Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:Where can I find the top universities and schools that offer degrees in Fraud Investigation?
A:Institutes listed on our website such as Kaplan International and Arizona State University are some of the many renowned universities and schools that offer degrees in Fraud Investigation that are not only the most competitive, they also offer an edge over the others when it comes to job hunt.
Q:How many credits are there in the Bachelor Investigation programs?
A:The Bachelor Investigation programs have a total of 120 credits. The duration of this program is up to 4 years and the students can get enrolled in online or campus based programs offered at these schools.
Q:What topics are covered in a Bachelors in Fraud Management degree program?
A:The curriculum of a bachelor’s degree in fraud management comprises of various topics and courses. These courses are covered over a span of four years. Important areas included in the curriculum are: fraud detection and prevention, legal and ethical issues, methods of research and analysis, fraud management and case studies, analyzing financial statements, information security, database management, criminal profiling, and business profiling.
Q:What is taught in the Loss Prevention course in the Bachelors in Fraud Investigation?
A:The Loss Prevention course in Bachelors in Fraud Investigation focuses on eliminating or minimizing the damages of a fraudulent action. Students are taught on how to apply the study to be able to forecast any future threats and take feasible proactive measures in this regards.
Q:I was going through the Bachelor in Fraud Investigation course and read about Fraud Analysis course. What is involved in the Fraud Analysis course?
A:The Fraud Analysis course is a mandatory course of the Bachelor in Fraud Investigation in the United States. This course revolves around physically or virtually recreating the crime scene or the situation where the fraudulent act took place. Fraud Analysis is also used to link any previous occurrences, to see if they relate to the same person in any way whatsoever. It is also used to promote better understanding to study the criminal minds.
Q:What is taught in Forensic Investigations and Asset Recovery course in Bachelor of Fraud Investigation?
A:There are a number of courses you will get to study in the four year Bachelor of Fraud Investigation program. In Forensic Investigations and Asset Recovery course, the students get the chance to explore forensic investigation process to recover assets and money. Topics covered include internet investigations, analysis cycle, asset tracking and strategies supporting legal action.
Q:How long is a bachelor in fraud investigation?
A:A bachelor in fraud investigation can be undertaken part time or full time, on-campus or online. The duration of the program will vary according to all the above mentioned factors along with the directives of the school you will be studying at. A full time study course will usually take four years of study, however with an online bachelor degree you can set your own pace of study and can shorten or lengthen the course duration based on your preference.
Q:What job can I do after the fraud investigation bachelor programs?
A:After a bachelor program in fraud investigation students can work either as private detectives, investigators, claims adjusters, examiners and appraisers. Private detectives and investigators had an annual median pay of $45,740 in 2012. Claims adjusters, examiners, investigators and appraisers had an annual median pay of $59,850 in 2012 (U.S. BLS).