Human Resources Certification Online

Why should you enroll in a human resource (HR) certificate program?

Now that you are working in a human resource department, why should you enroll in a human resource certificate?

For beginners, these certificate programs are usually not required, however, they still serve a very importance purpose; they show your commitment to the profession and that you are in it for a long haul.
If you are certified, it shows that:

  • You have credible human resource skills
  • You have professional expertise in the field

In short, if you are looking for a job, a certificate may enhance your chances or if you are already in the field, it may brighten your chances of career advancement.

Where to go and get certified?

There are many certificate-awarding bodies and organizations, which may enroll you in their certificate programs. TheBureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has named two on its website:

  • The Society for Human Resource Management
  • The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans

There are others like HR Certification Institute (HRCI), etc. that award certificates in various specialized fields of HR management. In addition, many colleges and universities, also offer certificates in human resources.

What will you learn?

HR certificates have the following learning objectives:

  • Help you learn from your peers and industry gurus
  • Gain valuable knowledge and skills through written materials and resources
  • Help you connect with others who are already working in human resources
  • Discuss human resource strategies, latest changes and developments in the field
  • Apply newly acquired knowledge through case studies and interactive exercises

Types of HR certificates

The following is not an exhaustive list of human resource certificates:

  • Certificate in Retirement Plans
  • Certificate in Public Sector Benefits Administration
  • Certificate in Health Care Plans
  • Certificate in Benefits and Compensation Management
  • Certificate in Benefit Plan Administration
  • The Professional in Human Resources (PHR)
  • The Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR)
  • The Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR)
  • The Human Resource Business Professional (HRBP)

Certificates and their entrance requirements

Each certificate serves a different purpose and therefore will have different entrance requirements, evaluation criteria, duration, tuition cost, etc.
The PHR certificate for example is for those with a master’s degree and at least a year of work experience in the 

 field. Or those with 2 years of relevant work experience and a bachelor’s degree may also qualify to enroll in the certificate.
The instructors in the PHR certificate teach operation and technical aspects of human resource practices and the U.S. labor laws and regulations. The certificate may ideally suit those human resource professionals who implement HR policies, have logistical and tactical orientation and are answerable to another human resource professional.
The certificate may be valid for 3 years. Recertification may require taking the exam again. Participants may be tested via 3-hour, computer-based exam, with multiple-choice questions.
SPHR certificate is for those with:

  • A minimum of 4 years of relevant work experience and a master’s degree, or
  • A minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience and a bachelor’s degree

The certificate will ideally suit those who:

  • Have mastered the policy-making and strategic aspects of human resource management
  • Are responsible for planning rather than implementing human resource policies
  • Hold senior-level positions within the HR department

The certificate may be valid for 3 years. Recertification may require taking the exam again. Participants may be tested via 3-hour, compute-based exam, with multiple-choice questions.

Human Resource Certification Online

If you are wondering why you should enroll in a certificate online rather than on campus, then think convenience and flexibility.
As long as your certificate is awarded by an accredited body, it does not matter whether you completed that certificate online or traditionally. Since HR certificates are for working professionals or those who are about to enter the field, therefore many find it easier to work during the day and study from home in the evening.
The following are just two of the many HR certificates offered online:

  • Certificate in Human Resources Management
  • Master Certificate in Human Resources

Certificate in Human Resources Management

The certificate is for those who are about to enter the field of human resources management
The certificate covers human resource topics such as:

  • Ethics in HR
  • HR & Law
  • Organizational Development
  • Management of Organizations

The admission requirement for the certificate is a high school diploma or its equivalent. It may also be pursued while a participant is completing their bachelor’s degree or has graduated with the degree.
It is a 30-credit hour course, which can be completed in 18 months, by enrolling in 2 courses per term, online.

Master Certificate in Human Resources

The certificate is for:

  • HR generalists
  • HR specialists
  • Those who need career advancement

The certificate can be completed in a few weeks and the classes may be offered in:

    • Human Capital Management
    • Employee Relations
    • Job Appraisal and Internal Consulting Skills
    • Performance Management
    • Staffing
    • Selection
    • Benefits
    • Compensation
    • Employment Law

How long does it take to complete a Human Resources Certification Online?

Educational institutes are now offering online certificate programs in human resource specialties such as Employee Relations, Talent Sustainability, Compensation & Benefits Management and Human Resource Operations etc. These programs can take up to one year to complete, depending upon the level of flexibility provided to students. These certificate courses are ideal for individuals who are already working in the HR field, or for those who want to make a lateral move in a different HR function.

What are the requirements to complete a Human Resources Certification Online?

Students are required to hold an undergraduate degree in a relevant field and have some work experience if they wish to apply for advanced human resources online certification courses. In order to complete the online certification course, individuals are required to complete a number of modules and credit hours. They are also required to pass some exams. These certificates are useful as they increase job prospects and improve knowledge of the fundamentals of human resources.

How much can I make after completing a Human Resources Certification Online?

Completing a human resource certificate course can help individuals work as specialists or managers in their field. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual median pay of HR Specialists was $60,880 in 2018. The number of jobs in this field in 2016 was 547,800 in 2016. Also, the employment of HR specialists is predicted to grow by 7%, which is as fast as the average rate for all other professions.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What is the duration of the certificate in Human Resources?

A:The Certificate in Human Resources is a one year program preparing students for an introductory level placement in the job market. The certificate of Human Resources offers students all the basic and necessary skills and knowledge required to enter the workforce at the quickest. Students can pursue the certificate on campus-based as well as several online schools listed on our website.

Q:I am interested in Human Resources online without a High School Diploma or GED. What can I do?

A:It depends on what kind of qualifications in Human Resources are you looking for. Truth be told, all institutions including online ones require some sort of education before enrollment in a Human Resource program. However, there are individual certifications that do not require any preliminary education. Students are recommended to search online for institutions that offer these certifications. Prospective students are advised to search our website for an extensive list of online institutions offering certifications.

Q:Would a certificate in human resources be more useful than a longer program to me?

A:This will depend on your circumstances. Certification programs are designed cater those students who require a short course in depth in particular, and specific field. Sometimes this is to simply act as refresher or to quickly teach a student a small and new area. Therefore, if you have no prior knowledge of human resources, a more comprehensive program may be more useful to learn the basics.

Q:My boss wants me to do a human resources certification case. What kind of things will I have to do?

A:First, the fact that your boss wants you to undertake such a course shows that he/she wants you to progress. A certification course often is a lot more focused and concentrates on a certain topic in detail. Therefore you can expect to learn how to deal with specific HR problems in your sector.

Q:Can you tell me about human resources certificates?

A:Human resource certificates can generally take a year or a few months time. The admission for such a course is not very strict. You may need a high school diploma to qualify for it. The criteria of admission can however vary. The certificate trains students the ways to effectively manage staff, the ethics and rules that need to be considered and about organizational behavior to get maximum output.

Q:How long will it take me to complete human resource certificate programs?

A:Human resource certificate programs are short courses that can be completed in 6 to 12 months. This program is categorized as a short course and is a non-degree program. The major advantage of certificate programs is that such a credential can help boost a career and increase the skill set of an individual. Nowadays, many employers look forward to hiring individuals who have earned a certificate program along with degree programs.

Q:What are the different subjects studied in a human resources certificate program?

A:A human resources certificate program is a short course that aims at equipping students with career oriented knowledge. The program entails a number of subjects such as the following: essentials of human resource, effective performance management, employee recruitment, human resource systems and technology, talent management, workforce development, performance analysis, organizational development, training and learning, needs assessment, and employee relations.

Q:Can I complete a human resource certificate program after my master's degree?

A:Human resources certificate programs are short courses that can be earned at any level. It is not necessary to complete your master's degree to be eligible for a certification program. The program aims at equipping students with career oriented knowledge. It is a great way to boost a human resource career and qualify for better job opportunities.

Q:I have already completed my bachelor degree in HR, and I am now considering enrolling in an online HR certificate program. Will this be good for my career?

A:A certificate program will help you enhance your knowledge base and HR skills. This is a short course that basically certifies an individual in a certain field/job/task. This credential may boost your career and help you qualify for better job positions. Certificate programs are being offered in many business fields such as HR.

Q:Is applying for admission in an online human resources certification program easy?

A:The admission requirements vary from college to college. You can contact the university you are planning to enroll in to learn more about the admission requirements. A certificate program can be earned at undergraduate level as well post graduate level. This is a short course that is career oriented and can help you enhance your skills.

Q:Will I be able to improve my skill set by enrolling in an human resource management certificate online program?

A:Yes, you can enhance your skills and knowledge regarding human resource management by enrolling in a certificate program. The program entails a number of topics that cover the field. You can also boost your skills and apply them to your career. Certificate programs are a great way to improve your job opportunities and job skills.

Q:What is the curriculum like of a HR certificate online program?

A:The curriculum of an HR certificate program comprises of a number of courses and topics. You will learn about the field in-depth. The program is aimed at enhancing your communication and HR skills. The exact curriculum will vary slightly from college to college. So it is best that you contact the college you wish to enroll in, and find out what curriculum they are offering.

Q:I have been working as a HR manager for quite some time now and I wish to take my career to the next level. Will an online HR certification be of any use?

A:Yes, a certificate program in HR will help you improve your career. Certificate programs are designed to enhance skill and knowledge in a particular field. You will learn about the latest developments in HR, improve your skill set, and add to your current credentials. The duration of certificate programs is shorter than the duration of traditional degree programs.

Q:Can you tell me about the benefits of a phr certification online program?

A:A PHR certificate qualification will improve your resume and help you qualify for better job positions in the field of human resource management. You will develop new skills essential for a HR career. A PHR certification will help you stand out from regular non-certified HR professionals. Side by side, earning a certificate online can be more flexible and easy to manage.

Q:My friend told me about hr certification online. Can you tell me about some of the courses I might have to study?

A:An online HR certification is a one year program and the major courses studied in the program include Human resource management , Legal and ethical issues in human resource, Organizational development , Ethical and legal issues in human resource, Business communication , Organizational behavior, Employee development , Compensation, recruitment, Placement and outplacement , Occupational health and safety and industrial and labor relations among others. Please note that the course curriculum may vary from college to college.

Q:I wish to enroll in an online human resources certificate. Can you tell me its benefits?

A:An online human resources certificate will offer you a lot more convenience and flexibility, when compared to the traditional programs. Online education usually follows the same curriculum as that of a traditional school but makes use of latest learning resources that enhance the retention and understanding of the course material. Students can also study at their own pace and at the time that suits them best. Online education also saves your expenses by reducing travelling, accommodation, and the textbook costs.

Q:How will human resources certificate online help me advance in my career?

A:The human resource certificate online will enable you to have a solid foundation in the current HR trends and practices. It will help you understand the strategic utilization of human capital in corporations, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and small businesses. With the understanding of all the major topics in HR, you will be able to perform better in your HR career and will have more chances to achieve career growth.

Q:I came across the recruitment and selection course in human resources certification online. Can you tell me the details of this course?

A:The recruitment and selection course offered in the human resources certification online is one of the fundamental courses offered in HR programs. This course enables students to understand the basic steps of recruitment and selection, how to make the procedure effective, and how to conduct the process in a way that the strategic goals of the organization are met.

Q:Can one become a teacher with a human resource management diploma?

A:No, unfortunately you cannot become a teacher with a human resource management diploma. Teachers are required to have a bachelor degree in education along with a professional teaching license. Teachers must demonstrate teaching skills and must have a sound understanding of teaching methodologies. You can search online to find out what schools are offering teaching degrees.

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