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Master in General Education

Throughout human history, intellectuals, scientists and philosophers have been lauded for their brilliance and far sightedness.  However, there has been little mention of the teachers who have inspired them. Teachers usually play the part of an unsung hero whose wisdom has been instrumental in understanding society and the universe. A noble profession, teaching is an art that requires diligence and talent to explain even the most complicated concepts without losing its audience's attention. Education is one of the most rewarding professions which have the ability to change lives and make a difference in any society. This profession has a reputation for attracting the most talented and brilliant individuals. This is one of the main reasons for the popularity of General Education Masters Programs amongst students from all over the United States.

Master in General Education
A qualification in general education is an excellent choice for any individual looking for a challenging and rewarding profession. Now part of every institutions academic program, this qualification is also available for students who are unable to attend schools for a number of reasons.
Distance Learning
Online education provides an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to pursue their lifelong dream. The curriculum for these programs is comprehensive which helps the students understand every topic in detail. With students saving money on travel and accommodation these programs are relatively inexpensive as well.
These programs test students in every aspect by assigning weekly coursework. Students are in constant contact with their instructor. One on one tutoring sessions is available for students needing extra guidance. Students are required to have a computer system with internet accessibility, appropriate software to play videos for online lectures, and an e mail address for correspondence.
Employment Projections
Professionals with a Master of General Education have a rewarding and a prosperous future ahead of them. This industry is expected to see an increase of more than 12% till the year 2018. Professionals can expect find employment in both government and private institutions. The average salary for this occupation remains competitive and relies heavily on experience, size of the institution and area of expertise.

How Long Does It Take to Complete a Master’s Degree in General Education?

Earning a master’s degree in General Education in the US may lead to a successful career as a qualified education professional. A typical master’s degree in General Education (full-time & on-campus) spans over 2 years. There are several universities that offer this program as part-time or self-paced online/distant learning degrees for students who cannot attend on-campus courses.

What Are the Requirements to Complete a Master’s Degree in General Education?

A full-time/part-time on-campus master’s degree in General Education requires students to complete coursework, assignments, a thesis and comprehensive exams. In case of online/distant learning, the students need to attend online lectures, a few seminars/workshops, completion of assignments, projects and a written thesis.

How Much Can I Make After Completing a Master’s Degree in General Education?

People with a master’s degree in General Education usually pursue teaching positions in public or private schools, colleges or universities. It is a competitive field that relies on experience in the field in addition to academic qualification. The U.S. Bureau of Labor &Statistics (2018) reported the annual mean salary of a Postsecondary Education Teacher as $72,410 while the Postsecondary Education Administrators earned a mean salary of $111,210 per year.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:My search on Master in General Education led me to Physical Sciences course. What is it about?

A:You often come across the reference of various courses and programs relevant to the field when going through search such as Master in General Education. Physical Sciences course is a part of various programs related to general education. In this course the students are familiarized with the non-mathematical treatment of the basic principles of chemistry.

Q:Can you name some of the leadership skills that are developed in the program of masters in General Education?

A:The leadership skills that will be imparted to students will come from areas like fund raising techniques, crisis response, strategic planning and problem solving. This will be done through role play exercises and simulation activities on core leadership issues. You will also learn to recognize the strengths and challenges of different instructional techniques and research strategies.

Q:How can I cover a masters in general education online? What will the coursework be like?

A:A masters degree in general education is offered online by many institutes. The coursework of such programs is generally covered online with the help of videos, online lectures, tutorials, and slideshows. The curriculum will entail a range of subjects that must be completed. Browse through our page for more information.

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