Masters in Networking

In the world of computing, the field of networking deals with connecting two or more computers for sharing of information and resources. Networking personnel have to setup and maintain the hardware and software components of the computer network. Due to the increasing frequency of hacking and cyber thefts, network security is a core element of computer networks. A master in networking is a perfect way to learn the intricacies of designing, managing and securing computer networks.

Masters Degree in Computer Networking is a professional level degree teaching students comprehensive theoretical background and providing the right set of practical experience to ensure that students make it to the top most positions in their field. Computer networking degrees are multidisciplinary as they combine elements of computer sciences and electrical engineering. Students wanting to take up the master's degree have a variety of duration choices. They can get enrolled in the traditional campus based learning program and complete the degree in two years, take admission in the accelerated program and complete it in 18 months, or pursue the online degree and take as much time as they want.

Scope of a Master in Networking
Computer networking is a bridge between the disciplines of computer engineering and computer science. Students have the choice in their master in computer networking programs to concentrate on a particular area within networking such as network hardware, network design, information security, systems administration, etc. Another important emerging networking field in the current times is the field of cyber forensics i.e. digital investigation of cyber crimes. Students also have the option of pursuing a research track or a professional track within their master in networking program. The research track is geared towards doctoral level studies and a career in academics whereas a professional track is tailored for learning practical skills needed in the software and telecommunications industry. Nowadays, various quality universities are also offering first-rate online master degrees in networking.

Course Work
Normally, a master in computer networking program requires 36 credit hours for completion and can be completed within 2 years. The following topics are usually taught in the master programs in networking:

  • Distributed Systems
  • Operating Systems: Design & Implementation
  • Fundamentals of Embedded Systems
  • Fundamentals of Telecommunications and Computer Networks
  • Packet Switching in Computer Networks
  • Network Analysis & Forensics
  • Network Security
Admission Requirements
The master in networking programs require the applicants to be baccalaureates with a major in computer science, mathematics, computer engineering or any other computer related field. People applying for a
master in computer networkingprogram should be analytical and meticulous with strong technical and programming skills.

Most of the universities request for the following material:
  • Official Transcripts
  • Official GRE Score
  • 2-3 Recommendation letters
  • Statement of Purpose
Further Education
More and more employers are requiring their networking personnel to have vendor-specific certifications in computer networking such as compTIA Network+, Cisco and Microsoft. These certifications can be pursued by people who want to get an edge over others in their field. People with an interest in academics and education can choose a subfield of their interest within the broad field of networking and achieve a doctorate.

Other Bachelor and Masters Degrees

MBA in Technology Management
Computer Science Bachelors Degree
Bachelors in Web Development
Bachelors in Computer Programming
BA Telecom

States with the highest employment level in this occupation:



Employment per thousand jobs

Location quotient

Hourly mean wage

Annual mean wage

California 1660 0.11 1.26 18.13 37720
Florida 1130 0.14 1.68 17.97 37370
Illinois 960 0.16 1.92 17.9 37240
Texas 760 0.07 0.78 16.62 34570
New York 650 0.07 0.85 20.12 41840


Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are the career opportunities for a Master In Networking degree holder?

A: A person with a degree in masters in networking can apply for a number of high paying executive jobs in the field. A few job opportunities include network administrators, networks engineer, and systems administrators. These jobs offer a great path to becoming highly successful professionals. Graduate level students are also likely to be paid well more than undergraduates.

Q:Master Of Networking And Systems Administration degree comprises of which various topics?

A:This degree program lays most emphasis on networking and administration, but it also makes sure students gain knowledge about related areas such as: organizational behavior, emerging network technologies, computer systems, research methods, network design, project management, computer system security, service provisioning, and enterprise networking. The courses carry with them a number of credit hours that must be earned for the degree.

Q:What skills do students develop in a Masters Degree In Computer Networking?

A:A master's degree in computer networking provides students with complete knowledge of this study area. They develop skill in identifying and resolving issues that arise in computer networks in businesses. The program also gives students a practical experience in creating, designing and implementing business computer systems and networks. The course focuses both on developing practical skills as well as theoretical knowledge.

Q:Can you please mention the subjects that are studied for a masters degree in networking?

A:The subjects for masters degree in networking vary from institution to institution. The specialization may be in an exclusive field or combination of subjects like networking and communications etc. The general subject studied in such courses usually include networking concepts, IT management issues, health systems, network and security administration, databases and internet security etc.

Q:After my masters in computer networking, can i apply for an information systems management job? what kind of duties will my job entail?

A:After completing your masters in computer networking the job prospects will certainly widen for you in the computer industry. You can qualify for a job as network/information systems manager and the nature of the job would be to look over the staff in the technical department. Management responsibilities would include being in charge of the hardware and software technology of an organization, updating systems with latest technology, maintaining backups and ensuring quality standards.

Q:What are the enrollment requirements of MS in networking?

A:The enrollment requirements for a master in networking programs may vary from school to school, but the standard requirement that the applicant be a baccalaureates with a major in computer science, mathematics, computer engineering or any other computer related field. Also the student should have official transcripts, official GRE Score, at least 2-3 recommendation letters and statement of purpose. If you are contemplating taking this course be sure to have an analytical and meticulous mind with strong technical skills.

Q:Are there any other certification needed for professionals with an ms networking degree?

A:Now a days MS networking degree is sometimes not enough for the HR requirement of major corporations. Now majority of companies demand that the degree be coupled with other vendor-specific certifications such as compTIA Network+, Cisco and Microsoft , as well. These certifications add an extra edge to your expertise not to mention your CV.

Q:Do I need letters of recommendation for computer networking masters degree? If yes, who should write them?

A:There are many universities that require letters of recommendation from their applicants. You should check the requirements of your particular school. Letter of recommendation should be written by your instructors at your previous educational institute. However if you have been working for a long time you can ask your employer to write the letter.

Q:What are the enrollment requirements of a masters computer networking program?

A:If you are contemplating enrolling in a master in networking program you will be required to have a baccalaureates with a major in computer science, mathematics, computer engineering or any other computer related field. Along with an official transcript, official GRE score, statement of purpose and good recommendations you're your seniors.

Q:While looking for information on masters networking, I came across Masters in Telecommunication. Could you tell me about this degree?

A:Masters in Telecommunications is one of the highest degrees in this field and takes about 1 to 2 years for completion. Unless it is being pursued online, in which case it might take longer. For enrollment in this program you need to have a bachelor's degree in the same field or something similar. This program is designed to teach students about the essentials of management, application and implementation theories of telecommunications. Among other subjects taught in this program are advanced computer science, telecommunications systems, business law and industry technology.

Q:Can I opt for masters of networking course if I do not have a bachelor's degree?

A:Ideally for masters of networking courses applicants are required to have a bachelor's degree but if you do not have one then some institutes may consider other qualifications you have obtained. They can expect you to have industry related experience and if you do get enrolled in the course they might ask you to take up additional courses.

Q:Will a Ms in computer networking help me secure a secure job as opposed to just holding a bachelors?

A:There is no easy answer to this as different employers hold different attitudes to the importance of academic qualifications. For some having a degree poses no advantage or disadvantage, but to others there can be a real competitive advantage to have exceptional academic employees. Either way, having a masters can do you no harm.

Q:Will a networking masters help me progress in my current job?

A:If you obtain your masters in networking, it may be that your employer considers that you have shown dedication towards yours role and that you wish to have greater participation in your career path. Such a program would help equip you with a greater understanding of management issues and therefore help you progress your career.

Q:What courses will I study in networking masters degree?

A:The courses that you will study in a networking degree will depend on the school you are enrolled in. however generally speaking some of the courses you will come across are: network design, information systems management and system analysis. In addition to this you will also learn about data management and network security.

Q:What can I expect to study for masters in networking?

A:Masters in networking is an advanced degree that may take two years to complete. It aims to give comprehensive knowledge of operating systems, systems administration, data management, network security, embedded systems, and network hardware etc. A master's degree may offer specialization in a specific area of networking and can give a boost to the person's career.

Q:What is the scope of master of information technology in computing and networking?

A:Computer networking serves as a bridge between computer engineering and computer science. Students can also specialize in a particular area such as network hardware, information security, network design, and systems administration. Students may pursue a professional track after a master's degree or they may enter the field of research, by acquiring a doctorate degree.

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