Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:Can you name a few renowned West Virginia LPN colleges?
A:The demand for LPN nurses has increased dramatically over the recent years. This noble profession can be pursued after completing nursing programs. Following accredited LPN schools offer great nursing education to students: Alderson-Broaddus College, BM Spurr School of Practical Nursing, Bluefield State College, Davis and Elkins College, Fairmont State College, Garnet Career center Practical Nursing, Marshal University Nursing, Shepherd College, Southern West Virginia Technical College, and St Mary’s School of Nursing.
Q:How to become a LPN in WV?
A:To become a LPN (Licensed nurse practitioner) in West Virginia, students must complete an LPN degree program. This is a two year nursing program that is considered as the mopst basic nursing educational requirement. After completion of a LPN degree, students must appear in the nursing licensing examinations known as the NCLEX-LPN. These examinations are set by the West Virginia Board of nursing.
Q:My search for accredited LPN schools in BM mentioned NLNAC. What is the purpose of this organization?
A:NLNAC would be mentioned when searching for accredited LPN schools in BM. NLNAC stands for National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission. This organization is responsible for accrediting nursing educational programs all over the United States. Through its standardized methods, NLNAC recommends and accredit institutions and specific nursing programs. Students interested in the profession of nursing are advised to make sure that the program they are enrolling for is properly accredited.
Q:Are all the LPN schools in WV accredited with the State Board of Nursing?
A:You will have to check with each school as not all the schools are accredited. By undertaking a LPN program from an accredited school, it may be that when you undertake the licensing requirements, to practice, there will be an exemption from the examinations. It is best for you to check the profile of each LPN program.
Q:Can you tell me how to choose the best school from accredited LPN schools in Virginia?
A:In order to make the best possible choice from accredited LPN schools in Virginia, you will need to keep in mind some important factors. These factors include coursework, specialization courses, NCLEX exam pass rate, qualifications of instructors, overall repute of nursing school, feedback from enrolled students, location, tuition cost, and financial aid options.
Q:Can online LPN programs be an alternate to affordable LPN programs in WV?
A:Yes, online programs can be an alternate to going for affordable LPN programs in WV. While on campus programs usually have fixed schedules, require travelling, and have many other costs associated to them, an online program can be a cost effective option for you. With an online program, you will not have to pay for travelling, hostel accommodation or textbooks. Normally, online programs also have lesser tuition costs than the traditional on campus programs.
Q:What do I need to know about LPN schools in West Virginia before enrolling in any?
A:You need to be sure that the school offers quality education services before you enroll in any. There are many schools in West Virginia that offer LPN programs to interested students. However, checking the accreditation status is important before you pick any school. Accreditation basically reflects a school's compliance to educational standards.