Symptoms Of Asbestosis

Asbestos has been linked to severe harmful effects to human health. The naturally occurring mineral used in various building and other products can be very dangerous and may result in the development of fatal and incurable diseases. Asbestos exposure has been known to cause serious diseases like lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis. The difficulty is that very often asbestos poisoning symptoms become evident after quite a long period of time when the disease has already advanced. The late diagnosis makes the treatment very hard.

Asbestos Poisoning

To understand asbestos symptoms in humans it must be seen how asbestos poisoning takes place. Asbestos may be present in building materials, old houses, roofing, walls, plaster, floors, pipes, protective clothing and cement etc. When asbestos products become worn out or are disturbed they release small asbestos fibers in the air. The microscopic asbestos fibers are not visible to the human eye and people exposed to them can inhale them easily via mouth and nose without even knowing about it. The harmful effects may be determined by the frequency of asbestos exposure or long-term exposure to it.

When these fibers are inhaled or swallowed they may not show any symptoms of asbestos poisoning immediately. The trouble is that these tiny fibers become lodged in human body and there is no way that the body can expel them. By staying in the body they may create complications in the shape of diseases that manifest themselves by showing signs of asbestos exposure and poisoning after a long period of time. The period of asbestos exposure and the time when the disease develops and is noticed is called the latency period. This period is often too long and can be from ten years to as long as forty years.

What are the symptoms of asbestos exposure?

The warning symptoms of asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer or other asbestos related diseases to be looked out for are as under:

  • Breathing problems
  • Pleural effusion
  • Coughing
  • Swallowing difficulties
  • Weight loss
  • Appetite loss
  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain
  • Swelling
  • Hoarseness
  • Anemia
  • Blood clotting
  • Fever

As the symptoms of asbestos poisoning are very similar to other conditions, it makes the diagnosis of asbestos related diseases more complex.


The treatment for asbestos related diseases is dependent on the type and stage of the disease. Those affected with asbestosis can have serious infections. The focus of the treatment for asbestosis is on vaccinations that prevent these infections from happening. Mostly for lung cancer and mesothelioma, the treatment includes chemotherapy, radiation and surgery or it can be a combination of them depending on the stage of the disease.

Legal help for asbestos poisoning

Asbestos poisoning can be life threatening. The use of asbestos is heavily regulated because of its hazardous nature. People working in places where there is risk of dangerous asbestos exposure are more prone to the danger of developing these diseases. The responsibility therefore lies on such workplaces to provide appropriate preventive measures and warn the employees of the potential dangers. In the event of this not happening, it can make such workplaces or businesses' liable for their negligence. The disregard to protect workers can lead to legal action.

If you or loved one has been diagnosed with such a deadly disease that was a result of asbestos exposure due to negligence, then remember you can always get legal help. It is your right to get justice and also seek compensation for the harm done.

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 16600.111.2618.1337720
Florida 11300.141.6817.9737370
Illinois 9600.161.9217.937240
Texas 7600.070.7816.6234570
New York 6500.070.8520.1241840


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Q:What are the symptoms of asbestos in human body?

A:There are a number of symptoms that can be observed in people having asbestos in their body, such as breathing problems, pleural effusion, coughing, weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue, chest pain, swelling, anemia, blood clotting, and fever. As the symptoms of asbestos are similar to many other conditions, diagnosis can be difficult.

Q:Can you tell me about the treatment of patients who are experiencing asbestos symptoms?

A:Treatment of patients will depend on the type and stage of the disease. For asbestosis, there are vaccinations that help to prevent infections from happening. For lung cancer and mesothelioma, the treatment options are chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery or there can be a combination of treatment depending on the stage.

Q:I have problem breathing and swallowing, could they be the symptoms of asbestosis?

A:Breathing and swallowing problems are among the symptoms of asbestosis. However, the disease has a lot more symptoms such as fever, weight loss, fatigue, chest pain, anemia, hoarseness, and blood clotting. It is best to consult a physician so that accurate diagnosis can be done. Symptoms of asbestosis are similar to other diseases, and diagnosis is not very simple.

Q:How can I find out if I am going through symptoms asbestosis?

A:If you feel that you are experiencing symptoms of asbestosis, it is better to see a physician. You cannot find out about the disease on your own, as many symptoms of asbestosis are similar to various other diseases. Since, the diagnosis is complicated, only a doctor can identify your disease.

Q:What is asbestosis symptoms?

A:There are a number of symptoms associated with the disease, how these symptoms start appearing after a latency period of 20 to 30 years. Common symptoms include coughing which occurs due to scarring of lungs. Other symptoms include crackling sound when breathing, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, loss of weight and appetite, and blood in sputum.

Q:How can signs and symptoms of asbestosis be treated?

A:There is no cure for asbestosis. However, doctors recommend a number of treatment options to relieve symptoms and improve the overall condition. Patients can make changes to lifestyle and diet to feel better. Medications are also available to reduce coughing and pain. Other treatments may include using inhalers, antibiotics, and supplemental oxygen.

Q:I have been searching on asbestosis symptoms and treatment. Can you tell me if treatment for asbestosis is possible?

A:Asbestosis is considered an irreversible condition, but treatment options slow down its progression, and help patients live a longer life. The most common treatments for asbestosis are medication and breathing. Surgery may be used in certain conditions as well. All treatments are palliative. They do not cure but improve a patient's quality of life.