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Associate in Healthcare Administration

Healthcare administration involves management and administrative functions that take place in clinics, hospitals and other health care facilities. Healthcare administrators plan and supervise the schedules and workings of doctors, nurses and other medical staff. In order to work in an administrative capacity at a health care facility it is important to acquire the right education. The Associate of healthcare administration degree is one such program which can open up many career options in this field.

Program Structure and Coursework

The Associate of healthcare administration degree is two years in duration. During the course of this program, you will learn about community health services, management of a healthcare facility and finance related subjects. Students are also taught subjects related to human resource management, healthcare systems and healthcare finance and accounting. Healthcare marketing and policy is also taught. Physiology, medical terminology and coding are other subjects that students learn about as well. An Associate of healthcare administration degree teaches students skills related to communication, management, public speaking and leadership.

Careers in Healthcare Administration

Graduates of a healthcare administration program can work in a variety of healthcare settings including clinics, hospitals, medical centers, nursing homes and mental health facilities. Employment can also be found at university teaching hospitals and with home healthcare service providers. Roles such as medical secretary or healthcare information technician or medical records technician are available to those with an Associate degree. With an Associate of healthcare administration degree, you can earn between 25,000 to 30,000 US dollars on average.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Can you please tell me what are the contents of the course on College Mathematics in the Associate in Healthcare Administration?

A:The Associate in Healthcare Administration degree programs in United States have dedicated courses on College Mathematics. This course is worth 2 credits in total. It is designed to provide students with ample understanding of the skills of mathematical nature and the concepts that are commonly used in vocational and academic level applications.

Q:How long will it take me to complete an associate degree in health care administrator?

A:Associate degrees in healthcare administration can be completed in two years. This program is a pre-bachelor program and aims at providing students with fundamental knowledge in a field. Students need a high school diploma to qualify for associate degree programs. For students seeking entry level employment, associate degrees are a great way to prepare for entry level jobs.

Q:What does an associate in administration program entail, and is healthcare administration course different?

A:An Associate in administration program can be taken after high school. The program takes two years to complete and it focuses on management areas. This may include how to handle deadlines, projects and human resource. It may also cover management of finance and other administrative tasks. When it comes to healthcare, the subjects would be studied are related to medicine, and you may have to know medical fundamentals and terminology.

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