tell me about the coursework in online bachelors in accounting?

A:There can be variations in the coursework offered by different accounting schools, for online bachelors in accounting. Generally, the core accounting courses in an online bachelor's program include a number of intermediate accounting courses focusing on accounting basics and concepts. Additionally, courses are offered in auditing, federal income taxation, federal tax accounting, and accounting information systems.

Q:Can you give me some tips to perform well in accounting bachelor's degree online?

A:Accounting bachelor's degree online is relatively more flexible than the on campus accounting programs. However, online programs also require focus and consistency, if you wish to perform well. You can enhance your performance by regularly going through pre-lecture readings, concentrating on the lecture, asking questions from the instructor, participating in class discussions, and practicing exercises after lectures. It is also recommended that you gain real world knowledge by following accounting news.

Q:Can you tell me if online accounting bachelor degree programs offer the same value as the on campus ones?

A:There is no reason why online accounting bachelor degree programs will be valued any less than the on campus programs. Although, accredited online programs offer a lot of flexibility and convenience to students, they follow a curriculum similar to the one offered in traditional programs. Besides, many reputed institutes are offering their programs online, which indicate the credibility and popularity of online education.

Q:I wish to go for an online bachelor's degree accounting without having to leave my current job. Can this setup work out?

A:Online bachelor's degree accounting can be a good option for you, if you want to acquire education, without leaving your job. Online programs are quite flexible and convenient, and are designed to suit working professionals. You are provided the luxury to make your own schedule and learn at your own pace. However, consistency and focus are important in online programs in order to perform well and gain maximum value.

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