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Career in Science & Math

There are many math and science careers that you can pursue if you are thinking of majoring in either of these subjects at college.  

An obvious choice after pursuing a mathematics degree is to become a mathematician. Mathematicians are not only responsible for developing new theories, principles and concepts but they are also involved in the application of mathematical theories and knowledge to solving real world practical problems.  They may develop and use mathematical models with the purpose of testing theories and analyzing data. Therefore you may become a theoretical or an applied mathematician. Many people who hold a degree in mathematics are not formally known as mathematicians. They may hold other positions like quantitative analysts, statisticians, financial analysts, computer programmers, system analysts etc.  Since mathematics is a fundamental science, knowledge of mathematical sciences is applied in almost every area of study including business, finance, accounts, engineering and so on. Another career choice for mathematical science majors is becoming a school, college or university teacher. Some mathematics teachers, particularly at university level may be involved in research too.

As far as educational requirements are concerned, mathematicians usually hold a Master's level degree. Some prospective employers may however just require a bachelor's degree.  The curriculum includes a range of courses like statistics, calculus, linear algebra, differential equations etc. In 2012, according to Bureau of labor Statistics (BLS), mathematicians earned a median annual salary of $101,360. The job outlook is quite impressive with a growth rate of 23 percent i.e. faster than the average.

Sciences are a very popular major among college students. However it is a very broad field with a wide variety of specialties. The education requirements depend on the type of job that you intend to pursue. For those careers in science, with a focus on theoretical or applied research, a doctorate degree may be required. However other jobs in science based industries may be available for those with an undergraduate or graduate degree.

Depending on your interest you may choose from a range of career options. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), some of the fastest growing occupations are:

Environmental Scientists: They are responsible for utilizing natural science knowledge for protecting human health and the environment. They may be involved in functions like reducing pollution, working with industries to reduce wastage and assist in formulating environment related policies. In 2012, BLS estimated their median annual salary to be $63,570.

Hydrologists: Hydrologists play their role in resolving problems that relate to water availability and water quality. Courses in hydrology involve study of the way water can influence the environment and how environment can impact the quality as well as quantity of water levels.

Biochemists and Biophysicists: These professionals study the chemical and physical principles of living things as well as biological functions like development of cell, growth, and heredity. With a faster than average growth rate of 19 percent between 2012 and 2022, biochemists and biophysicists earned $81,480 per year in 2012(BLS).

Geoscientists: They study the composition, structure and physical processes related to Earth. A lot of their time is spent in the field visiting various sites and collecting samples. They not only analyze aerial photographs and data collected in the field but also prepare maps, charts and scientific reports.

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