Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:Are Real Estate Degrees accredited or not?
A:When searching for real estate degrees, you must check the school's website to make sure that the right accreditation agencies have given the program their seal of approval. Most real estate degrees are either accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the US or by the state's own accreditation committee or board.
Q:How are real estate online classes conducted?
A:The classes are held online via educational platforms. Students can study through online lectures, video conferencing, notes, presentations, and slide shows. Online classes are more flexible and convenient. Students can study according to their own pace and free time. Online learning has become the new trend in the educational sector, and is making education more accessible.
Q:Will real estate courses online help me become a residential sales consultant?
A:Yes, a real estate course will help you become a residential real estate sales consultant. The course will cover all major areas of the field. You will learn how to identify real estate market trends, types of real estate, different states and their real estate industry, and economics. It is easier to study an online course as there are no time constraints or books needed.
Q:Do I have to get any text book if I plan to take real estate classes online?
A:Getting textbooks for online classes is not necessary. You will be provided notes and reading material online. This is also a reason why online classes have become more popular as students can cut down on textbook costs. However, you can get textbooks if you need extra help or for your personal reading.
Q:In what ways will online real estate courses help me stay within budget?
A:Online courses have proved to be very flexible and affordable. You can easily cut down on extra costs related to textbooks and travelling. In an online course, you can study from your home at any time of the day, according to your convenience. Online programs are suitable for individuals who are working part time or full time.
Q:I want to take online classes for real estate but am unsure about the career prospects. Can you guide me?
A:Career outlook for Real Estate majors is very positive as employment in this industry is expected to grow faster than average. Other than finding full time jobs, professionals with degrees in this concentration can also get part time employment opportunities. Real Estate professionals can serve in sectors like mortgage finance, real property management, real estate insurance or life insurance firms. According to BLS, employment of real estate brokers and sales agents is expected to grow 11 percent from 2010 to 2021, about as fast as the average for all occupations.
Q:What is the general course work taught in real estate programs online?
A:The courses taught in online Real estate programs include topics like Real Estate market analysis, site selection, investment analysis, economics, marketing and more. Students will also get to know about housing and community development policy, Real Estate law, market analysis and public regulation of land use. Students in these programs learn through group projects in addition to written assignments.
Q:I wish to go for online real estate classes. Can you tell me the benefits?
A:The online real estate classes can provide you a lot of flexibility and convenience. Although, the curriculum offered in online classes is similar to on campus programs, learning methods and resources differ. Online classes enable you to make your own study schedule and learn at your own pace. They are also cost effective as students save on many additional costs such as travelling, textbooks, and hostel accommodation.
Q:I came across the real estate strategy course in the online real estate class. Can you tell me what is it about?
A:The real estate strategy course in the online real estate class is an advanced level course which enables students to analyze the different strategies used in real-estate. Students go through several case studies which enable them to understand and critique on the various management strategies related to real estate. In this course students also develop real estate strategies.
Q:I came across international finance as a real estate online course. What can I expect to learn from it?
A:International finance as a real estate online course addresses various financial issues related to real estate. It covers issues of risk management, financing, valuation, and contractual design for firms operating in international markets. It has a significant exposure to emerging markets as well. Students also learn to evaluate risk and cash flows in environments with varying levels of risk.
Q:Can you give me some tips to perform well in the real estate class online?
A:In order to perform well in the real estate class online, you will need focus, consistent efforts, and knowledge of the real estate trends. Real estate courses are practical in nature so it is preferable that you regularly follow the real estate news and read extensively about what is happening in the real estate market now and what happened in the past. Pre-lecture readings, questions from instructors, and discussions with other students will help you gain knowledge and excellent grades.
Q:Why should I choose an accredited institute for an online real estate course?
A:You should prefer an accredited institute for an online real estate course in order to receive quality education and better career opportunities. Accredited courses meet the requirements and standards set by the relevant accrediting agencies, so they are expected to provide quality education to students. Employers also have a preference for graduates from accredited institutions.
Q:What are the different learning resources used in online real estate degree?
A:Various learning resources are used in online real estate degree to enhance the understanding and retention of course material. These resources normally include video lectures, lecture slides, practice exercises with solutions, online notes and readings, case studies, and discussion threads. With the help of these resources, students can study and revise topics at their own pace. They also participate in discussions to enhance their knowledge on the subject.
Q:Can you tell me if the curriculum in the real estate degree online will be different from the on campus one?
A:Usually the same curriculum is followed in the on campus program and the real estate degree online. However, you should prefer an accredited online school as it meets the curriculum and quality standards set by the relevant accrediting agencies. The learning resources and teaching methods differ in online education but there are no major differences in curriculum.
Q:I came across the urban real estate economics as a real estate course online. Can you explain this course?
A:Urban real estate economics is an interesting real estate course online which makes use of economic concepts in analyzing real estate markets, values and trends. The focus of this course is on market dynamics in the U.S. and internationally. It emphasizes on how urban growth and government policies affect urban development and prices of real estate.
Q:Can you tell me the different career paths I can take after real estate online courses?
A:Real estate online courses can open up various career paths for you. However, in order to thrive in the career path you choose you will need to stay updated with real estate knowledge and enhance your analytical skills over time. The different career paths you can take include appraisal and consulting, brokerage and leasing, corporate real estate, property management, mortgage and construction lending, and development.
Q:What are the benefits of real estate online programs?
A:These programs allow you to study real estate sales and management from the convenience of your own home/ workplace and at your pace. Further, these courses are more cost effective as you do not have to incur travelling costs to and from your classes/lectures. It is for these reasons many thousands of students across the US undertake online programs.