Computer Programming Certifications

Computer programmers create codes for operating systems and software applications. They write codes in a variety of computer languages, which convert the design of the computer program into a set of instructions which the computers can follow. These professionals also review the codes and make changes and adjustments to them until they are free of errors.

Programmers often work in collaboration with software developers, and in some organizations their duties might even overlap. In such cases, computer programmers carry out tasks that normally developers do, such as designing programs.

If you are planning to obtain a Computer Programming Certification, then this guide might be of great use to you. Go through this comprehensive article to learn more about the career options and the advancement opportunities in this field. Moreover, the guide also outlines the wage statistics of professionals working in this line of work.

What Is Computer Programming?

The creative process that instructs computers how to complete pre-defined tasks is called Computer Programming. These professionals use coding languages to help computers understand the instructions. Some of the common coding languages used by programmers include C++, Python, Java, HTML, and JavaScript.

What Can You Do with a Computer Programming Certification?

A Computer Programming certification can help individuals pursue careers as:

  • Computer Programmers  
  • Computer Systems Analysts
  • Software Developers
  • Mobile Applications Developers
  • Computer and Information Systems Managers

The following section of the article outlines the salary data and employment outlook statistics for a few occupations in this field. The following figures have been taken from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Computer Programmers

These professionals develop, update, and test the script, forms, and code that enable computer applications to run. They also design software solutions and analyze user needs. Computer Programmers also develop computer programs to locate, store, and retrieve specific information, data, and documents.

Annual Median Salary, 2018


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


Annual Mean Salary, 2018


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2018



State with the Highest Salary, 2018



Computer Systems Analysts

These professionals analyze an organization’s current computer systems and suggest effective and efficient solutions in order to improve or automate the existing systems.

Annual Median Salary, 2018


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


Annual Mean Salary, 2018


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2018



State with the Highest Salary, 2018

New Jersey


Software Developers

These professionals create the systems or applications that run on a computer or other devices.

Annual Median Salary, 2018


Job Outlook, 2018-2028


BLS has further categorized this category into:

Software Developers, Applications

Annual Median Salary, 2018


Annual Mean Salary, 2018


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2018



State with the Highest Salary, 2018



Software Developers, Systems Software

Annual Median Salary, 2018


Annual Mean Salary, 2018


State with the Highest Employment Level, 2018



State with the Highest Salary, 2018



Types of Computer Programming Certifications

Computer Programming certifications are generally offered through product developers and software companies. A number of programming certifications are available in the following areas: mobile and computer application development, security software design, operating system design, animation and game design, and networking. Some of the popular certification options are listed below:

  • Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP)
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): App Builder
  • Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) Certifications
  • There are several Oracle and IBM Certifications available as well.

What to Expect from a Computer Programming Certification?

In order to get certified, programming professionals have to register and prepare for the certification exam, and are required to pass it. The certification helps students become more marketable in the competitive marketplace and enables them to demonstrate working knowledge in high-level programming languages.

How to Choose a Computer Programming Certification?

Before individuals tread on the path to obtaining a Computer Programming certification, they should ensure that the particular certification meets their professional and personal goals. Some other factors that should be considered while selecting the certification include the following: cost of the certification, specialization options, and the reputation of the certificate awarding body.

Pre-requisites for Computer Programming Certification Programs

Every certification has its own set of requirements. Advanced level certifications may require candidates to have some work experience in the field along with solid knowledge of the programming languages. However, some certifications are also designed for entry level professionals, which do not require lots of pre-requisites. Therefore, you are advised to do your research thoroughly before applying for a certification program.

How Long Does It Take to Complete a Computer Programming Certification?

Normally, the entry level certification programs do not require any pre-requisites, however, having basic or advance level knowledge with some work experience in the field gives you an edge. The duration of certification courses usually vary from course to course and also depend on the institution offering these courses (onsite/online). Typically speaking, these courses take 3 to 12 months to complete.

What Are the Requirements to Complete a Computer Programming Certification?

Majority of these certifications require students to clear one or more exams. The students have the freedom to prepare for these exams on their own terms. There are various credentialing organizations that provide students with all the training materials across the US. These courses can be taken either online or on campus.

How Much Can I Make after Completing a Computer Programming Certification?

In accordance with the 2018 data from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, a Software Developer made $105,590 per year in annual median income in 2018, whereas, a web developer earned $69,430 per year. A computer programmer however, made $84,280 per year.

Top Certifications

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Aviation Certification
Certification Computer Science

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:What are the lessons taught in the Web Applications course of Programming online diploma?

A:The Programming online diploma has dedicated lessons on Web Applications. This course stresses on development of web applications with the help of Visual Studio Editor, making web projects with the aide of ubiquitous hyperlinks as well as cascading style sheets. Students are also taught how to utilize the session objects and work on AJAX. Web page writing is one of the final lessons of this course.

Q:Could you tell me about the best programming certifications?

A:The duration for a certificate program in programming is about six months and it teaches about programming languages like C++, java or visual basic in addition to database management, basic understanding of operating systems, advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence, network security and software project management. With a bachelor's degree are allowed to enroll in a post graduate programming certificate course. This allows students the choice of specialization of their choice in areas such as networking, animation & game design, operating system design, security software design or computer and mobile application development.

Q:Is the certificate in computer programming a beneficial academic path?

A:A certificate in computer programming will allow you to work in a very lucrative field. However, if you want to make your way to a senior position you should at least look for a bachelor's degree if not an advanced degree. The advantage of a certificate program is that it can be completed in a relatively short period of time. A certification can help boost your career and act as an extra credential.

Q:Does the course schedule for the computer programming certificate allow me sufficient time for my work/ career obligations?

A:The CMS- computer programming certificate courses featuring on this website are all available online. The main advantage of online courses, for students like you, is that you determine the pace at which you undertake the course. Therefore you can tailor the course around your work and family commitments at times suitable to you.

Q:If I undertake the computer programming certificate online as opposed to a traditional, classroom-based program, will my career prospects be affected?

A:The online computer programming certificate online program has been designed so that students receiving the same standard and level of education as traditionally taught programs. The programs have been modified to enable the subjects to be taught remotely and through a computer but the content remains, largely, the same. You would find it difficult to notice the difference.

Q:Do employers regard computer programming certifications online as an inferior qualification?

A:Without investigating into your college or program, in detail, most employers would not be able to tell the difference between students who have completed their studies online or in the classroom. Course content is often exactly the same as traditionally taught programs. Finding a job very much depends on the candidate and how he or she can use the knowledge they have acquired.

Q:What are the pros of enrolling for online computer programming certificate?

A:A certificate in computer programming will allow candidates to work in a field that has a lot of exciting and lucrative opportunities. Studying online has many advantages of its own. It gives students the space to study on their own time and not worry about showing up for classes on a strict schedule.

Q:While searching for online programming certificate, I came across telecommunications certificates, what is the duration of these courses?

A:Apart from the degree programs offered in telecommunication, short courses and certificate programs are offered by schools and colleges. These courses may require about six to 12 months to complete, but for students pursuing them online, this length of time may vary. The credit hours required for these programs are 18-20. Remember that each course carries and requires its own specific number of credit hours.

Q:Do companies pay for a programming certificate for their employees?

A:Competitive organizations want their employees to stay abreast with technology updates and at times go to great lengths to arrange such courses that can help them grow. Such organizations may offer partial or full payment for a programming certificate for their valued employees. Whether the company provides financial assistance is also dependent on other factors like profile of the company, employee commitment and such reasons.

Q:Are there any disadvantages from taking a programming certificate online?

A:There are no apparent disadvantages of taking this program online: you get to study at a pace in the comfort of your own home, or workplace, at times convenient to you. Further, there is a financial advantage- an online course will save you money as there are no traveling costs.

Q:Should I go for computer programming certificate programs or for a bachelor's degree?

A:This answer to this question will depend on your personal preferences and career aspirations. A certification can be completed in a relatively shorter time period and will also be more economical as compared to a degree program. However, students who go for a degree program have better chances of career growth.

Q:If I chose to pursue an online programming certificates course, what are the future prospects of careers in the field of information technology?

A:So far in the United States alone this sector has experienced an upward growth of almost 20% per annum and it is expected to stay this way of go even higher for a long time to come. This is because, information technology is the main communication mode of the world now and trained professionals in this field are always in demand. Some of the industries professionals from this field can easy get settled into are software engineering, software development, systems administration, network management, database administration, web development, network security and communications.

Q:While looking for online programming certifications, I came across computer science certifications, how are they different?

A:Computer Science Certifications are not all that different from certifications in online programming, since both offer specialization in different aspects of their fields. They help in enhancing any professional's academic credibility and skills in terms of career enhancement. These certification programs mostly include specialization courses in programming, systems administration, software engineering, and information technology.

Q:What are some of the best programming certification online available?

A:Programming certifications give students a competitive edge in the professional field and are deemed necessary for employees by some employers in this field of work. Certification are basically just trainings in certain software and are legally approved by programming authorities. Some of the most popular certifications available in the market right now are: BEA Certification, Brainbench Certified Internet Professional (BCPIP), Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) Certifications, Macromedia MX Certifications, Oracle Certification, IBM Certification, and Microsoft Certifications.

Q:While looking for programming certifications online, I came across aviation certifications. Could you tell me who benefits from those?

A:Aviation is a highly technical and well paying career choice and people involved in aviation are required to stay up to date with the all the latest advancements in their field. This is why aviation certificate programs are pursued by only people already involved in aviation or those interested in joining this profession. These certificate programs are approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and offered by aviation schools and colleges around the country.

Q:Is there any advantage of pursuing top programming certifications from accredited institutes?

A:Yes there are certainly many advantages of enrolling in an accredited programming certificate. Accredited institutes have better teaching facilities and other provisions. So if you want to go for top programming certifications you should defiantly look for accredited institutes. In addition to this many employers also prefer to hire individuals who have acquired a certification from an accredited online school.

Q:Will a computer programming online certificate teach me all I need to know?

A:A certification program usually operates as a referesher course, or an opportunity to learn about a specific area. Therefore such programs are usually quite brief and narrow in their scope. If you are a beginner or need a comprehensive understanding, you should undertake either a bachelor program, or associate program.

Q:What kind of things can I expect to learn in a computer programming education?

A:You can expect to learn how a number of computer software, or programs, work. These can be the most popular titles but can include specific software programs. You can also learn how to write such software and how to apply software in specific instances both in the work place but at home as well.

Q:With computer programming certifications, can I improve my income level as an entry level computer programmer?

A:Yes, you can improve your income level and increase your chances of promotion by earning a certificate in this field. A certificate will reflect your level of expertise in this field and will enhance your skill set. Many people earn certificate programs to help boost their career and earning potential.

Q:Are programming certifications helpful in giving a boost to your career?

A:Programming certifications are quite helpful as they help to upgrade knowledge in specific areas. Those with certifications are always preferred when being hired as certifications are approval from authorities that you have become proficient in a particular computer language. Mostly people aim for these certifications as they are shorter and a convenient way to stay in touch with technology trends. Plus they can also enhance salary packages.

Q:What job opportunities if I enroll in programming certificate?

A:A certificate in programming will help you prepare for a career in computer programming. The program will equip you with career oriented skills and knowledge about computer programming. If you are currently working in the tech industry, a certification may help you boost your career and widen your skill set. For more information feel free to go through our page.

Q:At computer engineer schools, what different programs can I choose from?

A:There are many popular Computer engineering schools in the nation that have built repute for offering high quality programs. Although the program offerings may vary slightly from college to college, you can choose from the following min programs: associate and bachelor degree in computer engineering, masters degree in computer engineering, diploma and certifications in computer engineering.

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