Electrician Programs in Michigan
Michigan, also known as The Great Lakes State is the eighth most populous state in the United States and is known for its immense natural beauty. If you love the outdoors, you will love the pristine beaches and picturesque natural landscape of Michigan. Michigan is also known as the birthplace of the automotive industry and is a nationwide leader in manufacturing, tourism and the technology industry. Electrician Programs in Michigan are among the best offered in the country, and allow you to gain the knowledge and practical training required to succeed in the field. Electrician Programs in MI also offer the unique opportunity to perform work in a variety of areas, from factories to offices to homes, better preparing you for a successful career.
In order to enroll in Electrician Courses in Michigan, you must have a high school diploma or GED. In addition to several colleges and vocational institutes offering electrician training, special Electrician Programs in MI are also offered by electrical workers’ unions in various areas. Students are initially taught courses such as basic electrical theory, blueprint reading, AC drive operation, basic industrial electronics and electrical repair. Special courses in occupational safety are also taught in addition to National Electrical Code. Students can choose to specialize in construction related electrical work, industrial electronics or residential and commercial electrical work. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities for graduates of Electrician Courses in Michigan will increase by as much as 12% through 2018, making this field an excellent choice for a bright future.