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Communications Degree

A communications degree provides a wide spectrum of training which allows students to excel in multiple fields like journalism, public relations, organizational communication and conflict management, etc. This degree helps students develop their writing and communications skills and allows them to get familiar with different telecommunications software.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Media and Communications Occupations are projected to grow by 4% in the years from 2018 and 2028, which is going to add 27,600 new jobs.

What Are Communication Studies?

Communication studies is an academic discipline which assesses the process of human communication including both, non-verbal and verbal messages. This degree examines how people generate meaning in different public, private, interpersonal and mass communication settings. It is a field of academia which connects multiple disciplines such as, intercultural communication, health communication, mass communication, political communication, scientific communication, gender studies and communication and rhetorical theory.

These are some of the degree options that come under the umbrella of communication studies:

  • Associate’s degree in Communications
  • Bachelor’s degree in Communication
  • Master’s degree in Communication

What Can You Do with a Communications Degree?

A communications degree allows students to learn different skills and techniques which help them in their work life. Having a communications degree is highly regarded in different fields like marketing, public relations, business, journalism, international relations, television and many more. Students can choose any field according to their own interest. Additionally, these students can also choose to work in academia. These are some of the career options available for people having a degree in communication studies.

Public Relation Specialists

Public Relation Specialists are responsible for creating and maintaining a likeable image of the organization they work for. They prepare press releases and shape the opinion of the media and the masses about the work done by their organization. They are responsible for handling all the communication on behalf on the organization.

Annual Median Salary, 2019


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


Annual Mean Salary, 2019


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2019



State with the Highest Salary, 2019

District of Columbia


Writers and Authors

These professionals develop content for different types of media including blogs, books, magazines, plays, movies and television scripts. They have to establish and maintain their credibility with readers and editors through accurate research and clean prose.

Annual Median Salary, 2019


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


Annual Mean Salary, 2019


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2019



State with the Highest Salary, 2019

District of Columbia


Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists

Market research analysts are responsible for studying the market conditions so they can predict the potential sales of a service or product. They gather data to help a firm market its products and increase its sales.

Annual Median Salary, 2019


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


Annual Mean Salary, 2019


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2019



State with the Highest Salary, 2019

New Jersey


What to Expect from a Communications Degree?

This degree focuses on developing communication, analytical and research skills. Communication studies is offered as a bachelor’s or associate’s degree program. Those who want to pursue high level education in the same field opt for a master’s degree program. Students who enroll in a master’s degree program have to choose an area of specialization like, public relations. This discipline basically includes topics like oral and written communication, interpretation, rhetoric, public disclosure, photojournalism, crisis response, etc.

How to Choose a Communications Degree?

Consider the following options while choosing a communication degree:

  • Choose an accredited program
  • Consider the cost and length of the program
  • Consider the location of the program
  • Check if there are any scholarships available

Communications Degree Admission Requirements

Each degree program has different admission requirements like a bachelor’s degree requires a high school diploma, while a master’s degree requires an undergraduate program, a good GRE score and work experience.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Where can I find the best communications degree?

A:There are a number of colleges offering communications degree programs. It is important that you choose a program which is accredited and recognized. So make sure you pick the right school and program by evaluating the following factors: school rankings, student reviews, teacher-student ratio, faculty qualifications, location and costs, etc.

Q:What areas do the Visual Communications degree program cover?

A:The curriculum of a visual communications degree will depend on the degree-level you are pursuing. Here are some of the areas covered in the program: color design, drawing, history of art, figure drawing, arts and humanities, computer graphics, illustration, mass communication, problems in visual communication, and more. Please remember that the coursework may vary slightly from college to college.

Q:What is the advantage of online degree in communications?

A:There are many reasons why students are pursuing online education programs. This mode of learning has proved to be cost-friendly and efficient. You can study from any location and at any time. Online learning is suitable for busy individuals and professionals who do not have the time or resources to attend on-campus classes.

Q:Are there any scholarships offered by the Visual Communications Degree online program?

A:The availability of scholarships will depend on the college you choose to enroll in. Many schools are offering scholarships to students who demonstrate excellent academic skills. You can also search online to see what organizations are offering scholarships to students. Some scholarship programs are designed for students who need financial assistance.

Q:What careers can I pursue with a communication degree?

A:With a communications degree, you can pursue a variety of careers, particularly in the fields of journalism, advertising, broadcasting and public relations. A communications degree allows you to study a variety of courses such as international media, languages, speech and argument, public opinion and mass media, communication law and history among others.

Q:Can you give me tips to make the most out of an online communications degree?

A:If you wish to perform well in an online communications degree and make the best use of it, it is important that you stay focused and consistent. Self management is the key to successful learning in online programs. Make sure that you attend your classes regularly, meet project deadlines, submit quality assignments, ask questions, and participate in lecture discussions.

Q:What is a communication degree online designed for? What will I study in it?

A:A communication degree focuses upon the various communication channels used for transferring data and interacting with clients. Students enrolled in this program will cover a wide range of subjects such as mass media, communication barriers, communication channels, social dimensions, and more. The curriculum components will vary slightly from program to program.

Q:What is Communications Degree?

A:A communications degree is intended to teach students about the processes of human communication. It is a degree which combines elements of both social sciences and the humanities. The degree covers a wide range of courses which include public opinion and mass media, speech and argument, international media, strategic communications, tools to help with communication in the digital age, etc.

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