An accredited college is an educational institute that has been formally recognized as a degree granting institute by the U.S Board of Education. Not all programs offered by colleges and universities are accredited courses. Similarly, not all colleges and universities are fully accredited. It is really important for students to confirm if a college or school is properly accredited before enrolling.
Why is college accreditation important?
The following are the main reasons supporting the importance of accredited colleges:
- Assurance: People spend weeks to years in a college depending upon the program. Time spent at a college or university is not only important but is the basis of your entire future and career. It is of great importance and value to be enrolled in an accredited program.
- Funding: An accredited college is eligible for government funding whereas non-accredited colleges and universities are not eligible for any state or federal funding. Funding can be in the form of grants or loans to the students, programs, or to the accredited college itself. Funds play a very important part in the enhancement of education. Funds enable the accredited college to purchase equipment and technology as well as buy state of the art applications that assist in promoting educational excellence.
- Tuition assistance: Majority of corporations all across America provides tuition assistance. Tuition assistance allows the employees to pursue educational certifications, diploma, or degrees that will be eventually beneficial for the organization at the company expense. Corporations only allow tuition assistance for accredited programs. Professionals who are enrolled in an accredited college are eligible to apply for tuition assistance.
- Transferring credits: People are always on the go. Life changes dramatically. Many students have to change cities due to job transfers of the parents or loved ones. Professionals keep on changing their jobs and end up in different cities all across America. An accredited college allows you to transfer your credits to any other institution as long as that institute is also an accredited college or university. This saves you time and energy. If you are not enrolled in an accredited college, you have to take the courses and curriculum all over again to pursue that particular diploma or suffocation in that particular area.
Accredited college Verification
All accredited colleges across the nation are affiliated with the U.S. Department of Education. Certain accredited colleges also have to be affiliated with the Council for higher education. In fact, they are six regional accrediting agencies that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for higher education accreditation.
Accredited college curriculum
Colleges and universities have a variety of different diplomas, certifications and degree programs. Almost all programs affiliated within the credited college are accredited by the various boards. Primarily, the following are the main degrees that are accredited by accredited colleges and universities:
- Associates degree in arts
- Associates degree in social sciences
- bachelors degree in arts
- bachelors degree in science
- Masters degree
- PhD programs