Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:From where can I get a Curriculum and Instruction degree?
A:The curriculum and instruction degrees are offered at various levels in the online as well as campus based institutes. The most prestigious amongst these consist of American College of Education, Sacred Heart University, Walden University Online, Marygrove College, Northcentral University, and Concordia University.
Q:Are the curriculum instruction degrees offered with some specialization areas?
A:Yes. The Curriculum Instruction degrees can be availed with a bunch of specialties. These include: instructional design for online learning, educational assessment and evaluation, educational assessment and education, curriculum and instructions for educators, learning and technology, instructional design, Elementary Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, and others.
Q:Name a few jobs that can pursued with Online Curriculum Instruction Degrees?
A:In Online Curriculum Instruction Degrees, students learn how to design curriculum and education content. With qualifications in this field, students can pursue job positions of an IT training specialist, human resources training manager, instructional coordinator, curriculum developer, textbook writer or editor, private school teacher, public school teacher, day care provider, and many more.
Q:What do curriculum design and technology degrees entail?
A:Curriculum design and technology degrees are important degrees in the field of education as they prepare learners in the preparation of curriculum for schools and colleges. The course teaches learners how to make sure that the educational curriculum is up to national standards and that the right knowledge is being imparted upon students.
Q:Can you tell me about curriculum and instruction degree?
A:Curriculum and instruction degree includes study of curriculum development in relation to the target audience. It includes study regarding research, designing education material, communication strategies, teacher psychology, student performance evaluation and education administration. Curriculum and instruction specialists need to be an expert in their area and therefore should have a master's degree.
Q:What is the job outlook associated with curriculum and instruction degrees?
A:According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), people working in the field of curriculum and instruction and other closely related fields had a mean annual wage of $60,050 per year in 2012. Their employment is expected to grow by 13% in the period of 2012-2022. The jobs that require this degree include curriculum consultant, curriculum coordinator, curriculum specialist, instructional coordinator, staff development specialist, and director of instructional material.