History Classes

History involves the study of past human behavior, culture, traditions and civilizations. The study of history is indispensable as it teaches us about our past and explains our behavior in various situations. History also plays a vital role in education and helps students establish an identity for themselves. The subject of history is diverse and its functions in explaining our past and understanding different societies are vital in today’s age. Historical information has an important role in the formulation of laws in our society. Most importantly by studying history of past generations we can prepare ourselves for a better future.

Types of History Degrees

In most colleges, history forms part of the liberal arts or social sciences departments. The degrees offered in history include Associate of Arts (AoA) degrees, Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS) and higher degrees including Master of Arts (MA) and Doctorate degrees. The Associate degree in history can be completed in as little as 18 months. History classes for this program include instruction on basic historical courses, including the study of world history, study of various civilizations, history of the United States, history of Asia and the dawn of the Information age. The more advanced bachelor’s degree in arts focuses on helping students develop a deep understanding of our heritage and culture from various perspectives. It includes history classes on the study of ancient civilizations, the medieval age, the scientific age and study of the 20th century. Students also learn about economic history, world trade and constitutional history & law formation. The Bachelor of Social Sciences in History (BSS) degree is more inclined toward the study of the social settings and behavior of various elements in our societies. It includes special courses on human behavior, formation of culture and the development and evolution of politics and government structure through the ages.

What subjects will I study?
Students of 2 year master’s degrees programs take advanced history classes in a number of subjects, with the core subjects being world geography, US history and government, economics and factors affecting trade around the world. Additional courses include basics education principles, policy formation, law, planning & evaluation and political and economic analysis. Similar specializations are available to PhD candidates. As with other subjects, PhD candidates must write a thesis, or research paper, on a particular topic which is then subject to review by the faculty of a college and fellow students. This is followed by a dissertation in which various questions about the topic selected and the research process used are asked. To accommodate the growing trend of students to pursue a degree in history, several colleges are now offering online history classes. Online degrees appeal to students because they offer the opportunity to take classes from your own place at any time. Such programs are also mostly self paced, which means students can finish in as little time as possible. Online degrees are also increasingly appealing to employers because a student who has taken online history classes will outperform peers who attended on-campus classes in the use of technology and digital media.

Can I get a job as a History major?
History offers graduates a vast number of opportunities, particularly in the education sector. History graduates can start teaching history classes in schools or community colleges. After completion of a PhD, they can also become part of a university faculty. Students with history majors are also an important part of government and state agencies, particularly as policy advisors, planners and analysts. They also prove to be efficient in administrative and managerial posts, and studies indicate a student who has taken history classes can dramatically improve the quality of services delivered to the public by a state run institution. Many students go on to become part of cultural centers or museums, or organizations that serve to preserve historical artifacts around the world. Research oriented students can become part of consultancy firms or industrial giants to improve work conditions and relations between workers and employers. History majors can also enter the fields of publishing and journalism and use the deep insight in the working of human society to analyze current happenings in the world.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Can i take history classes online?

A:Of course. History Classes can easily be opted online. Interested candidates can browse through our website and find some of the most renowned institutes offering history classes online. Students can get enrolled in the program right away and make their own class schedules. Students get to take the classes at a time of their suitability.

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