Careers in Fraud Investigation

Major Sectors for Careers in Fraud Investigation

  • The major field for careers in fraud investigation is finance. Banks, investment house, pension funds and insurance agencies all offer careers in fraud investigation. They are looking for people with strong quantitative skills and the ability to discern patterns in data. They are also looking for those who can demonstrate an aptitude for law and management.

  • Another major sector that provides careers in fraud investigation is the world of online marketing and trading. Online businesses are selling everything from tires to books to airline tickets. There are careers in fraud investigation for those who want to protect these businesses from those with criminal intent. Professionals who are trained in fraud investigation can help design processes that protect credit card information.
  • The government is a major employer of professionals trained in fraud investigation. The government often has to regulate sectors like finance and telecommunications to ensure that people are being billed fairly and provided adequate services. There are careers in fraud investigation for those who can help ensure that these standards are maintained.

Educational programs for careers in fraud investigation

  • If you are interested in a career in fraud investigation, a suitable choice would be to get a bachelor’s degree in fraud investigation which is offered as a four year program by many institutions.
  • Community colleges often offer a two year associate degree that can also be useful in starting a career in fraud investigation.
  • A master’s degree in fraud investigation is a great way to develop more specialized skills for a career in fraud investigation.
  • It is possible to have careers in fraud investigation without these specialized degrees. Economics, business and law have often proven to be excellent choices for those interested in careers in fraud investigation.
Learn the integrated disciplines of law and management to prevent fraud.
fraud investigator jobs


  • One of the most common specializations for careers in fraud investigation is managing financial transactions. This specialization exposes you to techniques used in the finance sector to establish identity and credibility. The skill is in high demand in the insurance sector.
  • The other main specialization available to those who seek careers in fraud investigation is in computer fraud. This will teach you about encryption mechanisms as well as the common techniques of computer fraud we encounter in the world today.

Statistics on Careers in Fraud Investigation

  • The reported salaries for careers in fraud investigation are stated on the O*NET website. Those who graduated with bachelor's degrees in fraud investigation and start a professional career have a median annual salary of about $61,160.
  • But those who have a master’s degree in fraud investigation can hope to draw higher wages down the line, especially after putting in several years of work experience report.
  • Some of the highest salary figures come from those whose training is not in fraud investigation but rather in economics, business or law.
  • The growth rate of careers in fraud investigation is also estimated to be up to 9% in the ten-year period from 2010 to 2020. This is largely attributed to the growing demand for careers in fraud investigation related to the complex transactions moving online.

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 1660 0.11 1.26 18.13 37720
Florida 1130 0.14 1.68 17.97 37370
Illinois 960 0.16 1.92 17.9 37240
Texas 760 0.07 0.78 16.62 34570
New York 650 0.07 0.85 20.12 41840


How Long Does It Take to Become a Fraud Investigator?

To begin working as a Fraud Investigator, one must possess relevant qualification. Although the minimum requirement is a 2-year associate’s degree, a 4-year bachelor’s degree is preferred by most employers. Depending on the job requirement, experience in the field could also count with an associate’s degree in the relevant subject. Moreover, many states have made it mandatory for Fraud Investigators to be licensed. To become a licensed investigator, you must fulfill the minimum education requirement and pass the exam set by the state. The whole process of becoming a Fraud Investigator may take 4 to 6 years in total.

What Are the Requirements for Becoming a Fraud Investigator?

To pursue a career in Fraud Investigation, you must:

  1. Possess a college degree or have relevant field experience of at least 2-3 years.
  2. Take and clear the state-required exam to become a licensed investigator.
  3. Apply for a post of fraud investigator and clear the interview.
  4. Pass the drugs test, polygraph exam and physical checkup.
  5. Clear all background checks.
  6. Get hired as a fraud investigator and receive on-the-job training.

How Much Can I Make after Becoming a Fraud Investigator?

After completing all the relevant requirements and obtaining a state-issued license, you can begin working in different areas such as Claims Adjusters, Appraisers, Examiners and Investigators. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the annual median income of $65,670 for Claims Adjusters, Appraisers, Examiners and Investigators in 2018.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What job responsibilities are involved in fraud investigation careers?

A:The job responsibilities involved in fraud investigation careers vary with the job title and the sector that employs you. Typically, you are required to deal with illegal and fraudulent activities. Also, you get to work with officers at state and federal levels. Recovery of incurred losses is also an integral part of a fraud investigator's job.

Q:What sort of computer fraud careers can I look forward to?

A:Once you graduate with a Fraud Investigation degree, you can find yourself looking at a number of illustrious computer fraud careers. You can find work with the criminal justice department; working with the police or government agencies while a number of large corporations and businesses also require people with expertise in the computer fraud investigation field.

Q:Can you name the three main types of fraud investigation careers?

A:There are basically three types of fraud careers that can be pursued: firstly an individual can opt to become financial industry fraud investigator. Another option is to join the forensics accountants sector and become a fraud investigator, and the last type of fraud investigation careers is to become a consumer protection fraud investigator.

Q:As I read about the fraud investigator jobs, there was mention of the course on Judicial Process. What is taught in the course?

A:It is common to get to see the mention of curse on Judicial Process while reading about the Fraud Investigator jobs. This course is worth 4 credits in total and is designed to make the students understand the various dynamics of the system of courthouse justice. It also includes a comprehensive overview of the criminal courts and the main personnel attached to it.

Q:What is the required degree for Investigator jobs government education?

A:The required education for becoming a government Fraud Investigator is either a Bachelor's of Associate's degree in Fraud Management; however it is not a necessity. People with majors in Law, Economics and Business can become Fraud Investigators for government too. A person with a Master's in Fraud Management has a wider scope in future.

Q:Searching for fraud specialized careers mentioned Fraud Analyst. What is the job description for this profession?

A:Fraud Analyst would be mentioned when searching for fraud specialized careers. These professionals are required to monitor and analyze transactions for any suspicious activities. These professionals are also required to review, investigate and resolve any discrepancies reported by consumers. With companies all over the world losing millions to fraudulent activities every year, there is huge potential for students interested in this career.

Q:Fraud investigation jobs at executive level require what kind of qualifications?

A:Fraud investigation jobs demand skilled and qualified individuals in the field. With a bachelor degree in fraud investigation, you can apply for entry level jobs in various organizations such as banks, insurance companies etc. On the other hand, if you wish to get to the top of the corporate level, having a doctorate degree or at least a master's degree in hand is necessary.

Q:What sorts of careers in fraud examination are available after completing a bachelor's degree in this field?

A:After completing a four years bachelor's degree in the field of fraud investigation or examination, graduates will be able to work in insurance companies, accounting firms and business organizations. They will be responsible for detecting management frauds, embezzlement, white-collar crimes and employee theft. This degree will also prepare you to obtain a certification from Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

Q:For careers in fraud, what academic areas should I specialize in?

A:Fraud investigation careers are some of the highest paying jobs. If you are interested in becoming a fraud investigator, it is important that you equip yourself with skills and knowledge. You can specialize in cybercrime, fraud investigation, management fraud, and more. You can also acquire certification form the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners to enhance your career opportunities.

Q:Give me information on fraud investigation and fraud careers?

A:Many organizations face fraud cases and rely on fraud management professionals to use their investigative methods that can control mismanagement and prevent them from financial loss. It is a lucrative field and professionals in the field take handsome packages for their services which may include study of financial transactions and computer fraud.

Q:Are there careers in fraud investigation in the banking sector?

A:Yes, fraud investigators and fraud examiners can seek jobs in the banking industry. Due to the growing complexity of banking procedures, the risk of financial fraud is high. Many banking institutions hire such investigators to perform audits and identify fraudulent activities. For more information, take a look at our page.

Q:What does a Certified Fraud Investigator do? How much do they earn?

A:Insurance fraud investigators step in when a claims adjuster or examiner suspects someone has made a fraudulent claim. Fraudulent activities can include anything from unnecessary prescriptions or medical procedures to arson or even accidents staged to collect insurance money. According to the US BLS, the annual median salary for insurance investigators was $59,850 in 2012.

Q:What are the jobs offered with fraud investigator degree?

A:Fraud investigators are responsible for identifying fraud in different corporate settings. Potential careers for people with a fraud investigation degree include positions in the financial industry, forensic accountancy, and the consumer protection sector. Some companies have a special fraud detection department while others hire external professionals to deal with such issues in their organization.

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