Frequently Asked Question(s)
Q:Where are Vet tech schools in Jacksonville FL accredited from?
A:Vet Tech schools in Jacksonville Florida are accredited by the Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA) and American Veterinary Medical Association AVMA Council on Education (COE). The accrediting authorities give students competitive edge in the job market allowing them to ace a lot salaries as compared to students getting unaccredited degrees.
Q:Can you give me some information about a technical associates degree program?
A:A technical associate's degree is a two year undergraduate program. The program usually comprises of 45-50 credit hours and can be earned online. Focus of study surrounds technological aspects in today's world. Students get an in depth understanding of how technology is used in business, design, and computing. Some of the topics studied include computer design, business application, operations management, and mathematics.
Q:Is an AA degree technology enough to qualify me for a high paying job?
A:An AA degree in technology is an undergraduate degree program. This degree is designed for students who wish to build fundamental knowledge in the field. You can only apply for entry level jobs and assistant level jobs with this qualification. To improve your job opportunities, it is best that you at least acquire a bachelor degree in technology.
Q:Tell me about associate of technology and how much time would it take to complete?
A:Technology is a vast field that has many areas. There is software, hardware related studies and you get to study about networking and communication. An associate of technology is a basic level degree that would focus on the fundamentals of technology and giving an introductory knowledge of different areas. Typically this degree can be completed in two years.
Q:What is an associate of technology degree and it is useful?
A:An associate of technology degree is an undergraduate program. It is a two year degree that is geared towards prepping students with fundamental skills. The program covers a wide range of introductory courses and basic concepts. Students can qualify for assistant level jobs in the professional field and pursue a career.
Q:What are the components or subjects I will cover in an associate in information technology program?
A:An associate degree in information technology is an undergraduate program designed to equip students with technical skill and knowledge. The course will entail number theoretical subjects such as networking, computer systems, database management, and information systems. Apart from theoretical learning, the program will also emphasize skill development. Search through our page for more detail.
Q:Are associates in technology Online easy to enroll in?
A:An associate degree in technology is an undergraduate program. You must have a high school diploma to enroll in this degree. The main purpose of this program is to provide students with fundamental knowledge of technology processes. The admission requirements will vary from college to college. Get more information by browsing through our page.
Q:What are the admission requirements for the Associate Technology degree?
A:An associate's degree in technology requires applicants to have completed a minimum of a high school diploma or an equivalent GED qualification in order to pursue the degree. It is best if you have taken some tech courses in school as well. To the school, you will have to submit a completed application form along with required supporting documents.