Just as education is evolving so are the teaching trends and methods. Pursuing an online degree in teaching is a good way to improve your teaching credentials, student satisfaction and most probably, your paycheck too.
You may enroll in a course to qualify for an elementary school, middle school or high school teacher. Online degrees are also available if you want to become a reading specialist, adult education specialist, physical health teacher and so on.
Online Teaching Courses:
Among many others, some of the available online teaching courses are:
* Adult Education
* Early Childhood Education
* Special Education
* Instructional Technology
* English Language Teaching (ESL, TESOL etc.)
* Teaching Mathematics
* Teaching Science
A few online universities also offer an Educational Administration course which teachers can use to move from teaching roles to more administrative roles in schools or colleges where they already work.
Different Online Teaching Degrees:
The level at which you want to study the art of teaching may differ. Working people will mostly look for a short course or a diploma that would enhance their professional growth. For such people, there are courses such as Montessori Trainings, Special Children Education and courses for dealing with students with disorders ranging from dyslexia to ADHD. Teachers may also foray into the cyber world and take a certificate for online teaching.
Others may be experts in their academic and professional fields and may need a degree if they want to take up teaching. For such people, there are courses like ELT (English Language Teaching) and Teaching Mathematics.
With an online teaching degree you can become qualified to take the teacher licensure examination in your state.
Yet others may specialize as educationists after earning a graduate or post graduate degree in teaching such as Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Elementary Reading and even Educational Technology. There are also people who might want to take an online course in order to obtain a license in teaching different levels for example Teacher Education for elementary and secondary licensure.
Advantages of an Online Degree in Teaching:
Since you will be earning an online degree in teaching, all you will need is a laptop and some time. You will not be commuting long distances or living away from home. Most programs are flexible enough to allow you to choose your own study schedule, which means that you can even carry on your day job if you want and if you can manage. After finishing the degree, you may transition into a much superior position without any lag in your professional life.
More often than not, online degree courses are also much cheaper compared to degrees you might obtain from brick and mortar institutions.
Credibility of Online Teacher Degrees:
Teaching is a profession where hands-on experience is considered necessary. This might be of concern to some people considering Online Teacher Degrees who may claim that an online program lacks practice of what is learnt in theory.
However, online degree courses are more rigorous than they let on. Unless it is a spoof, online universities make a lot of effort in imparting a classroom feel to their lessons and making them more interactive. Usually, they are very technology intensive and support their program by using interfaces such as Moodle and Blackboard besides using other interactive techniques like online discussion boards, video conferencing systems and chat (text and/or voice).
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Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:What courses are offered in a Teaching Degree Online program?
A:Teaching Degree Online includes the following courses: Adult Education, Early Childhood Education, Instructional Technology, Special Education, English Language Teaching, Teaching Science and Teaching Mathematics.
Q:Which online Teaching Degree can I pursue?
A:There are various online teaching degrees that you can opt for. Here are a few to help you choose the degree that suits you the best: short courses or Diplomas, Bachelor, Master or Doctoral degrees.
Q:What areas are offered for specialization in Teaching Degree programs?
A:Teaching degree programs are designed for students who want to become professional educators. The program offers a range of specialization that students can pick as their majors. A few such areas include: bilingual education, early childhood education, instructional technology, language and literacy studies, social studies, cultural studies, physical education, and continuing education.
Q:As I read about the accredited online teaching degrees, there was mention of the course on Principles of Management. What are the contents of this course?
A:It is common to get to read about the course on Principles of Management while going through the Accredited Online Teaching Degrees. This course usually is worth 2 credits in total. It is designed to provide students with ample understanding of the practice and principles of management. Hands on experience is also added in this course.
Q:Do online teachers degrees hold value and will it get me a job?
A:Many people rely on online education classes to be in the teaching profession and have been able to find rewarding jobs as well. To ensure that you get the best education the choice of institution is very important therefore you it is advisable to check the accreditation or credibility of the institute.
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