Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:Tell me about accredited respiratory therapy programs online?
A:Professionals from any field of medicine are in high demand in the job market so if your are thinking about enrolling in a Respiratory therapy program online it is a good decision for your future. However, before you go rushing to do so, make sure that whichever online school you are enrolling in is properly accredited by the governing authorities. Without accreditation the degree they might be awarding to you will not be acceptable all over the country and all the money you spent in getting that degree might go wasted. Here are some of the degree programs offered at respiratory therapy schools: Associates degree in respiratory therapy (A.A.S), Bachelor of Science in respiratory care, Master of Science in respiratory therapy and Respiratory advanced diploma program.
Q:What are the courses taken in pathology assistant programs?
A:A Pathologists' Assistant is an intensely trained professional who assists in providing services in anatomic pathology under the direction and supervision of an anatomic pathologist. The courses taken in pathology assistant masters programs include general pathology, systemic pathology, surgical pathology, autopsy pathology, physiology, structure and function (anatomy training), clinical pathology, and lab management.
Q:What are the job opportunities after completing pathologist assistant programs?
A:Pathologists' Assistants work under the supervision of anatomic pathologists by participating in the examination, dissection and processing of tissues and participating in gross autopsy dissection. They are employed in a number of different settings, which include community and regional hospitals, university medical centers, private pathology laboratories, medical and diagnostic laboratories and medical examiner offices.
(Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Q:Can you tell me how to become a pathology assistant?
A:A pathology assistant is a highly trained professional who provides services in anatomic pathology under the supervision of a pathologist. In order to become a pathology assistant, candidates must enroll in a The Pathologists' Assistant Program accredited by the NAACLS. After completing the program, students earn a Master of Science degree and are eligible to take the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) certification examination. After a successful passing of this exam, graduates will be able to identify themselves as a Pathology Assistant, PA (ASCP).
Q:How can I become a pathology physician assistant?
A:In order to become a pathology physicians' assistant, candidates must satisfy a number of educational requirements. As a trained healthcare professional, these individuals must complete a bachelor's degree in one of the life sciences (i.e. biology or chemistry) and then an accredited pathologist's assistant training program. Candidates must then be certified through the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) as a Pathologists' Assistant, or PA (ASCP).
Q:What is pathology assistant certification?
A:Pathology assistant certification is intended to confer national recognition of the professional status of pathologists' assistants. Many employers require applicants to have certification from the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). This organization offers nearly 20 professional certificates for pathologists' assistants. Certification is sufficient for three years, after which, you will be required to renew it by demonstrating sufficient continuing medical education to maintain certification.. To earn the PA (ASCP) designation, an individual must graduate from a NAACLS-accredited pathologists' assistant training program and subsequently pass the ASCP board of certification examination.
Q:What does a speech language pathology assistant do?
A:A speech-language pathology assistant is someone who helps a speech-language pathologist carry out their work. Their task is to help speech pathologists in order to increase efficiency and allocation of resources. Certified speech pathologist may then focus more on providing the professional-level clinical services (i.e., those that require ongoing clinical judgment) and their assistants may carry out routine day-to-day operational activities.
Q:Can you tell me about speech language pathology assistant programs?
A:The educational requirements for a SLP assistant may vary from state to state. However, ASHA recommends candidates complete at least an associate's degree program. Degrees in biological or allied health science, with courses in anatomy, physiology and microbiology are recommended to be taken. Typical coursework in these programs usually also covers everything from communication disorders, workplace behaviors, and normal communication processes. Following the completion of your degree, you must undergo training and supervision by SLPs who hold ASHA's Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) in Speech-Language Pathology.
Q:How will I get hands on training in pathology assistant programs online?
A:Depending upon the school you have enrolled in, you may be required to attend training classes at the campus. Many schools follow a hybrid format for online programs. In such programs, the theoretical portion of the degree is covered online while the training sessions are conducted at the campus. It is recommended that you seek further information from the prospective schools.
Q:What will pathology masters programs cover?
A:A graduate program in the field of pathology will equip students with skills and an in-depth understanding of mechanisms of diseases, management of diseases, and clinical training. The program will include a range of theory-based courses, practical courses, and research projects. Some of the important areas covered in research are: Neuropathology, vascular biology, immunopathology, and infectious diseases.
Q:What are some of the courses that schools for pathology offer?
A:Pathology is the study of bodily fluids and tissue in order to monitor the health of patients. In order to become a pathologist or pathology assistant, a degree in medical technology, life science, or another pathology related field is needed. Some of the courses that students can expect to take include biology, microbiology, anatomy, and physiology.