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Associates Degree in Economics

Why study economics?

A famous intellectual once said “Economics is the art of trying to satisfy infinite needs with limited resources.It is an interdisciplinary field which draws from philosophy, history, and mathematics. If you are interested in knowing how economic policies affect our daily lives, you may like studying economics.

What is the degree about?

An associate degree in economics provides you with foundational skills and knowledge required to apply economic principles to management decisions in both public and private sectors. By learning the fundamentals of micro- and macroeconomics, you may begin to appreciate economic aspects of the business world. 

Why enroll in the degree?

Why pursue a 2-year degree in economics when it may land you in an entry-level position only? There is more to studying economics at the foundational level then simply getting a job. The 2 years may expose you to lifetime knowledge and skills which may not only make you more employable in a competitive work environment but also help you succeed in life otherwise.

How Long Does It Take to Get an Associate Degree in Economics?

An Associate Degree in Economics would typically take two years to complete, with approximately 60 semester credits or 90 quarter hours. Students who attend part-time schools might end up spending twice as long, while students who go for accelerated programs may be done in less than 2 years.

What Are the Requirements to Get an Associate Degree in Economics?

To get into an Associate Degree in Economics, you will have to have at least a high school diploma. Once enrolled in this program, you will complete coursework in areas such as Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Financial Accounting, Business-related Statistics and International Business etc. You will be required to maintain a minimum GPA throughout the program in case of most schools offering this program.

How Much Can I Make with an Associate Degree in Economics?

With an Associate Degree in Economics, you may be able to build your career in a variety of possibilities. These include areas such as sales, marketing, finance consulting or research assistance. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Advertisiting Sales Agents made an annual median income of $51,740 in 2018.

What may you learn?

An associate degree in economics, therefore, focuses on teaching the following skills:

  • Decision-making
  • Team building
  • IT
  • Statistics
  • Communication
  • Management
  • Research
  • Analysis

Curriculum and course requirements

he degree may consist of a total of 90 quarter hours where each course is worth 4.5 credits.
The core courses are:

  • Introduction to Business
  • Accounting I
  • Algebra with Applications
  • English Composition
  • Introduction to Information Systems

The major courses are:

  • Principles of Finance
  • Money and Banking
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • Intermediate Microeconomics
  • International Economics
  • Comparative Economic Systems

The general education courses are:

  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Introduction to Biology
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • World Cultures I
  • Research and Writing

In addition, students will be required to take a specific number of elective courses which can be selected in consultation with an academic advisor.

Admission requirements:

  • Completed application form
  • Application fee
  • High school diploma or its equivalent
  • Proof of proper immunization

Graduation requirements

  • All courses to be completed with a minimum of “C” grade
  • Students to complete a graduation survey and apply for graduation


The following are some of the careers that you may qualify to apply for upon completion of the degree. Your initial placement is likely to be in an entry-level position but with work experience and better academic credentials, you may advance to top management positions.

  • Business Analysis
  • Business Operations
  • Market and Research Analysis
  • Investor Relations
  • Industry Forecaster
  • Financial Officer
  • Education Administration
  • Community and Business Development
  • Risk Analysis
  • Economic Development
  • Survey Researcher
  • Budget Analysis
  • Management Analysis


Budget Analysts

They prepare budget reports, and help their organization or client organize their finances. Most of them work for the federal, state and local governments. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that budget analysts earned a median annual salary of $69,280 in 2012. Their job numbers are expected to increase at the rate of 6% faster than the average job growth for all other occupations from 2012 to 2022. These are however those budget analysts who have at least a bachelor’s degree in economics (one more reason to pursue a 4-year degree in economics?).


What is the point of studying economics after all if you don’t want to become an economist? That would however require completing a master’s degree in economics. You may get an entry-level job with a bachelor’s degree though.
According to BLS, they earned a median yearly salary of $91,860 in 2012. Their job numbers are expected to increase at the rate of 14% faster than the average job growth for all other occupations from 2012 to 2022.

Management Analysts

They propose ways to improve an organization’s efficiency by cutting costs and increasing revenues. The BLS reported them earning a median yearly salary of $78,600 in 2012. Their job numbers are expected to increase at the rate of 19% faster than the average job growth for all other occupations from 2012 to 2022. These are however those management analysts who have at least a bachelor’s degree in economics and less than 5 years of work experience.

Online associate in economics degree

Other than the campus-based degree, students can also opt to earn the associate in economics degree online. There are many accredited online schools that offer the degree all across the United States. Online studies offer a lot of flexibility for students. Students can work from any location and at any time that suits them. Also, they can complete the degree program at their own pace.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:How long is the program Associate in Economics?

A:The Associate in Economics is a two year program if pursued in the regular track in a campus-based institute. The duration for the program can differ if the degree is pursued online. The online Associate in Economics degree program is self-paced. Hence, students can take as much time as they see fit to complete the program. There is no specific duration for online degrees.

Q:How many credits are there in an Associate of Economics degree program?

A:The Associate of Economics degree program has around 60 credits. These programs can be completed in 1-2 years through campus based or online schools.

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