Biology Degree

Biology degree programs focus on the structure, function, and growth of living organisms. A number of programs are offered in this field of science by both traditional and online schools. Possible career options include teacher, research biologist or biochemist. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job prospects for postsecondary teachers look good with faster-than-average employment growth between 2012 and 2022. In the same way, the employment of biochemists and biophysicists is projected to grow 19% during the same decade, faster than the average for all occupations.

Online Biology Degree Programs

Students who want to pursue a program in biology can also take the online route. A number of online institutes offer degrees in this area of study in online format. The online biology degrees are self-paced and allow students to study from any location and at any time.

The online biology degree programs provide students with a number of tools such as chat forums, emails, online libraries, online databases and video conferencing that help them participate in online biology programs remotely. These tools and technologies will also be helpful to communicate with the instructors, participate in group discussions and submit assignments.

Students can work towards the online bachelor’s or master’s degree in biology that may stretch for 4 years and 1-2 years respectively. Depending on the enrollment status of the candidates, it may also take longer or shorter. These degrees may lead to the bachelor/master of art in biology or bachelor/master of science. The Bachelor of Science includes more science subjects while the arts program covers liberal arts courses.Students may have to complete a research project as a part of some programs as well.

The master’s degree allows candidates to focus their education in a specialty area such as zoology or botany. Students will also receive hands-on training in labs.


The coursework in the biology degree programs online may include topics such as cellular and molecular biology, physics, genetics, ecology and chemistry. Classes are also available in mathematics and computer science subjects including statistics, calculus, and linear algebra.Biology programs may also cover topics in social science, arts, humanities, and oral communication.

Job Opportunities

Graduates of online biology degrees can become teachers, researchers, biochemists, or biophysicists. Some work as science writers. Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing as well as drugs and druggists' sundries merchant wholesalers hire biochemists and biophysicists. Opportunities are available in research labs, universities, newspapers and magazines.

The income is subject to location, experience and specialty. The median annual wage for biochemists and biophysicists in 2012 was $81,480 according to the information provided by the BLS and the median annual income for wildlife biologists was $57,710.

Finding an Online School

Students who want to work towards a biology degree in an online format should consider suitable online schools. They must find out the accreditation of an institute before making a decision, as this is very important in establishing credibility of a school. Besides, they should also consider the general ranking, fee structure and program content as well.


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