Careers in Educational Leadership and Administration

The education sector is one of the most essential parts of any society, and plays a significant role in shaping the next generation. The need for strong leadership in the education sector has never been greater. Students and parents are demanding well trained leaders and education experts who can generate trust and find innovative ways to answer the issues faced in education across the US. Some of the areas in our education system that can be improved are methods of instruction, curriculum, training of teachers, grades and the educational gap between the different classes in our society. The field of educational leadership & administration has emerged out of the need to operate schools in a manner that is satisfactory for all the parties involved.

Why is educational leadership & administration important?

During the 1940s, in an effort to streamline the educational systems around the country and provide the same standard of education to all students, teaching methods and curricula were dramatically changed. However, not enough teachers were properly educated or trained to adapt to these changes, resulting in consistently poor performance across our schools. As a result, even today, schoolchildren in the United States stand far behind peers from countries such as Canada, Japan and Korea. In a study carried out by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), students from schools in the United States scored consistently lower than their counterparts in subjects such as mathematics, science, geography, and surprisingly even English. Often the highest scoring school in the United States fell below the lowest scoring Asian schools. This acted as the long awaited wake-up call for the government and Department of Education.

Degrees Offered

Educational leadership & administration caught on in the twentieth century, with a special focus on implementing the basic principles of administration and management throughout the schools in the country. The field also focuses on teacher supervision, evaluation and professional development in addition to meeting parents’ increasing demands for stronger teacher responsibility and improved student performance. Professionals working in educational leadership & administration must also ensure compliance with the social and cultural demands of a diverse society while at the same time designing an up-to-date curriculum and implementing modern methods of instruction. The basic degree offered in educational leadership is the four year long Bachelor’s degree in Educational Leadership & Administration. This must be followed up by a two year Master’s degree which allows specialization in the areas of instructional leadership, cultural leadership, educational development and curriculum design.

Career prospects

As the education system around the country gears up for a more scientific approach to education, careers in educational leadership & administration are set to grow. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, opportunities in educational leadership & administration will increase by more than 16% through 2020, which is one of the highest rates among education sector careers. The Office of Occupational Employment Statistics reports median wages of $50,000 for people starting their careers in educational leadership & administration. More experienced educational leaders and administrators earn more than $160,000 per year. While the largest number of people working in educational leadership & administration are mostly school principals, others find work as academic deans, development officers, educational planners, financial aid administrators and academic officers at universities and schools across the country.

How Long Does It Take to Complete a Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration?

If you want to pursue a career in Educational Leadership and Administration, you must begin with a 4-year bachelor’s degree. Several universities in the U.S. such as the University of Pittsburgh, Concordia University-Portland and the University of West Florida  offer a degree in this field. These universities offer on-campus as well as online full/part-time 4-year bachelor’s, 2-year master’s and 4 to 5-year doctoral degrees.

What Are the Requirements to Complete a Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration?

The curriculum and graduation requirements for a degree in Educational Leadership and Administration may vary for each institution. For example, students of a part-time master’s degree offered at the University of Pittsburgh must complete 36 credit hours to graduate. On the other hand, students of a full-time doctoral degree offered at the same university must complete 90 credit hours of lectures, assignments, exams and a thesis to graduate.

How Much Can I Make after Completing a Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration?

Graduates of a bachelor’s degree in Educational Leadership and Administration may get an entry-level job at a school, college or a university. However, some graduates pursue higher education (i.e., a master’s or a doctoral degree) for a better career outlook. According to the data reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in 2018, postsecondary Education Administrators earned an annual median salary of $94,340 whereas Elementary, Middle and High School Principals made $95,310.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Can you name some of the jobs in educational fields that are available to students graduating in Counselor Education?

A:Students graduating in the field of Counselor Education can find employment opportunities in a variety of settings including universities, schools and government agencies. They can work in the roles of researchers, evaluators, supervisors and consultants. They can also work as program managers and developers as well as academic faculty members.

Q:Are there any alternate jobs for education leadership?

A:Leadership roles in the sector of education are great for those who have acquired at least a masters level degree in the field. However, one can also look forward to pursuing other careers in this sector that are related to curriculum development, technology integration, and administration. The job opportunities are vast in this field and offer a wide range of rewarding career choices.

Q:Can you tell me about the careers with a doctorate in instructional leadership degree?

A:Instructional leadership jobs are geared towards improving the effectiveness of educational organizations. Professionals in this field apply various programs that are technology based to enhance learning. Curriculums are now being integrated with technological practices to make learning efficient and synchronized with the changing trends in the society. This field has gained much importance in recent years and is being pursued by many professionals.

Q:Can you tell me about the degrees and specializations related to Educational Leadership and Administration Careers?

A:Major degrees offered in educational leadership include a four year bachelor's degree in educational leadership and administration. After a bachelor's degree, there is a two year master's program which offers several specializations such as instructional leadership, educational development, cultural leadership, and curriculum design. It is important to acquire these degrees from an accredited institute for quality education and better career prospects.

Q:Can you give me some information about jobs in instructional leadership?

A:Instructional leadership is a field that emphasizes the use of technology in learning. Individuals with a degree in instructional leadership can pursue career at leadership levels in educational institutions. Principles, directors, and program managers are a few job positions one can consider with specialization in instructional leadership. Browse through our page for more detail.

Q:How do I prepare myself for jobs in educational leadership?

A:Educational leadership has evolved into an academic field. Students who want to pursue leadership roles in colleges and universities can prepare themselves with the help of degree programs in this field. You can choose from a range of associate, bachelor, and masters degree programs. Take a look at our page for more information.

Q:What degrees do I need for careers in educational leadership and administration?

A:For entry level positions into the educational leadership and administration, a bachelor's degree would be the best choice. The bachelor's degree will provide you with a basic overview and understanding of the concepts behind educational leadership and administration. A master's degree however, will equip you with specialized knowledge of the field and will allow you to hold higher positions on the job.

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