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Masters Degree in Communications

Ever wondered what’s common between some of the great leaders of all times; be it national leaders and renowned CEOs?  Among many things, it turns out that the ‘power to communicate effectively’ is a trait that is possessed by almost all successful leaders.

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Why Pursue a Master’s Degree in Communication?   

A communicator’s job is to turn raw data into information, bring vague ideas to life, convert the unknown into known, and make every effort to generate as well as sustain the interest of the target audience.

But overtime, communication methods and strategies have experienced massive change; they have gone digital as well as global. To survive in the ever-evolving and ever-changing world of communication, it becomes essential for current as well as aspiring communication professionals to undertake necessary formal education. To succeed and expand, you need the right type of training to help you keep up with the latest developments.

What will you learn?

 You will learn to:
  • Make effective use of the common language as well as communication tools and techniques
  • Collect, understand, and evaluate data into useful information and actionable strategy 
  • Understand the role of communication in diverse settings
  • Deal with contemporary communication methods and research
  • Handle real life communication issues
  • Design and implement effective communication campaigns
  • Analyze changing audience preferences
  • Enhance your analytical, critical thinking, presentation, and oral advocacy skills.
Although most of the master programs in communication revolve around the above program objectives, there are usually variations from one institute to another.

Are any sub-disciplines in communication studies offered?

In order to help students focus particularly on their academic interests and career objectives, many schools allow students to choose from concentrations such as:
  • Public and media relations
  • Political communication
  • Digital communication
  • Corporate/non-profit communication
  • Health communication
  • Documentary Production
  • Journalism

Program Curriculum:

Communication challenges do not exist in vacuum. They involve many other factors that need to be taken care of.  The curriculum is therefore designed in such a way that it incorporates the aspect of interconnectivity. 
  • Managing Communication
  • Strategic Corporate Communication
  • Communicating Strategy And Change
  • Uses Of Communication Research
  • Audience Analysis
  • Global Marketing Communication
  • Digital Production
  • Research Methods; Discovering And Investigating Stories
  • The Law And Digital Media
You’ll have to successfully complete a specific number of core and elective courses in order to fulfill the credit hour requirement. Some programs also require students to complete a research project as part of the curriculum.

Online Masters Degree in Communication

Regardless of where you live, you’ll be able to enroll in a master’s degree in communication online. There are many institutes that offer distance learning students who cannot travel to classes in a campus-based institute. Online programs generally help students cut down on costs and study according to their own schedule.
So, if you are a communication professional wishing to take up advanced education; you don’t need to worry about giving up your job to pursue a degree.  However, since the program content and curriculum is equally rigorous, you’ll have to remain consistent in order to perform well.

Before you choose an online communication degree, take the following factors into account:
  • Make sure the school is accredited. Accredited institutes are widely recognized among employers
  • See the credentials of the faculty and alumni network
  • Look into the student facilities and support services offered.

Communication Careers:

The job that you’ll end up with will depend on a number of factors such as the type of degree, personal characteristics, and the opportunities.

To help you get an idea of the options, look through the details of the following careers:  

Public Relations Specialists

Job Description:  They are responsible for creating and maintaining a positive image of the company that they are employed at.

Median Wage: $54,170 per year 


Job Description: They moderate TV shows, interview guests, research discussion topics and current issues, present news, and provide commentary for audience.

Median Wage: $27,750 per year

Writers and Authors

Job Description: They carry out research and develop content for books, television, movies and websites.

Median Wage: $55,940 per year 

Technical Writers

Job Description: They design user manuals, write journal articles, and supporting literature that is usually intended to present technical information in a user friendly manner.

Median Wage: $65,500 per year 

There are many more career options that you may explore. A degree in communication will provide you with a broad based knowledge and many general skills that may prove useful in different jobs.  In fact, do a little research on your own and you’ll see how important good communication skills are to every prospective employer out there.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Which specialization areas are available to students enrolled in the master in communication degree programs?

A:The Master in Communication degrees allows students to specialize in a particular area of their choice. The universities listed on our website offers a range of specialization courses and programs such as organizational leadership, managerial communication, media communication, business communication, and entrepreneurial communication.

Q:With a Masters Degree in Communications, can I work in a PR agency?

A:Yes, with a degree in communications, you can prepare for a career in a Public Relations firm. A masters degree in communications is an advanced degree that will prepare you for a career in this growing field. The need for communication experts and professionals is high in many other sectors as well. Take a look at our page for more detail.

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