Database Technology Degrees

If you are interested in pursuing a career related to database management and administration, it is necessary to acquire the right educational qualifications related to the field. Database technology refers to the storage of large volumes of data and the methods of accessing it quickly and efficiently for various purposes. Database technology experts manage the storing, analyzing and accessing of this information. Professionals who specialize in database technology professionals are required in all kinds of companies in various industries. The demand for such experts is increasing as more and more companies realize the importance of organizing data in a manner that promotes efficiency and productivity.

Database Technology Degrees and Programs
Database technology experts assess a company’s data storage needs, research the hardware and software requirements and design and implement database solutions. There are various kinds of degrees available for those who wish to learn about databases and their management. You can find programs available at the certificate, Associate, Bachelor and Master degree levels. At the Bachelor level you can find programs that specialize in database technology, while some offer information technology or computer science degrees with a concentration in database related subjects. Some of the popular degrees in the area are:

Database technology has taken traditional commerce one step forward.
Database Technology Degrees
  • Associate in Database Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Database Technology
  • BS in Information Technology – Databases
  • Master of Science in Database Technologies

Database technology programs teach students the technical aspects of databases including programming, while also teaching the practical applications.

Areas of Study in Database Technology
Database technology related degrees cover a number of subjects which ensure the right skills and knowledge is passed on to potential database professionals. Database concepts, designs and implementation techniques are taught during the course of a program. Students also learn about database management, security and administration. Some of the topics covered include:

  • Computer programming languages
  • Database modeling
  • Data analysis
  • SQL and XML databases
  • Database applications
  • Networking
  • Web design
  • Algorithms
  • Operating systems
  • Statistics
  • Database queries and reports

Excellent communication skills are required of a database technology professional and public speaking and business communication courses are also part of a database related degree.

Careers in Database Technology
Database technology experts are employed in a variety of industries and in a range of different companies. These professionals can find work in the public and private sector, as well as in government agencies. Non-profit organizations also employ database experts. Database technology graduates can find entry level or more senior positions in their field depending on the level of education they have. Some of the roles such graduates can work in are:

  • Database administrator
  • Database analyst
  • Data architect
  • Database developer
  • Network architect
  • Database librarian
  • Database programmer

Senior database administration positions, such as database manager or information systems manager, become available after a certain level of work experience has been acquired. On average a database administrator earns around 60,000 US dollars. Database analysts, architects and librarians can earn between 48,000 – 58,000 US dollars. As experience is gained, database technology experts can achieve higher salary levels.



Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:How much salary is offered to Database Technology Management professionals?

A:The salaries that the Database Technologies Management professionals get varies from 48,000 to 58,000 US dollars per annum. This pay scale is sure to increase with time.

Q:How many credits are there in the Bachelors of Database Technology degree?

A:The Bachelors of Database Technology degree program has a total of 120 credits. You may also be able to transfer your credits from associates or certificate in similar qualification to the Bachelors of Database Technology degree program.

Q:What are the benefits of the online Higher Education in Database Technology degree program?

A:The online Higher Education in Database Technology is quite flexible in comparison to the on-campus programs. They are also cheaper and save quite a lot of time. However, some need the feel of being at a class physically. Online programs are ideal for employed students who wish to earn higher salaries and get frequent promotions.

Q:What does it take to become an expert in database technologies?

A:Students aspiring to become expert in database technology, must get enrolled in accredited universities and colleges offering degrees in the field. The associate and bachelor's level degrees can set up your basis to become an expert in the field, however, to attain the expertise, you must complete the two years master's degree in database technology as it can refine your knowledge and skills and prepare you to the lead the field.

Q:Which degree is offering the data concepts marketing course?

A:Data Concepts and Marketing are courses taught in the Database Technologies programs, generally. These are core courses and are mostly included in all database technologies degrees. Other courses taught in the database technology courses include: Database Application, Operating systems, Database modeling, Computer programming languages, Networking, and Database Applications.

Q:What do students learn in Database Technology master degree program?

A:The Master of Science on Database Technology degrees focus on providing in depth and advanced training to individuals regarding the maintenance of database systems. Students are equipped with diverse applications and tools that are employed in securing, accessing and storing information. The duration of these programs is 1-2 years and various universities listed on our website enable students to complete these programs online as well.

Q:What areas are studied in masters Online Database Technology Degrees?

A:A master’s degree in database technology provides students with in-depth knowledge of areas such as: database process and structure, data mining and warehousing, advanced database applications, network technologies, shell scripting, systems integration technologies, relational database management, sun Solaris administration, and many more. Through these courses, students become skilled at creating and managing different types of databases.

Q:I am told that database degrees can get me a good career in the IT sector, is that true?

A:Database degrees can surely get you started on a lucrative career in the IT industry. Depending on your degree level, you can work for large corporations and IT companies who require people who are efficient in the development and management of database technology. There are also many career opportunities in the database troubleshooting field.

Q:How long is the Master degree in Database Technology?

A:The Master's program in Database Technologies takes two years to complete, if pursued the traditional campus based program. However, students can complete the program in 18 months as well. They can do so by getting enrolled in the accelerated Masters in Database Technologies. The executive masters takes 3 years or more to complete and the online program is self-paced, hence, there is no restriction in its completion time.

Q:I wanted to know what are the lessons highlighted in the System Analysis & Design course of the Database Administrator degree program?

A:The System Analysis & Design course of the Database Administrator degree program aims to examine the development of computer systems in a database environment. It involves the process of planning and selection of the systems with the help of operations and implementations. Students are also briefed on how to access as well as organize the information in strategic aspects.

Q:What type of database administrator courses are available online?

A:Any database administrator courses that are available at a regular school can be attended at online schools. The most basic courses in database administration include certifications and diplomas. These last for anywhere between 6 months and a year. Other courses include the 2 year associate's degree and higher education courses like the 3-4 year bachelor's degree and the 1-2 year master's degree. Doctorate courses are also available with database administration as a focus.

Q:While searching for information technology? Courses, I came across Applied Data Management. What is included in this course?

A:Applied Data Management would be mentioned when searching for information technology? Courses. This course is worth 3 credit hours and deals with the technologies used to collect, store and process data. Students with the help of this course also learn about information management components, database servers, data management and software development. Students interested in this course are advised to search our website for more information.

Q:My search on how many universities offered database technology in USA mentioned a course in Advanced Personal Communications. What is included in this course?

A:Course on Advanced Personal Communications would be mentioned when searching for how many universities offered database technology in USA. This course is usually worth 4 credit hours and deals with effective communication skills. Students with the help of this course also learn about the connections between theory and practice and tutorials on real life scenarios.

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