Web Development Degree

Internet & website development is the process of developing a full-fledged website for the World Wide Web or a private internet network. It includes tasks like web design, content development, network security configuration, front-end and back-end scripting, web server configuration and e-retail software development. Generally, internet and website development is considered to be about both design and non-design aspects of website development. Some of the most common tasks undertaken by internet and website design experts are:

  • Writing Markups
  • Code Scripting
  • Developing Internet Applications
  • Designing Social Networking Services
  • Developing E-Commerce Businesses

Learn Web Development
Web Development is a field of study in which you learn how to create and maintain websites and network systems. Software development, statistics, computer algorithms as well as computer programming is also taught in Web Development programs. Other than regular schools, you can also learn Web Development online. Depending on your own choice, you can also opt to become a web programmer, online network administrator or computer systems analyst. Earning advanced degrees in field can help you become a technology specialist or computer scientist. The type of job that you can find depends on the area in which you choose to specialize.

Most Commonly Offered Degrees in Internet & Website Development
Due to the rising demand for highly skilled and trained internet & website development experts in the global IT market, post-secondary educational institutions across the U.S. have started offering accredited undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate degree qualifications. Some of the most commonly offered degrees in internet & website development by online distance-learning educational institutions in the U.S. are listed below.
  • Associate’s
  • Bachelor’s
  • Master’s
  • Other Certificate and Diploma Programs

All of the above mentioned qualifications are recognized by the state and national education governing bodies in the U.S. The average time required to complete these degree programs solely depends on the type of qualification the student wishes to acquire. Basic level courses like certificate, diploma, and associate’s programs take on average between six months to two years of full-time education to complete. Whereas, advanced-level degree programs such as bachelor’s or master’s in internet & website development take between two and four years to complete.

Specialization Offered to Students Wishing to Acquire Internet & Website Development Education
Individuals wishing to obtain accredited educational qualifications in internet & website development are allowed to specialize in their chosen streams of the subject. These specialized fields generally allow students to focus on one of their chosen sub-fields of the subject. Some of the most commonly offered specialization streams to internet and website development degree students include training in areas such as:
  • Multimedia
  • Graphics
  • Animation
  • Programming
  • Database Management
  • Networking

Other Useful Degrees and Certifications

Aviation Certifications Telecom Certifications
Technology Management Certification Computer Information Systems Certificate
Best Network Security Certifications Computer Networking Certificate
Certificate in Computer Programming Certifications for Software Engineers

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Which Internet degree is more popular these days?

A:Degrees such as the Bachelor's in Web Development is a popular Internet degree with great career prospects.

Q:After completion of web development degree programs what task does one do?

A:After completion of your web development degree programs you may do any of the following tasks: 1. Writing Markups 2. Code Scripting 3. Developing Internet Applications 4. Designing Social Networking Services 5. Developing E-Commerce Businesses

Q:Which degree can be completed in the shortest duration amongst all Internet Website Development degrees?

A:The degree demanding the shortest time span amongst all internet website development degrees is the certificate or the diploma in internet website development. The program can be completed within one year and is offered in various online institutes to facilitate students who cannot pursue campus based courses. Popular diplomas/certificates include specialization areas such as: digital design, web development, information systems, and internet web design.

Q:How long are the online Internet Website Development degrees?

A:The duration of the online Internet Website Development degrees depends on the opted program. The certificate takes 1 year, the associate's degree is for 2 years, bachelor is for four years, and the master's degree in internet website development is two years. Online internet website development degrees are self paced. However, mostly students finish their online degrees around the same time as specified for the traditional campus based degrees. Although, they do have the option to take more or less time, as they see fit.

Q:Can I complete an internet application development degree in USA from any location?

A:If you decide to go for an online internet application development degree, you can complete it from anywhere in the US. All you need to do is find the right accredited school and once your admission is complete, you will be sent all the relevant study material through the internet and post. No matter how far the institute is from your current location, you will not need to go to any physical campus and can easily complete the course from the comfort of your own home.

Q:Can you please tell me how to become a web developer, and can I make it in this industry without a professional degree?

A:The importance of a professional degree in any field cannot be denied yet there are many successful web developers working in the industry who do not actually have a computer science or related degree. There are no hard and fast rules on how to become a web developer but all you need is a strong grip on the necessary languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. There are many online courses and certification available as well.

Q:What will I learn in online web development classes?

A:The course contents of your online classes will depend on which school you are enrolled in. Some of the key areas of study in a web development program will be: Fundamentals of Website Development, Introduction to Web Content Management Systems Site Development, Database and Information Management Systems, Web Development using various formats and Building Mobile Application

Q:Are there any online web development courses where I can learn HTML?

A:There are many colleges, institutions and companies that offer online web development courses where you can learn HTML, web design and C++ etc. The duration of the course can be from days to weeks with some courses offering a certificate program on completion. Some of the courses online can also be free. Appropriate online research can help you the find the course you wish to take.

Q:Can you brief what is covered in an online web development degree?

A:An online web development degree program trains you to manage and build a website. It is an extensive course that equips students with computer language skills that are vital for web development. Along with computer languages the front end is the design so the degree course also covers subject from this perspective and that is where Photoshop and such design software become a part of the degree course.

Q:Are online web development degree programs useful?

A:Nowadays as many people are getting more technology reliant the trend for online studies is also growing and therefore it is not difficult to find comprehensive online web development degree programs. The programs are quite useful as they provide in depth knowledge of the web technologies and web design and web building techniques that includes programming and computer language skills. To see to it that the program is practical check the curriculum and course details before you take up the course.

Q:I am into professional web development and i am thinking of doing freelance projects only, do you think it is a good idea?

A:The opportunities for freelance projects are quite abundant in this field. There are many who enjoy freelance projects that not only pay well but also give the opportunity to diversify practical experience in professional web development. An added advantage is that you can pick and choose the kind of work you want to do. However, it is important to make the right selection of projects or you can also end up wasting time.

Q:What kind of work do professionals with a web design and development degree perform?

A:Professionals with a degree in web design and development are required to undertake duties pertaining to web design, content development, network security configuration, front-end and back-end scripting, web server configuration and e-retail software development. In most institution internet and website development encompasses both design and non-design aspects of this field, but in reality these professionals can get involved in specialized skills like Writing Markups, Developing E-Commerce Businesses, Code Scripting, Designing Social Networking Services and Developing Internet Applications.

Q:The web development classes I have explored deal with learning HTML, do you think this is enough or should it look for other classes that offer more?

A:The classes you wish to take depend on the area you want to focus on. HTML is vital for building a web page. If you are interested in the total development of a website that includes behind the screen and on screen working logic then you must go for classes that offer more than learning of HTML. There are other classes available also that offer understanding of design fundamentals and navigation details.

Q:I have no programming background but want to build a web site so are there any web development courses that can help me in this regard?

A:There are plenty of web development courses available that take you from the basics and help you develop a complete website. Even if you do not have a programming background it does not matter since the course can guide you all along the different steps of web development starting from basic languages to more advanced concepts. With all the relevant material and guidance you can build a web site on your own at the end.

Q:Are there any particular requirements needed to apply for web development programs?

A:The requirements for web development programs can vary according to the nature of the program being offered. Basic programs would not require any prior experience or study so anyone interested in web development can apply. For advanced programs a certain level of understanding of web design concepts may be mandatory.

Q:Which are the most common Web Development Degrees?

A:Web Development is rapidly gaining popularity among students as the degree of choice for a successful career, since almost every aspect of our life is fast being computerized. This is why more and more schools are offering classes in web development on-campus as well as online. The web development degree programs are properly accredited and offer degrees of various levels. Some of the most commonly offered degrees in internet & website development are: Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's and Other Certificate and Diploma Programs.

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