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Office Management Degree

Office management degrees are designed to help students familiarize themselves with the tools and skills that are required in the corporate world. These academic credentials allow students to potentially give a boost to their career and open up new job opportunities for them. Today's businesses call for individuals with specialized skills, which is why only highly skilled professionals can successfully address the intricacies of the workplace. Earning an office management degree is essential for candidates who seek to apply for challenging jobs within various industries.

How can I benefit from pursing Office Management Degrees?
Enrolling in office management degree programs can equip students with the credentials to increase their chances of building stable careers in this field. There is an increased demand of individual with strong leadership and communication skills as these individuals can manage offices in an effective way. Hiring such professionals helps companies maximize their productivity and returns. This is why earning office management degrees is a wise decision for students.

Scope of Office Management Degrees
In most cases, office management trainings include associate’s degree programs. These are usually two-year training programs though may be completed in a shorter or longer period of time - that enable students to learn various aspects of office management and administration. A number of community colleges offer these programs. Also, online institutes offer office management degrees for the convenience of those who cannot manage to enroll in onsite trainings. Learning the fundamentals of office management enables students to carry out and organize office support operations.

Courses in Office Management Degrees
Some of the courses included in office management degree programs are:

  • Management principles
  • Basic research skills
  • Project management
  • Document processing
  • Human resource management
  • Desktop publishing
  • Information and records management
  • Spreadsheet design
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Data management
  • Business communications

Admissions Criteria
To be able to enroll in an associate’s degree program in office management, students need to have high school diploma or GED. Some colleges may have additional requirements as well.

Career Outlook
Students can be in good stead for applying for jobs in a number of jobs in various sectors once they earn office management degrees. According to statistics, there is an increased demand of office managers and administrators. Professionals who have strong leadership skills, effective communication and problem solving skills can vie for the prestigious jobs in the job market. They can find employment in various sectors such as:

  • Technology
  • Healthcare
  • Accounting

They can work as administrative services manager, administrative support supervisor, executive secretary to name a few employment options.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has determined that professionals working in office management such as secretaries and administrative assistants earn a median wage of $32,410 whereas Administrative Services Managers earn a median wage of $81,080 as of May 2012.

Online Office Management Degrees
There are a number of schools and colleges that offer office management degrees online. Enrolling in online programs is very suitable for students who wish to earn valuable degrees in a manageable way. These trainings offer a lot of flexibility to the students. They can work from any location and at any time that suits them. Also, the fee of the online office management degree programs is more affordable than the cost of the onsite trainings in this specialized field. Thus students can save time as well as money by enrolling in online programs in office management.

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States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 1660 0.11 1.26 18.13 37720
Florida 1130 0.14 1.68 17.97 37370
Illinois 960 0.16 1.92 17.9 37240
Texas 760 0.07 0.78 16.62 34570
New York 650 0.07 0.85 20.12 41840


How long does it take to get a degree in Office Management?

The amount of time you will be required to invest in getting a degree in office management depends on the level of education. For instance, if you go for an undergraduate bachelor’s degree, it will typically take you 4 years to complete. Higher degrees, such as a master’s degree, can take an additional two years to complete.

What are the requirements to get a degree in Office Management?

To get a degree in office management, you will first have to fulfill certain prerequisites for enrollment. For a bachelor’s degree, you will need to have completed your high school diploma or an equivalent qualification like a GED. Once enrolled, you will be required to complete coursework in business theory, law, communications, computer systems, accounting, math, human resource and information management.

How much can I make with a degree in Office Management?

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Administrative Services Managers made an annual median income of $96,180 per annum as of May, 2018. Human Resource Managers made $113,300 and Management Analysts made $83,610.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:My country has a grading system of 100 points scale. Should I convert this score into the GPA scale prior to apply for the Office Management Degree Programs?

A:Whenever applying for the Office management degree programs, you can leave the GPA area blank. The admission authorities will evaluate this by themselves.

Q:Who can provide recommendation letters to students applying for management degree programs?

A:Most of the prominent schools offering the management degrees prefer recommendations from individuals who can confidently state your level of experience and expertise in the area. These individuals can be from an academic background or can also be from your workplace.

Q:Which courses are taught in Office Technology Programs?

A:Office Technology Programs emphasize on word-processing technology, web design, computer Programming using virtual basic, and desktop publishing. Students have the option to pursue these courses via campus based or online schools. The commonly pursued office technology programs include certificates, diplomas and undergraduate degrees.

Q:What are the main benefits of enrolling in an online office administration diploma program?

A:Online schools and universities in the US have contributed greatly to the concept of distance learning. Students can earn almost any kind of qualification through online accredited sources. The main benefits that students will seek during enrollment in an online office administration diploma program are: flexibility in time management, less cost, no travelling expenses, convenience, ease, and full time jobs can be pursued side by side.

Q:How long does it take to complete the Office Management and Technology course?

A:The Office Management and Technology courses can be opted for at the undergraduate level as well as the graduate level. The Bachelor in Office Management and Technology is a four year degree program whereas the Masters in Office Management and Technology spans over two years. The degree programs can be opted for in the campus-based institutes as well as in the online schools.

Q:What is the office management and administration program meant for?

A:Office management and administration degrees incorporate specialized professional management skills in the students to ensure smooth office operations, coordination, communication within the office, office maintenance, and other everyday tasks. Office Management and Administration degrees are offered in certificate, associate, bachelor and master level. The higher the level of education, the higher will be the career prospects.

Q:Where can I find information on Office Administration online courses?

A:Our website offers comprehensive information on Office Administration online courses. There is a huge list of schools offering the office administration degrees and diplomas online, at our website. Information regarding various degrees and diplomas in office administration are also available at our website. For any further specific queries, you can contact us.

Q:Are the bachelor office management and technology career options very limited?

A:No. Students with bachelor level office management degrees can come across a variety of career opportunities. The entry-level jobs may include clerical job titles, however, with more experience in the field, professionals can expect to earn titles such as office manager and technology specialist. Also, with increased managerial tasks, the job opportunities for these professionals are expected to expand further.

Q:Can students get scholarships to finance their office management degree programs?

A:Students who need financial aid to meet their educational expenses can easily obtain federally sponsored or private scholarships. Typically, the scholarship programs are suitable for students with good academic performances. The two main categories of scholarships included need based and merit based scholarships, which are awarded in accordance with the students' status.

Q:How long will it take to complete the Office Assistant diplomas online?

A:Office Assistant diplomas take about one year to complete if pursued in a traditional campus based institute. However, the duration of the diploma programs in office assistants can differ if the program is opted online. Online programs are self-paced. Hence, there is no restriction on the duration of the program. Students can take as long as they see fit to complete the program.

Q:How to become an Office Administrator?

A:The education path to becoming an office administrator requires that students earn higher education in this area. Students can earn an associate degree in office management or a bachelor degree in office management and technology. The latter will lead to more managerial level jobs as compared to associate’s degree. a number of short courses and diplomas are also available I office management.

Q:Reading about how long does a office management degree take mentioned a course in Human Resource Management. What is included in this course?

A:Human Resources Management would be mentioned when trying to find out how long does a office management degree take. This course guides students on basic human resource procedures. This course is beneficial as office managers are sometimes required to co ordinate with Human Resource Managers. This course also discusses developments and practical tools that help office administrators and managers in their daily tasks.

Q:My search on office administrative schools mentioned a course in administrative office procedures. What are the contents of this course?

A:Searching about office administrative schools would mention a course in administrative office procedures. This course helps students understand basic procedures practiced in an office. Students also learn basic file management, mail, and budget preparation. This course also teaches students about stress management and workplace ethics. For a detailed look into this course, students are requested to search our website for a list of institutions offering this course.

Q:My search on office administration online program mentioned a course in administrative project management. What is the premise of this course?

A:Administrative project management would be included in office administration online program. This course in worth 3 credits and prepares students both theoretically and practically to handle complex projects. Students get an in depth look into the life cycle of a project and the fundamental components of project management. Students are trained on text editor, spreadsheets and presentations in this course. Students interested are welcome to search our website for a list of schools offering this course.

Q:Why would there be a course on medical transcription in an office administration study program?

A:The reason for a course like medical transcription in an office administration study program is that these programs are also required in the healthcare industry. Contrary to popular belief these courses prepare students to work in a variety of industries. Every program is tailor made for its respective industry and requires students to select beforehand. Prospective students are advised to search our website for a list of institutions offering these courses.

Q:Are there any scholarships for office managers?

A:Office managers who wish to continue studies or acquire more qualifications can do so with the help of scholarships. A scholarship can be described as an aid gift that can be used to cover various educational costs such as program fee, book costs, etc. the key purpose of scholarships is to help make education affordable for students.

Q:Are there any professional courses for office technology and management students?

A:A number of institutes are offering professional career oriented courses in the field of technology and management. Technology is widely integrated in a number of business activities, and has become a crucial part of businesses. Courses in technology and management are designed to provide students with skills and a thorough understanding of managerial principles.

Q:In associate-level office management degrees, what is the curriculum like?

A:An associate degree in office management is an undergraduate degree designed to prepare students for office management roles. The curriculum of the degree program will cover important courses such as the following: business communication, information management, office administration, electronic spreadsheets, principles of marketing, and personal finance. The exact curriculum may vary a little from place to place.

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