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Training and Development Certification

Education and learning are continuous processes. The idiom "from the cradle to the grave" applies to education and learning. It is therefore that fresh college graduates, once hired in their respective chosen professions, undergo further training conducted by their employers.

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Companies have their own training programs with instructors who conduct them. These instructors and trainers are qualified individuals with college education. Some of them are certified trainers who hold certificates in various aspects of employee training and development.

A certificate in training and development is offered by various independent bodies and universities for those who are responsible for the training and development of their organization's employees. Those who are already working in the human resource department may benefit the most by enrolling in such a certificate. A training and development certificate provides necessary knowledge and skills to design and deliver effective employee in-house training programs.

Importance of Training and Development Certification

In most instances, certification is not required; it is an additional voluntary qualification. However its importance in today's increasingly competitive business environment cannot be overlooked.

Employee training and development has changed altogether from its early days when college education was all that was required to excel in businesses. Now with the rapidly advancing technologies, employee trainers and developers are challenged to evaluate, design, develop and deliver training programs in more impactful ways.

Learning Outcomes

  • To provide necessary skills to transfer learning to on-the-job application
  • To develop effective learning experiences
  • To engage participants in learning experiences

Upon completion participants may be able to:

  • Implement new programs
  • Evaluate program effectiveness
  • Develop program materials
  • Design training programs
  • Analyze training needs
  • Plan small to mid-sized training design and development projects
  • Discuss key principles of adult learning and learning styles

Curriculum Requirements

A certificate may consist of a total of 7 courses out of which three are required and the rest are core courses.

Required Courses

  • Managing Learning and Development
  • Foundations of Adult Learning I
  • Foundations of Adult Learning II

Core Courses

  • Trainer as Consultant
  • Making Training Stick: Reinforcement, Measurement, and Evaluation
  • Measuring and Reporting L&D Impact
  • Instructional Design

Admission/Enrollment Requirements

  • Online registration, or
  • Registration by telephone

In most cases, there may be no prerequisites, however it is advised that you enroll in a training and development certificate only when you are already in the field and want to enhance your credentials. In most cases, you will be able to pay by credit or debit card.


From a few days to weeks to months, there is no set time period for the completion of training and development certification. Therefore if you are looking for short-certification courses, look for an institute (there are many) that offers one-week certificates.

2 important bits of information:

  • The certification is usually a non-credit credential
  • The certification may not serve as a prerequisite for an advanced college-based degree

An Overview of Training and Development Certification

If you are still wondering what is it that you will get out of it and whether it is for you in the first place then here's the summary of what has been written above.

What Will You Learn?

  • Adult-learning principles
  • Planning and design of effective training
  • Knowledge of the evaluation process
  • Skills to use training strategies and techniques
  • Skills in need analysis and assessment

You should get certified if you are training:

  • Supervisor
  • Analysts
  • Designer
  • Instructor
  • Trainer


Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are the benefits of opting for online certificate for training?

A:Certificate for training if pursued online can bring a range of benefits. Online programs require no travelling and can be completed from the comfort of your home. On the other hand, online certificate programs are less costly, as they are no additional book costs, and traveling costs. These are excellent educational choices for working individuals as they can continue working without having to take campus based classes.

Q:While I was reading about a certification in training, I found out that this course can take less than 8 months to complete. How?

A:Certification programs are short courses that can take around 6-12 months to complete. The exact duration will depend upon the school offering the course. Certification programs have gained popularity as it allows students to acquire career oriented skills and knowledge in a short time span. Employers all across the world prefer hiring candidates who are certified in the field.

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