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Associate in Biology

Biology is a field of study that focuses on the function, organ and growth of life at all levels ranging from molecules to ecosystems and the earth's biosphere. It can be divided into a number of sub categories such as:

  • Marine Biology. This branch of biology deals with the study of the living organisms and creatures of the ocean.

  • Microbiology. It focuses on the study of microorganisms

  • Astrobiology. It is a sub-category of biology that explores the effect of outer space on the earth’s living organisms.

  • Evolutionary Biology. Evolutionary biology examines fossils and living specimens.

  • Wildlife Biology. This specialized branch of biology includes the study of the individual species of wildlife, their habitats and the surrounding ecosystem.

Biology impacts almost all aspects of modern life. It also interfaces with various fields such as social sciences, sciences and medicine, law, as well as engineering. A degree in science and related subjects may prepare students for a wide range of careers.

Associates Degree in Biology

An associate in biology is an undergraduate degree that provides students with strong foundational knowledge of biology and chemistry in order to prepare them for qualifying for entry-level opportunities in industry and academia. The program can also be suitable for students who are planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree. They may be able to transfer credits from their associate degree to the bachelor’s degree.

In addition to traditional schools, some online schools also offer biology associate degree programs providing students with the flexibility of studying and completing the program according to their individual routines.

What are the Courses in an Associate Degree in Biology?

An associate degree in biology will give students an opportunity to study a number of courses, investigating the living world. Some of the courses include:

  • Botany
  • Conservation biology
  • Human anatomy
  • Genetics
  • Conservation biology
  • Ecology
  • Human physiology
  • Chemistry
  • Microbiology
  • Zoology

Career Opportunities

Earning an associate degree in biology may help you qualify for a number of occupations in medicine, education, government, and research. Opportunities are available in hospitals, clinics, and health departments, biological, biomedical, genetic and pharmaceutical as well as scientific, biomedical, and agricultural businesses. You can also pursue work in research-related fields or look for jobs in the education sector. Some of the positions you may serve at are:

  • Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives. These workers represent wholesalers or manufacturers and sell goods to businesses, and other organizations.

Median Pay (2012): $74,970 (BLS)

  • Lab Technician. Laboratory technicians collect samples and perform tests to analyze body fluids, tissue, and other substances.

Median Pay (2012):$57,580 (BLS)

  • Medical Assistant. These healthcare workers perform administrative and clinical tasks in the offices of physicians, chiropractors, and other health practitioners.

Median Pay (2012): $29,370 (BLS)

Since the field of biology entails many issue that require ongoing scientific research and development, it receives ever-increasing research funds. A degree in this area of study may be a suitable option for those who seek to advance their knowledge as well as increase their chances of finding a relevant professional position. 


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