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Bachelors in Economics

Bachelor of Economics

Earning bachelor of online economics degree can lead students to lucrative careers in various business settings. Students also learn the fundamentals of business in this training program. There are several regular as well as online institutes that offer bachelor of economics degree programs and enable students to pursue rewarding jobs in the field of economics.

Bachelor in Economics
Bachelor in Economics

The Scope of Bachelor of Economics Degree Programs

Bachelor of economics degree programs take 4 years to complete. However, students who get into the online degree programs may earn this degree more quickly because of the flexibility of the e-learning programs. Some of the courses covered in the bachelor of economics program are:

  • Tax Strategy
  • Quantitative Analysis Methods
  • Micro and Macro Economics
  • International Business
  • Economic Theory
  • Marketing and Statistics

Students learn as how different issues pertaining to economics affect the local and international markets.

Career Outlook

Earning bachelor of economics degrees prepare students to find rewarding jobs such as:

  • Personal Finance Consultants
  • Investment Bankers
  • Accountants
  • Finance Managers

Bachelor of Economics Degree Programs Online

Students who are keen to earn bachelor of economics degrees in a comfortable manner can enroll in the online programs in this area of specialization. A number of online accredited schools and colleges offer these trainings. Online bachelor of economics programs are typically very suitable for individuals who are into part time or full time jobs. By getting into these programs these professionals can manage their work and studies alongside.

With a bachelor’s degree in economics, graduates have become economists, economics teachers and home economics teachers.

In 2013, economists earned a median annual income of $93,070; economics teachers earned $90,070 and home economics teachers earned $62,740. 

How long does it take to get a bachelor of economics?

A bachelor’s degree in economics would typically take four years to complete, with full-time, on-campus study options. Online colleges offering a bachelor’s degree in economics might have flexible time options.

What are the requirements to get a bachelor of economics degree?

To get into a bachelor's of economics degree program, you will need at least a high school diploma or equivalent. Once you have enrolled in a program, you will be required to clear courses such as statistics, finance and accounting, business management, econometrics, macroeconomics and microeconomics among others.

How much can I make with a bachelor of economics degree?

With a bachelor's of economics degree, you can pursue careers such as Actuary, Financial Analyst, Statistician, Credit Analyst, Healthcare Analytics Specialist, Operations Research Analyst and so on. The amount of money you make will ultimately depend on what career path you choose. For instance, Actuaries made an annual median income of $101,560 in 2017.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:How long is the Bachelor of Economics program for?

A:The Bachelor of Economics is a 4 years long program. This program can be completed through campus based or online programs offered by accredited universities like Strayer University and Grand Canyon University.

Q:How good is the scope of Bachelor in Economics?

A:With every passing day the scope of Bachelor in Economics is increasing. This has even further increased after the recent credit crunch the whole world has faced. The economics professionals can work as research specialists, finance managers and personal finance consultants.

Q:Which courses are taught in Economics Bachelors Programs?

A:The coursework taught in Economics Bachelors Programs mainly include courses like economic theory, micro and macroeconomics, statistics, taxation, international business and mathematics. Typically these courses are taught in bachelor and master's degree programs. You can take up these courses at campus based and online schools in accordance with your convenience.

Q:What are the contents of the course on Business Law in the Bachelors in Economics?

A:The Bachelors in Economics degree programs in United States have dedicated course on Business Law. The course is usually worth 4 credits and is designed to provide the students with comprehensive info regarding the basic business law principles that are applied in the country on contracts, property, sales, insurance as well as bankruptcy.

Q:Reading about the scope of Bachelor Degree in Economics got me thinking about jobs. What are some of the jobs that I will be will be suitable for?

A:Jobs would cross your mind when reading about the scope of Bachelor Degree in Economics. Professionals with this qualification can find themselves working in a variety of industries and positions. Professionals can find themselves working as Economists, Cost Estimator, Rate Analyst, Economic Consultant, Financial Researcher, International Trade Specialist, Labor Analyst and Pricing Analyst. It is one of the few qualifications that is flexible and lucrative at the same time.

Q:Can I complete a bachelor in economics degree in less than four years?

A:Yes, you can complete a bachelor degree in less than four years. Many schools are offering accelerated bachelor programs. The time required to complete an accelerated bachelor degree is anywhere from 1 to 3 years. Students must complete the entire coursework in less than the regular time. Such programs demand a lot of hard work and dedication.

Q:How is a bachelors in economics online more flexible to pursue?

A:An online bachelor degree in economics is offered my many distant learning schools. You can study at any time of the day from the comfort of your home. Professionals and students who work full time can easily pursue their education online without having to quit their jobs. Due to convenience and flexibility of timings, online education is gaining popularity.

Q:Can you give me some information about bachelor of business economics scope?

A:A bachelor degree in business economics will prep you with in-depth knowledge of how modern business environments are affected by various factors. Students can apply for jobs in major industries related to education, business and retail, federal agencies, banking institutions, public policy making, and more. The scope for careers with this degree is broad and lucrative.

Q:What do I need to enroll in a Ba in Economics?

A:A BA in economics is a bachelor level degree. You can pursue this degree after completing your high school education. The admission requirements may vary from school to school. You may be required to submit a high school degree, a few letters of recommendation, and also take an admission test. If you want to know more, take a look at our page.

Q:What general courses are covered in Ba Economics? Can I skip them?

A:A bachelor degree in economics will cover a range of general or introductory courses. These provide individuals with a basic understanding of the field and relevant areas. You will come across subjects such as English composition, sociology, macro and micro economics, managerial finance, and more. Take a look at our page for more detail.

Q:What is an Economics BA degree? And how long will it take to complete this?

A:BA degrees in economics are undergraduate programs. This program typically takes four years to complete. But the duration will also depend upon the institute you enroll in as there are a few colleges offering bachelor degrees that take less than four years. The main purpose of eh program is to provide individuals with in-depth knowledge bout economics and business fundamentals.

Q:Are Bachelors of Economics degree also offered online?

A:Yes, now many institutes are offering online bachelor degrees in economics. You can study online without having to attend classes anywhere. This mode of learning has become very popular as it is cost-friendly and very convenient. You will have to search online to find out exactly what institutes are currently offering online programs in this field.

Q:Can I pursue economics Careers in the banking industry?

A:Yes, you can initiate a finance related career with an economics degree. This degree will qualify you for various occupations such as the following: finance manager, financial analyst, sales manager, and personal wealth manger. The career options are vast in the banking industry. The income level will vary from job to job, and will also depend upon your qualifications.

Q:Can you tell me some of the courses studied in bachelors in economics online course and benefits of studying online?

A:While the specific curriculum for economics programs may vary from school to school and from program to program, students generally get to study a variety of courses in an online bachelor's degree in economics. Some of the courses covered include principles of microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic theory, mathematical applications in economics, quantitative analysis methods, tax strategy, and statistics and data analysis and so on. The benefits of studying online are numerous. Students can study at their own will and at their own convenience. They don't need to commute to campus and can study wherever they want and whenever they want. Moreover, online courses generally tend to be cheaper than on campus courses.

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