Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:Name some the highest ranked medical technician schools in California?
A:There are many medical schools and medical technician schools in the state of California, which offer accredited degrees to students. A few of the highest ranked medical technician schools in California include the University of California, San Francisco State University, Kaplan College, Argosy University, Los Angeles Technical Institute, and Career College Consultants.
Q:What will I learn in medical tech schools in CA?
A:Medical technician schools are geared towards providing students with education needed to become a medical tech. in such schools or programs, you will learn how to examine body fluids such as blood, determine the presence of microorganisms in fluids, evaluate test results and modify various procedures, analyze samples, and establish or monitor medical programs.
Q:How can I know which med tech schools in California are the best?
A:If you conduct a thorough search online, you can easily find lists for the best med tech schools in California. These lists are designed to help students rank various programs and schools. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before enrolling in a school. First of all it is important that check the accreditation status of the school, and also the faculty.
Q:What are the admission requirements at schools for medical technician in California?
A:If you are planning to enroll in a medical technician school, you must fulfill the basic educational requirements. These have been mentioned here: minimum CGPA requirement of 2.5, high school diploma, completion of courses such as anatomy and physiology, and a few letters of recommendation. It is also important to remember that the admission requirements will vary from school to school.
Q:Are there any online medical technician schools?
A:Yes, there are a few online medical technician schools. You can search online and find out more about these schools. Whatever school you decide to enroll in, make sure you check the accreditation status. Since this medical field requires a lot of hands on experience, students enrolled in online programs will have to attend a few classes at the campus to develop skills.
Q:After graduating from a California med tech license school, what kind of job tasks should I expect in my career?
A:As a medical technician, you will be required to perform a number of tasks such as the following: analyze blood samples, evaluate various test results, supervise, perform complex blood tests, modify and design processes, monitor programs, and more. Medical technologists can be found working in all kind so healthcare institutions such as laboratories, clinics, and hospitals.
Q:What will I learn in programs offered at medical tech schools in California?
A:Medical technician programs offered by schools in California are aimed at preparing students for medical tech careers. The programs focus on practical learning and provide students with skills necessary for performing clinical tasks. Medical technician careers are among the leading healthcare careers nowadays. These programs can also be completed online through accredited schools.
Q:What can be the possible career paths after graduating from the best colleges for medical technicians in California?
A:If you graduate from the best colleges for medical technicians in California, you will have a number of options. The career paths for medical technicians include cardiovascular technician, dialysis technician, emergency medical technician, medical lab technicians, radiology and ultrasound technicians, and surgical technicians. Other fields where medical technicians can work are dental hygiene, veterinary, and pharmacy.
Q:How much do medical assistants make in California?
A:Medical Assistants are expected to assist a physician in certain clinical and administrative tasks such as: recording a patient's medical history, checking his or her vital signs, administering medicines, scheduling appointments, billing a patient, and maintaining medical records. The mean annual wage for a medical assistant in California was $34,050 in 2013 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The wage of a medical assistant also depends on several factors such as educational qualifications, employer organization, and experience in the profession.
(Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics)