Microsoft Programs

Microsoft played a significant role in making personal computers an essential part of not only businesses but also homes. Their universally known operating system, Windows, runs on millions of computers all over the world. The organization works diligently to bring innovative softwares into the market each year and is definitely a household name. They also offer Microsoft programs in the form of several certifications that add prestige to the resume of any person looking for lucrative jobs in the information technology sector. Microsoft conducts the exams but many schools and colleges offer rigorous training programs for students to appear and clear them. Moreover, many schools have also started offering online Microsoft programs that help people in training for Microsoft certifications programs while sitting at home.

Scope of Microsoft Programs
Microsoft programs consist of different level of certification exams catering to different levels of students. The certification in general information technology starts with Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA), which develops the basics of IT and computer knowledge. The next level is the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) that tests the in-depth knowledge of the IT professionals in specific technologies.  The third level consists of two certifications: Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) and Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP). These certifications are for testing the designing, developing, deploying, supporting, and optimizing skills of existing IT professionals.

Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) tests the abilities of an existing IT professional to design and implement solutions for complex business problems. The upper most level is the Microsoft Certified Architect, which is an advanced certification for architects of enterprise level information systems. Each and every certification complements a person's formal education and adds value to his/her resume. Microsoft also offers certifications for its Office Suite and Windows: Specialist, Expert, and Master. People can take advantage of the several online Microsoft programs offered by many schools and train for these certifications while working or handling their personal responsibilities.
Career Prospects
People with Microsoft programs or certifications have proof that they are specialists, masters or experts in their field. Armed with these certifications and formal degrees, they have more chances of achieving higher paying jobs. Many employers specifically require their employees to be vendor certified from companies such as Microsoft.

Frequently Asked Question(s)

Q:Can you tell me the coursework of Advanced Microsoft Word classes 20850?

A:I think by Advanced Microsoft Word classes 20850 you meant 2010. The course work consists of advance level of using Microsoft World. Some areas that will be covered in courses include, inserting graphics, charts and objects, mail merging, creating forms, introduction to macros, using referencing tools, track and merge documents, word customization and building a template.

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