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Nursing Schools in Dallas

There is a shortage of qualified nurses in Texas. In order to fill this gap, the state government and especially the city of Dallas has focused their efforts on the education of healthcare professionals by providing tuition reimbursements to students and funding to colleges and universities offering nursing programs.

Where do nurses work?

Nursing is one of the fastest growing professions in Dallas. Those graduates that have secured jobs in the nursing sector may have a wide variety of options with regards to workplace settings. Some of the popular workplaces for nursing professionals include:

  1. Clinics
  2. Home health care
  3. Hospitals
  4. Doctors’ offices
  5. Nursing care facilities
  6. Schools
  7. Old-age homes

Types of nursing degrees

Some of the popular nursing programs offered in Dallas include:

1. Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) - This is typically a two year degree program and is offered at vocational training schools or community colleges. This program is usually a full-time program consisting of lectures, skills lab and supervised clinical experience. ADN is the minimum requirement for those aspiring to take registered nurse licensing examination.

2. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) - This program usually takes four years to complete, although the duration can vary depending upon the enrollment status of the students. BSN, offered mainly by universities and colleges, combines classroom learning and clinical experience, which consists of hands on practical training.

3. Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) - This program is designed for those aspiring to become advanced practice nurses (APN). APNs have more clinical authority as well as autonomy and their advanced qualification also enables them to earn more. MSN typically takes 1-2 years to complete, as most nursing schools offer part-time programs for working nurses. Specialized master’s degrees are also offered by certain universities.

Employment and job outlook

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) there were about 36,840 practicing RNs, earning a mean annual wage of $70,000, which is greater than the national annual mean wage. The number of working LPNs was 11,990, who were earning a mean annual wage of $46,510. With increasing nursing schools and rising demand of healthcare professionals, these figures are expected to grow over the next few years.

How much you can make with Nursing Degree in Dallas

How much Nurses can make in Dallas?

Registered nurses (RNs) in Dallas earn more than the national mean income of RNs. According to statistics, RNs in Dallas earned a mean annual income of $70,000 in 2013 while RNs in the rest of the country earned $68,910.

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