Nursing Schools in Mankato
Mankato is located in the state of Minnesota; it is the fourth largest city in Minnesota. It is home to many large businesses and educational institutions.
There are a number of Nursing Schools in Mankato that train students to become qualified professional nurses. Nurses are individuals who work in medical settings; they are trained to take care of patients. Students who are interested I becoming nurses must obtain a nursing degree from an accredited Nursing School in Mankato. They can opt to become either an RN (registered nurse) or a LPN (Licensed Practitioner nurse). The degrees offered in this field are: associates degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and doctorate degree.
These programs are designed to provide students with knowledge and training on how to perform various clinical tasks such as administering drugs, monitoring conditions of patients, food and nutrition, and checking vital signs of patients. Some of the topics studied throughout the programs include:
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Healthcare ethics
- Organic chemistry
- Biology
Nursing Schools in Mankato Minnesota includes Bethel University and Minnesota State University.
Students must obtain a license after completing a nursing degree; this license can be attained by applying for the NCLEX-RN/LPN examinations set by the
Minnesota Board of Nursing.