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Masters in Leadership

Earning a Master in Leadership degree may improve your chances of landing challenging jobs. This program is designed to instill leadership skills within students. By enrolling in a Master in Leadership program you will learn how different organizations are managed and how they operate without any glitches. This way you can possibly make your way into several related fields such as business, politics education and sports.

Program Objectives

What you’ll learn may vary slightly from one school to another. However most of the programs are designed in such a way that you will be able to learn:
  • How to evaluate, anticipate, and deal with the challenges posed by modern leadership environments
  • The application of fundamental theories and concepts of leadership to workplace situations
  • The ways in which you can effectively bring about change, innovation, and creativity within the organization
  • To make use of technology in leadership roles
  • To improve your decision-making skills, motivational and communication skills
  • Team building skills are another important aspect of this training program

Curriculum of Master of Leadership Programs

The courses that are offered will vary from one university to another. However, some of the courses covered in a Master in Leadership degree programs include:

  • Effective change management
  • Diversity in organization
  • Strategic planning
  • Building and coaching teams
  • Management decision making
  • Communication
  • Managing a Diverse Workforce
  • Creating Leadership Capacity: Developing Bench Strength
  • Negotiation, Mediation, and Facilitation
  • Intercultural Communication in the Organization
  • Business Ethics

The courses that are offered may also differ depending on the concentration that you opt for.


Since leadership is a very diverse and broad discipline, some universities allow students to choose concentration subjects. This would help you tailor your program according to your academic and professional interests. Some examples of concentration subjects include:

  • Project Management
  • Leading and Managing Technical Projects
  • Human Resources
  • Health Management
  • Organizational Communication

Online Master of Leadership Programs

Other than regular institutes, you can also opt to earn a Master of Leadership degree online. Compared to the degree programs offered by traditional schools, the online degree programs are more flexible in terms of the study schedule and affordable as they let you cut down on travel expenses. You’ll be able to study virtually from any location at your own pace and convenience. Online programs are usually equally good in terms of the curriculum and program content.

Admission Requirements

There is no specific set of requirements. They vary depending on your prospective school. However most universities would require you to provide the following:

  • An undergraduate degree from an accredited institute
  • Official transcripts,
  • Letters of recommendations,
  • Statement of purpose that outlines your reasons for pursuing a masters degree in leadership and how it fits in well with your academic and professional plans
  • Some universities may also charge an application fee

Careers with a Leadership degree

There are various career options that graduates with a degree in leadership may seek. Some positions include:

Chief Executive Officer

They coordinate with management in order to plan, organize, and manage operational activities.  They also devise policies to direct the operation of companies over time.

Median Salary (2013): $171,610

Training and Development Specialists

They identify areas of improvement and oversee training and development programs in order to enhance performance on an individual as well as organizational level.

Median Salary (2013):  $56,850

First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers

A masters degree in leadership prepare student for administrative positions that involve monitoring projects and people working on them.  These supervisors oversee and improve the effectiveness of the activities of production and plant and system operators, assemblers, and inspectors.

Median Salary (2013):  $54,690

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 16600.111.2618.1337720
Florida 11300.141.6817.9737370
Illinois 9600.161.9217.937240
Texas 7600.070.7816.6234570
New York 6500.070.8520.1241840


Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What does a Master in Leadership program cover?

A:A master in leadership program aims to instill leadership skills in students. It teaches them how leadership works in organizations. The courses cover topics such as effective change management, strategic planning, diversity in organization, management decision making, building and coaching teams, and communication. Apart from leadership skills, other skills candidates learn include motivation skills, decision-making skills, team building skills, and communication skills.

Q:I want a master's degree in leadership. What is usually taught in Leadership Master Programs?

A:The leadership master program aims to instill leadership skills in students and teaches how organizations can be run effectively. Some of the courses taught include effective change management, strategic planning, diversity in organizations, management decision making, building and coaching teams, and communication. Graduates with this degree may pursue several related fields such as business and political education.

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