Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:What various courses are studied in Online Geriatrics and Gerontology Degrees?
A:The curriculum of Online Geriatrics and Gerontology Degrees include a number of courses. These include basic courses, and concentration courses. Following mentioned are a few areas of study in Online Geriatrics and Gerontology Degrees: demography and epidemiology, effects of ageing, physiology of ageing, impairment and disability, prescribing drugs, geriatrics syndromes and conditions, and many more.
Q:What is the duration of the master's degrees in geriatrics?
A:The master level degrees in geriatrics and gerontology is typically a two year program that enables the students to specialize in their chosen field. Besides, the duration for these degrees can vary if the students wish to pursue them online as many online universities offer self-paced programs.
Q:What is the employment outlook for a professional with a degree in geriatrics health?
A:The employment outlook for a professional with a degree in geriatrics health is very bright. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, this industry is going to see an increase of more than 20% till 2018. Most of the jobs created will be driven by the aging population. The salaries for this sector depend on the level of qualification of the professional with nurses and physical therapists in demand all over the United States, especially in the state of Florida.
Q:My search for top online geriatrics gerontology nurse practitioner programs mentioned distance learning. What are the advantages of online education?
A:Distance learning would be mentioned when searching for top online geriatrics gerontology nurse practitioner programs. Online educational programs are specifically designed to help students study at their own convenience and pace. The curriculum for online programs is comprehensive with every topic discusses in detail. Students can also save money on travel and accommodation with the help of these programs. Prospective students interested in online education are advised search our website for more information.
Q:Which the best geriatric degree programs for me?
A:There are many factors an individual would consider before deciding the 'best' program for them. For some, cost is the most important issue. While for others it could be the location of the school, the reputation of the school or faculty. It could even the topics covered in the program and their usefulness. You should, however, only consider those programs which are accredited.
Q:Can you tell me about the various sub-categories I can specialize in a geriatrics degree?
A:Geriatrics focuses on healthcare services for elderly patients. This field of medicine has grown in popularity, seeing a rise in number of student enrollments. One can pursue a specific branch of geriatrics for specialization. Specializations options usually include the following: geriatric nursing, geriatric nutrition, geriatric occupational therapy, geriatric pain management, and geriatric physical therapy.
Q:What is geriatrics all about?
A:Geriatrics is concerned with study of diseases and illnesses common in old age. The subjects vary but typically you will be studying about human anatomy, physiology, aging process, sociology, counseling and health care fundamentals. You can find certificate programs in gerontology or in geriatric care management and degree programs also.
Q:How long is the bachelor in geriatrics degree in USA?
A:A bachelor's degree in geriatrics normally takes four years to complete. However, the duration can vary depending on the institute. Online programs can also vary in the duration, due to the self paced nature of their programs. Students can either join accelerated programs or choose to complete courses according to their own preference.
Q:After completing geriatric degrees, do I need to get additional training to receive a certification in this field?
A:Yes, geriatric practitioners or specialists must receive training and acquire a certification in this field. The training requirements may vary a little from state to state. Geriatrics are practitioners who help and treat elderly patients. The job can be quite in demanding in many ways. Take a look at our page for more detail.
Q:Why should I pursue a Gerontology Degree Online?
A:An online gerontology degree is the right degree from students wanting to contribute to the healthcare sector of the economy. If you have prior work or family commitments which do not allow you to pursue full time higher education, then an online degree can be the right degree right for you.
Q:Can you tell me what is the difference between geriatrics and gerontology degrees?
A:Gerontology and geriatrics are fields of study that deal with the ageing process. However, there are certain differences between the fields. Gerontology basically covers the various facets of ageing that include psychosomatic and communal factors. On the other hand, geriatrics only deals with the healthcare and treatment of aged patients.