Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:Will private respiratory therapist schools be too expensive for me?
A:There are a number of private schools that specialize in respiratory education. These schools are usually considered as too expensive. But this is not necessary, some schools offer programs at reasonable costs. You must conduct a thorough research to find out what options you have. You can also consider public schools if you are on a tight budget.
Q:How long will it take me to complete bachelor respiratory therapist programs in California?
A:A bachelor respiratory therapist degree program will take at least four years to complete. The program is designed for undergraduate students. It can also be completed online via distant learning schools. Students who wish to join the professional field sooner can take on the option of accelerated degree programs in this area.
Q:How do I qualify for respiratory therapy programs in California with just a high school diploma?
A:The admission requirements for respiratory therapy degrees will vary from college to college. Most colleges will require you to complete the main pre-requisites and have a sound understanding of the basics. Apart from this, you may have to clear an admission test and also provide a few letters of recommendation.
Q:What are the requirements for a California respiratory therapist license?
A:To take the respiratory licensing examination in California, individuals need to fulfill a few requirements. First of all, it is necessary to complete education in respiratory education at least up to bachelor level. One must have a degree from an accredited institution. Apart from this, maintaining a satisfactory CGPA score is also necessary.
Q:What will I study if I go for any of the Respiratory Therapy Programs in CA?
A:Respiratory therapy programs in CA offer a number of courses in science and practical procedures. These courses are normally based on human anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. The other courses in respiratory therapy programs relate to therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, tests and equipment. Patient assessment and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are also a part of the respiratory therapy programs.
Q:What are the benefits of going for the accredited respiratory therapy programs in California?
A:There are several benefits of selecting the accredited respiratory therapy programs in California. Accredited programs put a stamp of approval on the graduating students since they are developed by experts. Employers have a preference for students graduating from accredited programs, as they are considered to be qualified to practice at a certain desired level. Although accredited programs do not guarantee the success of every graduating student, they do ensure that the graduating students have acquired certain skills and abilities.
Q:How much does a respiratory therapist make in California?
A:According to BLS, respiratory therapists made an annual mean wage of $75,870 and $36.48 hourly in California (2013). The salary figures are subject to change and can be affected by factors such as employer and employer's industry, experience, degree, etc. The profession of respiratory therapists is expected to grow in the coming few years.
(Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Q:How to become a respiratory therapist in California?
A:To become a respiratory therapist, applicants usually need an associate's degree or bachelor's degree in the discipline. Respiratory therapists will require a license to practice in California, though requirements vary from state to state. During their education, candidates need to complete courses on anatomy, chemistry, pharmacology, physiology and pharmacology, and need to gain practical experience on dealing with patients. They also need to learn about diagnostic test and procedures, handling medical equipments and CPR. To get a license for respiratory therapy, candidates will have to pass a state certified exam.
(Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics)