Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:Which degree programs are offered at Massage Therapy schools in North Carolina?
A:Most schools offer the associate or bachelor of applied science in massage therapy. Students can also pursue a master's degree in this field as it can expand their career opportunities and help them clear the exam conducted by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage. The clearance of this exam can earn them the credential of a licensed massage therapist in the US.
Q:What courses are studied in massage degree programs at online Massage Therapy schools in North Carolina?
A:There are a number of degree programs and diploma programs offered in the field of massage therapy. The curriculum varies with each degree. However, common areas of study include: physiology, lymphatic system, joint categories, skeletal muscles, endocrine system, massage techniques and procedures, sports massage therapy, types of massage therapies, client preparation and draping, massage products, history of massage therapy, effects and benefits, contradictions, and many more.
Q:While searching for massage therapy online degree programs NC, I came across the Associate's degree in Massage Therapy. Can you tell me what is being taught in that?
A:The Associate's degree in Massage Therapy is one of the most sought for programs in the field. The courses that you will be taught in the program are massage, exercise, testing & prescription, mind, body, mood, and massage, advanced massage therapy, orthopedic testing, exercise physiology and nutrition, business and pharmacology and massage,
Q:My search on where can you study massage therapy in North Carolina turned up nothing near my location. What are my options?
A:If you are unable to find where you can study massage therapy in North Carolina, then there is an option of distance learning programs. Online education is specifically designed to help students study at their own convenience. The curriculum for these programs is extensive with every aspect of the subject discussed in detail. Distance learning programs are relatively inexpensive too as students save money on travel and accommodation expenses. Interested students are advised to search our website for a list of institutions offering this program.
Q:Do I have to get a massage therapy license after graduation form massage therapy schools in NC?
A:After attaining a degree in massage therapy, you can look forward to initiating a career as a massage therapist in health institutions. But you will need a license before applying for a job. This licenses in issued by the North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy. Employers prefer hiring massage therapists who have earned licenses and are certified by the board.
Q:What studies should I expect from massage therapy schools North Carolina?
A:Massage therapy schools in North Carolina focus on training individuals with the therapy techniques and practices that help reduce stress and treat muscle pains or injuries. Mostly these training programs prepare students for state licensure that may be necessary to step in the practical field and work as a professional.
Q:While I reading about massage school North Carolina, I came across various specialization areas offered in this program. Can you name a few?
A:A bachelor degree in massage therapy is an undergraduate program that aims at preparing students for careers as massage therapists. There are numerous areas that can be taken up as a specialization. These include sports massage therapy, neuro-muscular therapy massage, Swedish massage, reflexology, deep tissue massage, acupressure massage, and more.
Q:I am planning to enroll in massage therapy schools in California, what degree program should I opt for?
A:Massage therapy schools are specialized institutes that provide interested individuals with qualifications and experience necessary for a career as a massage therapist. Some of the programs offered include an associate degree in massage therapy, a bachelor degree In massage therapy, and a master's degree in massage therapy. If you have just finished high school, you can opt for either an associate degree or a bachelor degree.
Q:Do all massage therapy schools NC offer specialization areas?
A:Yes, almost every massage therapy school in NC offers a number of areas students can opt for specialization. The area a student chooses to specialize in will depend upon the interest and career path. Some of the main massage therapy specialization areas offered includes the following: sports massage therapy, Thai massage therapy, herbal massage therapy, and more.
Q:Should I enroll in accredited massage therapy schools in NC to gain training?
A:If becoming a massage therapist is your ultimate career goal; you need to get plenty of hands on experience and training. There are a number of massage therapy courses being offered by schools in NC. You can enroll in bachelor degree programs, master's degree programs, and certificate programs. It is important to make sure that whatever school you plan to enroll in, it has been accredited and approved by a higher authority.