Master in Early Childhood Education

What is early childhood education?
The field of early childhood education focuses on the education of young children including preschoolers and children studying in grades one through five. The formative years of a child’s life – from birth to the age of seven years – are extremely vital for developing learning abilities, reasoning skills and social skills that will stick with the child for the rest of his or her life. Special government initiatives have recently been introduced to ensure a high standard of early childhood education across the country in order to help children properly develop and learn vital life skills and to recognize and treat any learning disorders a child may have.

What is the master of early childhood education?
The master of early childhood education is a two-year long, advanced graduate degree which is especially designed for the people who wish to obtain managerial positions in education or carry out research in this area. In order to be admitted to this program, applicants must have completed a bachelor degree level education and met specific work experience requirements. The coursework includes subjects such as educational leadership, curriculum development, improvement of instruction methods, child psychology, early childhood learning and research methodology.

What are the career prospects?
A Master's degree of early childhood education can help you apply for a high paying job at a public or private school, state or federal educational organization, a research institution, or a university or community college. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment opportunities for elementary school and kindergarten teachers are expected to increase by around 17% from 2010 to 2020. Furthermore, as of May 2010, the median annual wage for such professionals in early childhood education is $48,800. However, as most such teachers have a bachelor's degree, a master in early childhood education will increase your chances of advancing into the top ten percent income bracket that is upwards of $76,490 on an annual salary basis.

How long does it take to get a master’s in early childhood education?

Typically, it takes up to 2 years to get a master’s degree. You may be able to graduate with a master’s degree in less or more time depending on whether you are a full time or a part-time student. You could also opt for an accelerated or online program, both of which will allow you to complete your degree sooner than the traditional 2 years.

What are the requirements to get a master’s in early childhood education?

To gain admission to a master's program, you are required to have a bachelor's degree and meet the minimum GPA requirement set by the college of your choice - usually, a 3.0. In addition to this, you may also be required to submit letters of reference and an admissions essay as well as your GRE score. The program requirements include learning about instructions for early learners, evaluation and assessment skills, curriculum development and more.

How much can I make after I get a master's in early childhood education?

Typically, you need a high school diploma and certification or an associate's degree to work as a preschool teacher or a childcare worker. With a degree in early childhood education, you will be able to work with infants up to 8 years old. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for childcare workers as of May 2018 was $23,240 per year. The median annual wage for preschool teachers was a bit higher at $29,780 per annum.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Are there any scholarships for the Masters in Early Psychology programs?

A:There are numerous universities and colleges offering the financial aid for Masters in Early Psychology degree programs. The aid helps students study higher degrees such as Masters in Early Childhood Education with ease. The financial aid include scholarships, grants, work-study and student loans.

Q:Is there any Kaplan University Early Childhood Education program?

A:Yes. Kaplan University offers a couple of Early Childhood Education programs. These could be opted for in Kaplan University's online programs as well as in its location-based campuses. These programs consist of the Associate of Applied Science in Early Childhood Development and Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Development.

Q:Which are the popular universities offering MA in Early Childhood Education degree programs?

A:MA in Early Childhood Education is a graduate degree with a duration of two years. This degree program is offered at many universities. Some of the highest ranked universities offering this degree are: Central Washington University, Schiller International University, California Intercontinental University, Auburn University, Northern Arizona University, California Polytechnic University, Colorado State University, University of Florida, Roosevelt University, Illinois State University, and Drake University.

Q:How long will it take to complete the online degree in Master's Childhood Education?

A:The Master's in Childhood Education is a two year program. However, if pursued online, the degree has no duration restriction and can be completed in as much time as the applicant wants. Online degrees are self paced. They are scheduled by the applicants themselves and they stand eligible to take the classes whenever they want.

Q:What are some of the Early Childhood Masters careers?

A:If you have completed a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education, you can find a large number of careers that will suit your education. You can choose to work with daycare centers as well as kindergarten institutions. You can also find high level positions with elementary and pre-schools. A master's degree ensures a management and administrative level position.

Q:Which managerial jobs with master’s early education can be pursued?

A:Students who graduate with a master’s degree in early education can apply for managerial level or director level jobs in the field of early education. These include job positions such as early childhood consultant, senior specialist, early childhood education teacher, early childhood case manager, project manager, curriculum developer, and many more. The job position will also depend greatly on the specialization area.

Q:What are the poplar careers for Masters in Early Childhood Education degree holders?

A:A Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education is a graduate level degree designed to train students to become qualified teachers. The degree program focuses on teaching methods applied in classrooms for young students. With this degree, job positions such as the following can be pursued: teacher, assistant teacher, counselor, curriculum developer, researcher, and tutor.

Q:What kind of jobs with a master in early childhood education degree can be pursued?

A:There are various different jobs that are available to students with qualifications in early childhood education. The job positions may vary with the level of qualification and experience. Masters level degree jobs include: early education executive director, early education associate director, behavioral therapist, day care administrator, educational adviser, family services coordinator, and instructor/teacher.

Q:To get good jobs in Masters of Early Childhood Education, do I need to have a degree that is accredited by a specific body or can any degree work?

A:For jobs in Early Childhood Education in the United States, you need to opt for the degrees that are accredited by the U.S. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). This is the highest governing body of Early Childhood Education program in all of America. Accredited degrees are always preferred over the non-accredited ones.

Q:What are some of the Master's degree Early Childhood Education jobs?

A:Once you complete a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education, there are a large number of job opportunities awaiting you. If you are interested in going into the educational sector, you could work at a kindergarten or junior school as a teacher while people who are more interested in child care can find work at a number of daycare facilities and the government's childcare services.

Q:Could I get a Masters in Childhood Studies?

A:The Master in Childhood Studies can only be pursued if a few prerequisites are met. These include an undergraduate degree in a related field from an accredited institute. Applicants are required to have a GPA above 3.0 to qualify for the master's program. Some level of professional experience is also required by a few institutes. Those who do not require any professional experience do consider it as an additional quality and enhances the candidates' chance of admission. If you satisfy the above mentioned criteria, you can definitely get the Master in Childhood Studies.

Q:Why should I opt for the Master in Early Childhood Education online?

A:Pursuing the online Master in Early Childhood Education offers various benefits. Most importantly applicants of the online degrees can take up full day time jobs and continue with their education after office timings from the ease of home. Online Master in Early Childhood Education is less expensive as compared to the campus based degree. At the same time, it saves precious time and commuting costs as well. Students schedule their own classes at their pace and hence can take as long as they wish to complete the degree.

Q:What kind of jobs for Masters in Early Childhood Education are out there?

A:There are a large number of jobs available for people with master's degrees in early childhood education. If you are interested in teaching, you will be able to work as a teacher in a number of nursery and kindergarten schools. People who are interested in an entry-level position can find work with daycare facilities and babysitting agencies.

Q:What kind of career can you have with a Masters in Early Childhood Education degree?

A:Typically, a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education degree leads to entry level and mid level teaching careers. With further qualifications such as a masters degree in this field enhances career opportunities in teaching, and also leads to higher salaries. With a master’s degree, individuals can move to administration job positions in schools, and also work on managerial posts in this field such as: administrator/director, trainer, and assistant professor/professor.

Q:What career can you get with a Masters in Early Childhood Development degree?

A:A degree in early childhood development equips students with vast knowledge of childhood education and learning. With this degree an individual can pursue many careers such as: opening up a daycare center, work as an educator, take on managerial job positions in the administrative dept of primary schools, tutor young children, become an early childhood specialist, early childhood counselor, and many more.

Q:What are the Master Early Childhood Education jobs that I can get after I graduate?

A:Once you complete a Master's in Early Childhood Education, you can easily find lucrative positions with a number of institutes. You can choose to go into education and work at a primary or elementary school while you can also choose to go and work for a daycare center. Due to the high level of education, you will be able to find administrative level positions in any of these childcare institutes.

Q:Can I find Masters scholarship in Early Childhood education?

A:Students can find scholarships for any area of specialization. Getting a scholarship at the graduate level is a little difficult. However, not impossible. If you are facing financial constraints, you can apply to the federal authorities. You can also look for scholarship programs extended by the state authorities or private organizations.

Q:Is it possible to attain a Master degrees in Child Development in California?

A:Yes, it is possible to attain child development qualifications at master’s level in the state of California. This degree program is offered by a number of schools in California such as the Argosy University, Brandman University, Whittier College, University of Southern California, San Diego State University, Stanford University, Pepperdine University, Westmont College, California Lutheran, University, Santa Clara University, and California State Polytechnic University.

Q:While searching for jobs for your Master in Early Childhood Education, I came across salary variations for professionals in this field. Why do some of the states pay more than others?

A:Searching for jobs for your Master in Early Childhood Education would give you salary figures that fluctuate between states. One of the main reasons is the demographics of that particular state which directly affects the salaries. The location of the school is also a contributing factor, there will be a difference in salaries for a school located in a large metropolitan area as opposed to a school in a rural area. These factors are directly responsible for salary variations in this profession..

Q:Where can I find MA Early Childhood Education jobs?

A:The Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education is a sought after degree offering students various lucrative career opportunities. The Master’s degree holders can work as administrators and managers in any public or private primary school. They can also become curriculum expert and course designers for the primary education sector. Research jobs in the field of early childhood education are another such area of work for the MA in Early Childhood Education degree holders.

Q:Could you please tell me what kind of job can you get with a Masters in Child Development?

A:If you have a Master's degree in Child Development, you will be able to find work at a large number of educational institutes that provide education to children. In addition to working as a teacher or instructor, you can also find positions creating curriculum and teaching plans. You will also be fit to work at or run a childcare center.

Q:Can I find a Master scholarship for Early Childhood Education?

A:Indeed you can. There are a number of private organizations offering grants and scholarships to deserving students with academic excellence in the field of healthcare education. The Master's degree scholarship in the field of Early Childhood Education can be gained from organizations such as Tylenol. You can browse through our website for further detailed info on Tylenol Scholarship programs.

Q:While searching on what job could you get with an early childhood masters, I came across the Recovery Act. Please explain what that is and how is that going to affect my future job prospects?

A:Yes. Searching for jobs with an early childhood masters might take you to the Recovery Act. The Recovery Act was signed into law by the Obama Administration. This law was in response to the 2008 financial crises, where the federal government was forced to cut costs especially in the education sector. Thousands of teachers lost their jobs as a result of these cuts. This act initiated the course taken by the Obama administration where further layoffs were prevented and primary and secondary educators were rehired to stop the leakage. This law acts as a buffer for professionals looking for employment in the current economic climate.

Q:As I read about what types of jobs can I get with a Masters in Early Childhood Education, I got to know about Essentials of Sociology course. What is taught in this course?

A:For individuals wanting to get a good career in the field of Early Childhood Education, it is preferred if they have studied the 4 credits worth course on Essentials of Sociology. This course focuses on the theories, terminology as well as questions that are used in the study of groups, values, norms, institutions as well as cultures by the sociologists throughout the decades and centuries.

Q:When I read about the Masters in Early Childhood & what job can I go in to, there was mention of the course on English Composition. Can you please tell me more about this course?

A:While reading on the Masters in Early Childhood, it is common to end up finding about the course on English Composition. This is an essential course and is of worth 3 credits. The aim of this course is to enhance the writing as well as critical thinking abilities of the young students which may be used for organizing, proofreading and composition of articles.

Q:What are the features of a self paced MA in Early Childhood Education?

A:The self paced MA in Early Childhood Education offers a number of advantages to students, such as completing the program from the ease of home at a time of their choice. Students are allowed to schedule their own course, hence they can take as much time as they see fit complete the degree. All students need is an internet access and they can take their class from anywhere in the world. This helps students save quite a bit in terms of the tuition fees as well as the commuting time and costs.

Q:As I read about the best universities for masters in early childhood education, there was mention of the course on Introduction to Psychology. What are the contents of this course?

A:The best universities for masters in early childhood education have dedicated course on Introduction to Psychology. This course is aimed at making the students understand the basics of how to study psychology and perform the research based on the psychological studies. You also get to study the affects of behavior, brain and the hormones.

Q:My search for what jobs are for Masters Degree in Early Childhood mentioned child development program. Where can I find employment in the community services sector?

A:Searching for what jobs are for Masters Degree in Early Childhood would mention child development programs. This sector is expected to experience a significant increase in the future. Professionals can find themselves employed in community centers (YMCA), rehabilitations organizations, adult day care providers, hospitals, adoption agencies, religious organizations and consumer protections agencies. More information about this qualification is available on our website.

Q:Your website mentioned School Administrator with jobs with Masters in Early Childhood Education. What are these professionals required to do?

A:School Administrator would be mentioned with jobs with master s in early childhood education. School Administrators are required to administer and manage daily operations of an educational institution. These professionals set academic performance goals and implement school rules. This helps the school achieve its required academic targets. School Administrators are also required to devise curriculum in order to help students with their academic performance.

Q:Where and how to find jobs for Master in Early Childhood Education?

A:Master in Early Childhood Education opens up a plethora of career opportunities for degree holders. They can work as consultants, professors, researchers, administrators and instructors in private, public, and online schools. Graduates can easily find jobs online on the numerous job portals available for help fresh graduates find employment. They can also submit their CVs to nearby institutes, primary schools, daycare centers and research firms.

Q:While searching on how to get a masters degree in early childhood specialist, I came across the course Child Psychology. Does it have to do with science?

A:Master in Early Childhood Learning makes you a professional in the field of childhood studies, thus, the course Child Psychology is a major topic that is addressed in the program. In order to understand the issues related to a specific age group of children, you need to understand their psychology. It isn't much scientific, it is mostly theoretical.

Q:While reading about career with a masters in early childhood education, I came across SPICE of life. What is it about?

A:Reading about masters in early childhood education would mention Spice of life. It refers to the five development domains of children. These domains are social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional. All of these domains play an important role in a child's mental and physical development, hence referring this to as the SPICE of life.

Q:There was mention of the course on Introductory Psychology as I read about the Early Childhood education master scholarship. What is taught in this course?

A:Most of the articles on Early Childhood Education Master Scholarship programs focus on courses such as Introduction to Psychology. This is a 5 credits worth course that aims to stress on the study and application of psychology, research of psychological terms, behavior in biology as well as the relations between behavior in humans and the environment around them.

Q:What is taught in the Guidance and Discipline course of the Early Childhood Masters degree careers program?

A:The Early Childhood Masters degree programs in United States have a comprehensive course of around 3 credits on Guidance and Discipline. This course, as the name suggests, focuses on instigating the concepts of guidance and discipline on children, so that they can behave in a more decent and civilized manner. It helps the children be more responsible and productive.

Q:What are some of the jobs available with Masters Early Childhood Education?

A:A Master's degree in early childhood education opens a number of doors for people looking to work with young children. You can go into the education sector and become a teacher, finding jobs with elementary and primary schools while you can also choose to work at or open your own daycare or nursing center.

Q:While I read an article on what jobs can you get with Masters in Early Education, it stressed on a course on Beginning English Writing. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on Beginning Early Education while reading on what jobs can you get with Masters in Early Education. This course is worth 4 credits in total and is an elementary level introduction to the improvement of the most basic skills of English that are compulsory to be able to write more fluently.

Q:While I was searching for high paying careers in Early Childhood education, I came across Master of Education. Can you give me an outline of the course?

A:Many programs are being offered to become a professional in Early Childhood education across the United States. Master in Early Childhood Education is one of them. In this course the individual is familiarized with almost all aspects of early childhood growth. Some courses being taught also include leadership and management, child psychology, school guidance and counseling, teacher for diversity and early childhood teaching.

Q:While searching for job with a masters in Early Childhood Education, I got to know about the course Dev of Exceptional Children. What are the contents?

A:Those individuals looking for job with a Masters in Early Childhood Education often come across the course Dev of Exceptional Children. It is one of the most important courses in the program. The course makes the individuals understand the special talents in children, and is taught the skills of enhancing those talents through providing a good environment within the institute.

Q:What are some of the early childhood masters jobs out there?

A:While the most obvious field for anyone who has a master's degree in early childhood education is the field of education as a teacher, there are also a number of positions in other sectors that are available. In addition to working at primary schools, you can also choose to work with daycare centers and nursing. Depending on your level of education you can also choose to work as a private or professional babysitter or nanny.

Q:While searching for career opportunity for Masters in Early Childhood Education I came across a course named Survey of Special Populations, what is taught in that?

A:You often come across the courses you'll get to study if you want to avail career opportunity for Masters in Early Childhood Education. In Survey of Special Populations, you get to study about the children with special needs. There is a portion of population that consists of special children who need special considerations and studies.

Q:As I read about the jobs with a Masters in Early Childhood Education, I read about the course on Careers in Early Childhood Education. What is involved in this course?

A:To get good jobs with a Masters in Early Childhood Education, the course on Careers in Early Childhood Education can be quite helpful. This introductory level 3 credits worth course focuses on introducing to the practical fields associated to Early Childhood Education. The course emphasizes on helping students become good teachers in the different sectors of Early Childhood Education.

Q:While reading about jobs for Master of Early Childhood Education I came across Language Development course. Whats it about?

A:Usually you come across number different courses while searching for jobs for Master of Early Childhood Education. Language Development is among the core courses of the program. In this program the individuals get to learn techniques and theories regarding the development of language in little children. You'll also get to learn about different culture and their influence on the environment.

Q:My search on masters with early education mentioned language development and creative activities. What is the purpose of this course?

A:Searching about masters with early education would mention language development and creative activities. The main purpose of language development is to cover areas of communication and concepts of written and oral communication .Creative activities require teachers to devise activities that engage students and promote critical thinking. This course forms an integral part of an early education curriculum. Students interested in this course are advised to search our website for a list of institutions offering this course.

Q:I have done M.Sc in Applied Linguistics and now i want to do M.A in early childhood. I want to know how can I do it in the least possible time?

A:If you have already completed the M.Sc In Applied Linguistics and now wish to do the M.A In Early Childhood in the least possible time, you should consider completing the program online since online programs are self paced and allow students to complete the degree in as much time as they see fit. Online students are also allowed to schedule their own classes.

Q:While looking for Masters Early Childhood Education employment opportunities, I came across Making Connections: Living in a Diverse World course. What do you learn in this program?

A:You often come across the reference of courses like Making Connections: Living in a Diverse World in your search on Masters Early Childhood Education employment. In this course, the individuals learn how to introduce the young children with various cultures and races and differences existing between them. They are taught the ways of the diverse world they are living in.

Q:Reading about what jobs masters early childhood mentioned an extensive background investigation. Why is that necessary?

A:The topic of an extensive background investigation would come up when searching for what jobs masters early childhood. This investigation is mandatory for all applicants thinking about joining this profession. The main purpose of this investigation is to make sure that the applicant does not have a criminal background. This investigation also checks if the individual is a sex offender. As these professionals will be working with children these investigations become an integral part of the application process.

Q:As I went through the article on Masters in Early Childhood Education jobs, there was mention of the course on Child Development. What are the contents of this course?

A:The articles on Masters in Early Childhood Education jobs usually highlight on a course on Child Development. This course is worth 4 credits in total and stresses on teaching the students how to examine the phases of childhood development by the help of observation of psychosocial as well as physical factors. Development of language, cognitive as well as literacy development is also part of the course.

Q:What are the contents of the World Geography course of the MA in Early Childhood self paced home study?

A:The World Geography course of the MA in Early Childhood Self Paced Home Study program has a total of 4 credits and is one of the most essential courses. This course stresses on making the students understand the physical and also the human attributes that are designed to provide the students with an understanding of the diversity of the various regional patterns.

Q:As I went through the Masters in Early Childhood Education online, there was mention of the course on English Composition. What are the contents of this course?

A:It is common to get to read about the course on English Composition while going through the Masters in Early Childhood Education Online programs. This course usually is worth 2 credits in total. It is designed to provide students with strong understanding of the basic skills of writing in English and how to be more effective in the word usage.

Q:My search for masters degree early childhood education mentioned a course in Assessment, Observation and Evaluation. What is the premise of this course?

A:Course on Assessment, Observation and Evaluation would be mentioned when searching for masters degree early childhood education. This course is worth 3 credit hours and deals with functions, forms and rules of assessment. Students also learn about qualitative, quantitative approaches, conducting, decision making and reporting of various procedures. Prospective students interested in this course are advised to search our website for more information.

Q:What can I do with a masters in early childhood education?

A:With a master's in early childhood education there are many jobs you can take up as it is an advanced level qualification. With in depth knowledge of early childhood education, the techniques of effective learning one can opt for senior administrative and counseling jobs. Apart from it, the opportunities in pre-school, daycare centers or elementary schools can also be pursued.

Q:Can you give me information on accredited online master of early childhood education?

A:There are many masters of early childhood education programs available online. To go for accredited institutes is advised as it means that these institutes offer some credibility because they are recognized and have to follow the guidelines of maintaining quality education. Having a degree form an accredited institution may also open up better job opportunities.

Q:What can you do with a masters degree in early childhood education nowadays?

A:With a masters degree in early childhood education, you can pursue a career as an instructor at elementary level, a child development specialist, counselor, or even a curriculum developer. Masters degree programs are designed to provide individuals with advanced knowledge about teaching and modern day classrooms. Browse for more information on our page.

Q:Can I hold a preschool teacher position with a masters degree in early childhood education?

A:Yes, you can. You'll only need a minimum of a bachelor's degree to enter the profession. Preschool teachers are responsible for educating and caring for children between three to five years of age. Their annual median pay in 2012 was $27,130 while the expected job growth from 2012 to 2022 was 17%.

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