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Associate in Liberal Arts

The Associate of Liberal Arts degree provides knowledge of a wide range of subjects. After completing this degree you can choose a particular field that interests you and enroll in a Bachelor's program in that subject. A liberal arts degree mostly focuses on humanities and social sciences.
Program Structure and Coursework

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The two year Associate of liberal arts degree provides students with knowledge of a variety of subjects including psychology, economics, philosophy, literature and religion. Topics related to human culture and behavior are taught. History, geography, sociology and anthropology are some of the other fields in which courses are offered. Science subjects including biology, chemistry and physics are also taught. Students of liberal arts programs develop a number of skills related to language, writing and communication. With the wide range of subjects on offer, students build up a solid foundation of knowledge in a variety of areas.
Careers for Liberal Arts Majors
While many may choose to pursue a Bachelor degree on completion of an Associate of liberal arts program, some may decide to enter the workforce. There are a number of career opportunities available to these individuals in the areas of education and communication. Careers can also be formed with businesses and in the government. Jobs in teaching, writing and administration can be found. The average salary for someone with an Associate of liberal arts degree is between 30,000 to 50,000 US dollars.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Give a brief overview of associate in liberal arts program?

A:A associate in liberal arts degree program provides students with knowledge on different subjects. The program equips them with general skills that can be applied in many careers. Some courses studies in a associate in liberal arts program include history, foreign language, philosophy, writing, us history, life science, world religions, and computer skills.

Q:Undergraduates generally shy away from opting for humanities as a major. Will going for an associate of liberal arts humanities be of any benefit to me?

A:Though humanities may not be a very popular area when pursuing higher education, the relevance of arts and humanities is grossly underrated. By doing an associate in liberal arts humanities, you will be exposed to a variety of subjects and courses that will open up the scope for you, both career-wise as well as regarding the advanced degree programs that you can enroll in later. These include art, literature, philosophy, drama as well as foreign languages.

Q:Is an associate of liberal arts only suitable for students of history and drama or will it impart any practical skills as well?

A:The skills and thinking abilities that you will develop after acquiring an associate of liberal arts will enable you to take on many different challenges and tasks in whatever field that you pursue at an advanced level. Moreover, as this degree will also focus on polishing up your writing skills, math skills, art skills and knowledge about history - both general and US - it will position you as an ideal candidate for a wide variety of professional positions.

Q:Can I find accelerated associates liberal arts and science programs online?

A:An associates liberal arts and science program can take up to two years to complete. Apart from traditional on campus institutes, many online colleges also offer these programs. The advantage of taking these programs online is that they can be completed according to your pace and can be more cost efficient. Accelerated programs are also easily available there are the ones that can be completed in half the time.

Q:What kind of an associate's liberal arts and science career can one expect to have?

A:After completing the requirements of an associate in liberal arts and science, if you don't want to pursue a related bachelor's degree right away, you can go into a business of your own. This will be especially beneficial for you if you have an entrepreneurial spirit. Nonetheless, there is always the option of becoming an administrative assistant as you basically need to be able to write and communicate well, especially in a research lab or a pharmacy.

Q:What kind of career options will I have after earning an associates of arts in liberal arts?

A:As the liberal arts streams offer a generalized approach to education, your choices for viable careers are left wide open. Hence you could very well become a writer, an employee in a public service organization or department of the government, a management trainee, a tutor or even a sales rep.

Q:What can I do with an associates in liberal arts qualification?

A:With an associate's degree in liberal arts, you can seek entry level jobs in various organizations. The field of liberal arts is vast and provides individuals with general information of many fields along with skills. One can work as assistant, first line supervisor, educator, and more. This degree can be earned online as well.

Q:Why should I opt for a associates in liberal arts online?

A:An online degree in liberal arts can be pursued easily. The program is covered through online notes, classroom conferencing, and video tutorials. You do not have to worry about attending class and timings. From the comfort of your home, studying an online program seems more flexible and convenient. These programs are also cost friendly.

Q:How long is the associates in arts in liberal arts and sciencies degree and what will I study?

A:Associate of liberal arts and sciences is typically a two year degree. Students get to study a variety of courses such as philosophy, political science, psychology, economics, literature and religion. Other topics include sociology, anthropology, and history. Students doing a bachelor degree in liberal arts program get to develop a number of important skills related to language and improve their critical writing and communication skills. Associate degrees are available both on campus and online.

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